
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 赤兵衛

住所 :

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan
Hiro M on Google

2件目はしごで訪れました。 美味しい日本酒が飲める。 〆鯖がとっても美味しくておかわりしたくなりました。
I visited the second ladder. You can drink delicious sake. I really wanted to take care of the salmon.
N.Donsuke on Google

話好きな店主は、人柄の良さが全力で伝わってくるが癖が強め。 店主こだわりの日本酒と、出汁や燻製にこだわったつまみ。詳しくは店主が語ってくれるハズ。 一度体験すると何故かハマる不思議な店。
The owner of the shop, who loves to talk, is able to convey his good personality with all his might, but has a strong habit. Sake that sticks to the owner, and snacks that focus on soup and smoked sake. For details, the shopkeeper tells you. A mysterious store where you will be addicted to it once you experience it.
L P on Google

店主こだわりの料理がどれも美味しい。いい意味で家庭の味というか、手作り感があるので体に染み渡ります。 西京焼きの鳥もジューシーで美味しいし、ブリも脂が持っていてすごく美味しかったです。 お鍋も野菜たっぷりで、豚に出汁がしみている。 店主ともコミュニケーションも良かったです。
All of the owner ’s favorite dishes are delicious. It tastes like a home taste in a good sense, and it has a handmade feeling so it can penetrate your body. The Saikyo-yaki bird was juicy and delicious, and the yellowtail also had fat, so it was delicious. The pot is also full of vegetables, and the soup is soaked in the pork. Communication with the store owner was also good.
ryuさんryuさん on Google

3年間、神田勤務をしている時期に見つけたお店で、個人的に神田で一番好きなお店です。 なかなか飲めない日本酒が飲めます。 しめ鯖が絶品です。赤兵衛に来たらいつも頼みます。 個人的には冬は暖かい筑前煮が好きです。
I found this shop while working in Kanda for 3 years, and I personally like it the most in Kanda. You can drink sake that is difficult to drink. The mackerel is excellent. I always ask when I come to Akabei. Personally, I like warm Chikuzen-ni in winter.
マエダしんご on Google

日本酒と創作料理がとても旨い。 神田駅周辺で一番だった。 店の大将が全国の酒蔵を回って 稀少で出回らない酒を出している。 日本酒好き(マニア)の人たちが集まっていて、交流も深められた。 料理も日本酒に合うような独自のものが多い。 出汁やタレの味にこだわりを感じた。 一人で店に行ったが、カウンターもあって大将との話しも楽しめた。 日本酒が好きな人は絶対に行くべき店。
Sake and creative dishes are very delicious. It was the best around Kanda station. The general of the store goes around the sake breweries all over the country It serves rare and uncircular liquor. People who like sake (maniacs) gathered and exchanges were deepened. Many of the dishes are unique and go well with sake. I felt particular about the taste of the soup stock and sauce. I went to the store alone, but there was a counter and I enjoyed talking with the general. If you like sake, you should definitely go there.
みんみんみんみん on Google

珍しい日本酒が揃っていてとても美味しいです。 心のこもった美味しい料理も。 個人的に奈良漬け(関東風にご主人が作ってくれた)がお酒によく合います。 是非また来たいお店です。
It has rare sake and is very delicious. Delicious and hearty food. Personally, Narazuke (made by my husband in the Kanto style) goes well with sake. This is a shop I definitely want to visit again.
Y1 Y2 on Google

一人飲みで入ってみました。料理はこだわりの素材と調理で美味しいと思いましたが、いかんせん量が多い。青森産のしめ鯖は醤油を漬けず山葵だけで、合鴨燻製は時間がかかるけど美味しいよ、とか丁寧で明るい接客にはとても好感を持てるのだけど、一品1千円以上でかつ量が一人で食べるには多すぎます!最低でも二人、できれば三人いた方が色々食べられます。酒は聞いたことのない酒を出してくれてお燗を頼んだら、湯ぬる燗や人肌燗にしてくれて嬉しかった!先客やその後に合流した客はテレビ関係の人らしくその手の話で盛り上がってました。大将も似た世界で脱サラしてこのしようばいをやっているようです。 後からやってきた1人客はしめ鯖と日本酒でしっとり飲んでました。ビールは金麦で350mlジョッキで500円ですが、料理と同時注文で200円になるシステム!笑っちゃいます!酎ハイなど日本酒以外に興味がなさそうです。徳利一本が千円しました。ある意味、好きな人にはたまらない酒場。何じゃここは!と言う人もいそうです、でも、目立たない二階にあるので大丈夫かも?大将1人で切り盛りしているので、水はセルフ、見えない席には呼び鈴あり、こんな時に来てくれてありがとうというお礼の言葉で出迎えられました。良い店です。
I went in by drinking alone. I thought the food was delicious with the ingredients and cooking, but there was a lot of food. Smoked mackerel from Aomori is made only with wasabi without soy sauce, and smoked duck is delicious though it takes time. Too many! At least two people, preferably three people, can eat a lot. As for sake, I was glad that he served me a sake I had never heard of and asked for a kanzake, and then made it a lukewarm kanzake or a human skin kanzake! The first customers and the customers who joined after that seemed to be TV-related people, and they were excited about that kind of story. It seems that the general is doing this in a similar world. One customer who came later drank moist with mackerel and sake. Beer is 500 yen for a 350 ml mug of gold wheat, but it is a system that costs 200 yen when ordered at the same time as cooking! I'm laughing! I don't seem to be interested in anything other than sake such as chuhai. One sake bottle has cost 1,000 yen. In a sense, a bar that is irresistible to those who like it. What's up here! Some people say that, but it's on the second floor, which is inconspicuous, so maybe it's okay? Since the general is working alone, the water is self-contained, and there is a doorbell in the invisible seat, and I was greeted with a thank-you note for coming at such a time. It's a good store.
fumie ishikawa on Google

Good Japanese sake and fresh sashimi.

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