
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浜貞

住所 :

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan
pasazo asakusa on Google

Ikesu fish is cooked on the spot, so it is fresh and delicious. It is always crowded and cannot enter easily.
Baka yade on Google

A well-established mass restaurant. Just cook the horse mackerel, shrimp, and shellfish in the aquarium and cook with a net. It's fresh, seasoned, and sake is good. It was a small thing to deal with the master's kitchen knife. You can enjoy it alone.
22 emerald on Google

2020.9.2 同僚と愚痴りにお邪魔した! 思ってたより汚ない店でしたが、神田はこんなもん?先客も少なく不安!メニューも見にくいし、悩みましたが、岩牡蠣、ごまさば、うに、穴子天をオーダー♪お通しか甘エビ2尾と鰹の刺身2切れ!殻つきの甘エビを自分で剥くのも久々で、美味かった!ごまさばはイメージとしては博多で食う胡麻風味のもんを想像してましたが、魚種がごまさばて、ごまさばのタタキ的なもんでした。思ってたもんとは違いましたが、これはこれで美味しかったです。岩牡蠣は特大でして、マジでデカイ!初めて出会うサイズでした!一口で食えるサイズでは無く、一口づつかじるのですが、濃厚で美味かったです!薬味の紅葉おろしが辛い!穴子の天麩羅は野菜もついてて良かったです。ウニも普通に美味しかったです。汚ない店にしては、予想外に美味しかったです!しかし本当に全部のメニュー作れるのかな!? 残念ながら21時半でクーラー切られて、店内どんどん熱くなります。コロナ対策で22時閉店なんは理解できるけど、客まだおるんやから、最期迄快適に過ごせる様にして欲しいもんである。それか無ければ☆3つでした。 では、ご馳走様でした。
2020.9.2 I disturbed my colleague and complaining! It was a dirty shop than I expected, but is Kanda like this? There are few customers and I am worried! The menu was hard to see and I was worried, but I ordered rock oysters, blue mackerel, sea urchin, and anakoten ♪ Two sashimi or sweet shrimp and two slices of bonito sashimi! It's been a while since I peeled the pink shrimp with shells myself, and it was delicious! As an image of blue mackerel, I imagined a sesame-flavored monk that was eaten in Hakata, but the fish species were sesame mackerel, and it was a tataki-like sesame mackerel. It wasn't what I expected, but it was delicious. The rock oysters are oversized and really big! It was the size I met for the first time! It's not a size that can be eaten with a bite, but it's grabbed bit by bit, but it was rich and delicious! Grated radish with condiments is spicy! It was good that the conger eel tempura also had vegetables. The sea urchin was also delicious. It was unexpectedly delicious for a dirty shop! But can I really make the whole menu! ?? Unfortunately, the cooler was cut off at 21:30, and the inside of the store became hotter and hotter. I understand that the store closes at 22:00 as a measure against corona, but I want you to be able to spend comfortably until the end because there are still customers. Without it, there were three ☆. Then, it was a treat.
S U on Google

神田といえば安くてうまい呑み屋の連なるサラリーマンの天国、しかしいかんせんタバコの煙が…なんて理由で敬遠していた皆様。 コロナウイルスの影響で周知こそ進んでいませんが、実は4月から東京の結構な数の飲食店が禁煙になっており、神田駅前もその例外ではありません。タバコの臭いに邪魔されず純粋に食事を楽しみたいと思っていた方には朗報かと。 さて、タバコの煙が邪魔して入リづらかった店の代表格であった浜貞さんですが、神田駅前には策を弄して喫煙可のままにしようとする店も多い中、すっぱりと禁煙に踏み切られており、その英断には頭が下がる限り。 生簀から上げたばかりの活刺身を中心にうまいメニューのオンパレード、しかも神田価格です。食べ終えたあとも跳ね続ける活鯵刺し、パリッと揚がった帆立、焼色宜しい天然鮎。活刺しの後には骨揚げまでついてきますよ! 神田で飲みたい時にはぜひ!
Speaking of Kanda, it's a paradise for office workers who are cheap and delicious, but everyone who was shunned because of the smoke of cigarettes. Although it has not been widely known due to the influence of the coronavirus, in fact, a considerable number of restaurants in Tokyo have been banned from smoking since April, and Kanda station square is no exception. Good news for those who just wanted to enjoy their meal without being disturbed by the smell of tobacco. By the way, Mr. Hama Sada, who was the representative of the store that was difficult to enter due to the smoke of cigarettes, is refreshing while there are many stores in front of Kanda station trying to keep smoking allowed. As long as you have decided to quit smoking and your mind is down to that decision. An on-parade with a delicious menu centered on live sashimi that has just been picked up from a cage, and at the Kanda price. Live horse mackerel sashimi that keeps bouncing even after eating, crispy scallops, and natural sweetfish with a nice grilled color. After the sashimi, it comes with fried bones! By all means when you want to drink in Kanda!
Iūnius on Google

ちょっと怖いおばちゃまと寡黙な大将、そして日本語の達者な店員さんたち。 決して綺麗なお店ではありませんが、どのメニューも美味しかったです。 大ぶりの身がぎっしりぷくぷく詰まったアサリのお味噌汁はイチオシです。 お通しにはボリュームあり過ぎの天ぷら盛り合わせ! ご馳走さまでした。
A little scary aunt, a quiet general, and clerk who is fluent in Japanese. It's not a beautiful restaurant, but all the menus were delicious. The miso soup of clams, which is packed with large meat, is recommended. Assorted tempura with too much volume for izakaya! It was a feast.
日置学 on Google

Bottled beer is Sapporo Akaboshi ❗ Deep-fried Mexicali and sashimi of ark shell. Bliss ✨
Takeshi W on Google

Very authentic Japanese local food at an affordable price.
Fumi Shingai on Google

They take only cash but this seafood restaurant is brilliant! The restaurant looks very old fashioned but meals are fabulous! They have a tank of water where live fishes are running. They cook Sashimi from the live ones. That is soooo fresh. It is always very crowded.

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