そば処 永源

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 永源

住所 :

Tsukunoshimo Shinden, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6773 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877777
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Niigata

Tsukunoshimo Shinden, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6773 Niigata,Japan
しましま on Google

混んでましたが、親切で丁寧でなおかつ美味しかったです。 旅行中3軒で「へぎ蕎麦」を食べましたが、ここが一番美味しかったです。
It was crowded, but it was kind, polite and delicious. I ate "Hegi Soba" at 3 restaurants during the trip, and this was the most delicious.
菊池通 on Google

たまたま入った店だけど、美味しいと思った。 入ってすぐにお店の人の感じの良さを無意識に感じと取れました☺ 頼んだのは、蕎麦とうどんの両方を楽しめる合もりせいろともつたっぷりのもつ煮込み、どちらも絶品でした。
It happened to be a store, but I thought it was delicious. Immediately after entering, I was able to unconsciously feel the goodness of the people in the shop. What I asked for was a superb sauce with plenty of noodles and plenty of stew, so you could enjoy both soba and udon.
ビビデバビデブー on Google

南魚沼市に立ち寄った際に、評判の良い永源さんに初めて伺い、昼食をとりました。 お店の前の駐車場はそれほど広くありませんが、お昼時間にはほぼ満車状態になります。 お店に入ると、カウンター、テーブル席そして小上がり席があります。今日は一人だったのでカウンター席に案内されました。 『天ざるそば』を注文しました。 頂いたお茶を飲みながらしばらくすると、ボリューム感のあるお蕎麦と天ぷらが到着。 お蕎麦は布海苔を使っており、香りと喉越しが良いとても美味しいお蕎麦です。 大きなえび天、季節の山菜など彩り豊な天ぷらが食欲を駆り立て、あっという間に完食。そば湯もおいしく頂きました。 そば湯を飲みながら何気なく、カウンターに置いてある卓上カレンダーを見ると、なんと点字対応。 お店の小さな気遣いにも関心し、気持ち良く目的地に向かいました。 また伺います!
When I stopped in Minami Uonuma City, I visited Mr. Eiji, who has a good reputation for the first time, and had lunch. The parking lot in front of the shop is not very large, but it will be almost full at lunchtime. When you enter the shop, you will find a counter, a table seat and a small seat. I was guided to the counter because I was alone today. I ordered "Tenzaru Soba". After a while with the tea I had received, a hearty soba and tempura arrived. Soba is made of seaweed and is a very delicious soba with good aroma and throat. Great shrimp tempura, seasonal greens and other colorful tempura provoke the appetite, and it's finished quickly. Soba hot water was also delicious. If you look at the desk calendar placed on the counter casually while drinking soba hot water, it corresponds to Braille. I was also interested in the small concern of the store, and I headed to the destination comfortably. See you again!
みきMiki on Google

The soba noodles that were well served were chewy and the tempura was crispy, and this was the soba noodles from the soba restaurant \ (^ o ^) / The stewed motsuni was also delicious ? My grandmother who went to the store was also grateful that she could sit comfortably ? I came to the store on Saturday afternoon, and customers were constantly coming to the store ?
土田知 on Google

六日町では評価の高い蕎麦屋さんです。 久しぶりに訪れましたがーほぼ満席でした。 定番の「ざるそば」をオーダー 相変わらずレベルの高い布海苔蕎麦です。
It is a soba restaurant that is highly evaluated in Muikamachi. I visited for the first time in a long time, but it was almost full. Order the classic "Zaru soba" It is a high level cloth seaweed soba as usual.
佐藤智法 on Google

It's a delicious soba restaurant! !! The katsudon here is pretty delicious! !!
100本 on Google

温かい天ぷらそばを頂きました。麺は 細麺で好みはあると思いますが天ぷらは 熱々でつゆの味付けも適度で美味しく頂きました。ごちそうさまでした。
I had a warm tempura soba. The noodles I think you have a taste for thin noodles, but tempura It was hot and the seasoning of the soup was moderate and delicious. Thank you for the meal.
よしよし on Google

天ざるそばの大盛を頂きました! 天ぷらがサクサクで、ごま油の香り豊かな仕上がりです。そばは布海苔つなぎのコシ強め、つゆも出汁の効いた美味しいつゆでした。最後の方、ざるに水が溜まって水っぽくなってしまって残念でした。 おかあさんの接客が優しく柔らかで非常に居心地良かったです?
I received a large serving of Tenzaru soba! The tempura is crispy and the finish is rich in the scent of sesame oil. The soba was a delicious soup with a strong soup stock and a soup stock. Towards the end, it was a pity that the water had accumulated and became watery. Mom's customer service was kind, soft and very comfortable ?

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