Tsunashima Well Clinic - Yokohama

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsunashima Well Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-2-13 Tsunashimahigashi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 223-0052
Webサイト : http://www.tsunashima-well.jp/

1 Chome-2-13 Tsunashimahigashi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0052, Japan
森坂岳登 on Google

The receptionist's attitude is bad. Prepaid on the spot without confirming with the doctor for the request. Without standing up, he said, "I'm not doing it at home."
field mustard on Google

久しぶりに行こうと思ってレビューみてびっくり! 確かに診察は割とあっさり終わるけど薬の希望とかも聞いてくれてありがたいです。 医療関係者だったら気にならないレベルかも。
I was surprised to see the review because I thought I would go there after a long time! It's true that the medical examination is fairly easy, but I'm grateful to hear about your wishes for medicine. It may not be a concern if you are a medical professional.
Jun O on Google

確かにスピーディではあります。駅の改札機通るくらい。 ゆっくり話を聞いてもらいたい患者さんには向かないかもしれません。 症状は手短にスパンと話した方が良いかも。 でも、咳が止まらなくて寝れず本当に困ってたとき(コロナ禍よりずいぶん前の話です)、ここの先生が処方してくれた薬がすごく効きました。 それ以来たまにお世話になってます。 受付の方もも看護師さんも私はとくに何か感じたことはなく普通だと思うのですが・・・。 確かにインフルの予防接種のときも、診察室入って2秒くらいで終わりましたけど笑。まあこういう感じの先生なのかなと。
It's certainly speedy. As much as passing through the ticket gate at the station. It may not be suitable for patients who want to listen slowly. It may be better to briefly talk to Span about the symptoms. However, when I was really in trouble because I couldn't stop coughing (a long time before the corona sickness), the medicine prescribed by the teacher here worked very well. I have been indebted occasionally since then. Neither the receptionist nor the nurse felt anything in particular, and I think it's normal. Certainly, even when I was vaccinated against influenza, it took about 2 seconds to enter the examination room, but lol. I wonder if he is a teacher like this.
クロハ on Google

The telephone response at the reception is polite and terrible. At the end, I immediately cut the gacha with the attitude that I just wanted to cut it very quickly.
ダンスDai学 on Google

なんでこんなに評価低いよかなーって思ってたけど、受診すれば納得です。 受付は無愛想、医者に限っては、患者ではなく、人の形をしたモノと喋ってる感じですね。決めつけがすごいw まー、こんな小さいとこで来る人を診てる環境だから、そうなっちゃうんだろうなと。 彼らのせいではなく、環境のせいだと思えば、少しは可哀想に思えて気が楽になりますよ。
I was wondering why the evaluation was so low, but I'm convinced if I have a medical examination. The receptionist is unfriendly, and as far as the doctor is concerned, it feels like he's talking about something in the shape of a person, not a patient. The branding is amazing w Well, I wonder if that would happen because it's an environment where people are being examined in such a small place. If you think it's not their fault, but the environment, it feels a little pitiful and makes you feel better.
高木亜実 on Google

受付の態度が悪い人がいて、先生が淡白です。 喉の痛みと頭痛、倦怠感でこちらの病院にかかりました。 前日に風邪症状があるとお伝えした時の受付の人はすごく態度が悪くて他の病院に変えようかとも思ったのですが急遽だったためそのまま通院。 当日、受付に別の方がいてその人はとても丁寧に対応してくださいました。当たりハズレが大きい。。 先生もサッと診察してくださいました。 親身になって欲しい、という方には向かない病院ですが診てもらう分には問題ないかと思います。 ただ、コロナの検査で鼻に綿棒みたいなのを入れたのですがものすごいグリグリされて痛かったです。
There is a person who has a bad attitude at the reception, and the teacher is pale. I went to this hospital because of sore throat, headache, and fatigue. When I told him that I had a cold the day before, the receptionist had a very bad attitude and thought about changing to another hospital, but I was in a hurry so I went to the hospital as it was. There was another person at the reception on the day, and that person responded very politely. The hit loss is large. .. The teacher also gave me a quick medical examination. This hospital is not suitable for those who want to be friendly, but I think there is no problem with getting a medical examination. However, when I checked the corona, I put something like a cotton swab in my nose, but it was terribly muffled and hurt.
ああああああ on Google

半年通いましたがニキビはよくなりませんでした。 全然よくならないので2週間分の抗生物質がなくなるころに合わせて通っていたら「抗生物質を飲みすぎると効かなくなりますよ」と一言。 え??じゃあどうしたら治りますか?と聞くと「生活を整えろ」と言われました。整えているのに治らないから診察へきているのです。 結局その時も抗生物質を処方されたのですが、ほかの治療法は提案してもらえませんでした。 効かなくなると言いながら、なぜ抗生物質を処方するんでしょうか?ほかに方法がないなら、うちでは診れませんとはっきり断るべきだと思います。通わせたかったのでしょうか? 仕方がないので別の病院にいったらホルモンバランスの関係もある、と言われ婦人科でピルを処方してもらったら綺麗になりました。 特に検査などもなく、なんなら肌すら診ずに、「ニキビが酷い?じゃあビタミンと抗生物質出すから」で終了する皮膚科なので通っても意味がないし、頼りにならないクリニックです。お金も時間も無駄なので、絶対に別のところに通ったほうがいいです。
I went there for half a year, but my acne didn't improve. It doesn't improve at all, so if I go there when I run out of antibiotics for two weeks, I say, "If you take too much antibiotics, it won't work." e? ?? Then how can I be cured? I was told to "prepare my life". I'm coming to see the doctor because it doesn't heal even though I've prepared it. After all, I was prescribed antibiotics at that time, but no other treatment was suggested. Why prescribe antibiotics while saying they won't work? If there is no other way, I think we should definitely say that we can't see it. Did you want to let them go? I couldn't help it, so when I went to another hospital, I was told that there was a relationship with hormone balance, and when I was prescribed a pill at the gynecology department, it became beautiful. It's a dermatology clinic that doesn't have any particular tests and doesn't even look at the skin, and ends with "Is the acne terrible? Then I'll give you vitamins and antibiotics." It's a waste of money and time, so you should definitely go elsewhere.
mc. mac on Google

5年ほど通っていますがとてもいい所です。 受付も担当の先生も対応が素晴らしく、聞きたい話があれば丁寧に答えてくれます。
I've been there for about 5 years and it's a very nice place. The receptionist and the teacher in charge are very responsive, and if there is a story you want to hear, they will answer politely.

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