Kandatsu Hospital - Tsuchiura

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kandatsu Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-11-2 Kandatsuchuo, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Postal code : 300-0011
Webサイト : http://www.seisyuukai.com/kandatsu/

5 Chome-11-2 Kandatsuchuo, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0011, Japan
ナオト全力全開 on Google

Around 2000, I was a local town doctor, but around 2019 I am working hard at home medical care. The group is indispensable to the gods, such as nursing care facilities, home support centers, entrusted comprehensive support centers. The impression is that there are many pleasant staff.
Ji Zy on Google

I used it at the human dock. We cannot deny that it is aging, but everyone is kind to us. It is unavoidable that the waiting space is small due to the corona disaster.
TyiTyi haru on Google

頭痛と腹痛で診察に行ったら向かいの使われていない診療所に待たされ何事かと思ったらコロナだと思われたらしく(熱も咳もなく三密してないと事前に書いたにも関わらず)そこで軽く診察して病院内に戻りさらに診察して会計まで4、5時間ほどの時間がかかりました。 今回はコロナの関係上仕方ないかもしれませんがここはほぼ老人の方しかいないので若い方は事故等の大怪我以外は非常に時間がかかるので他を検討した方が良いかもしれません。
When I went to see a doctor with a headache and abdominal pain, I was kept waiting at an unused clinic across the street, and when I thought about something, it seemed to be Corona (despite writing in advance that I had no fever or cough and I wasn't confused). There, I had a light examination, returned to the hospital, and had another examination, and it took about four to five hours to complete the checkout. This time it may be unavoidable due to corona, but since there are almost only old people here, young people will take a lot of time except for serious injuries such as accidents, so it may be better to consider other things.
湖派フライマン飯村 on Google

It is a general hospital. Everyone will be kind to you.
kurohyou edono on Google

一部の看護士のおばさんが態度かデカくて感じ悪い。 事前案内が不十分な事を本人のせいにして、遠回しに恥をかかせていた。 もう行かないだろうけど、こんどやったら名札見てやる。 掃除のお姉さんや道案内のお兄さんは、とても親切でしたので加点しときます。
Some nurses' aunts have a big attitude or feel bad. He blamed himself for the lack of advance guidance and was ashamed of the detour. I won't go anymore, but if I do this, I'll look at the name tag. The cleaning sister and the guide brother were very kind, so I will add points.
りんごりんご on Google

When I visited because it was easy for me to get dizzy, numbness, dark vision and suffocation in the morning, I was taken to the internal medicine department because I had not done neurosurgery that day. There I was diagnosed with panic disorder. However, because my friend had a panic disorder and I had researched it carefully, I could hardly think that I had a panic disorder in the information. It's not that my mind isn't stable, and I don't have any particular instability on a daily basis. Even if I was told to give medicine, it was not good to take it even though there was nothing, so I refused. The teacher was an elderly person. I visited another hospital at a later date, and the teachers at both hospitals were diagnosed with anemia. It's easy to get anemia and fall down. It has been improving little by little since I started receiving medicine and advice. I didn't have to take any medicine because I believed it was a panic disorder at that time. Some people may have improved it, but I could only think of him as a quack doctor. I recommend another hospital.
R T on Google

交通事故で運ばれてこの病院に行きましたが最悪でした。 まず先生は年寄りすぎて何言ってるか分からない、通訳の女性が横にいる状態でした。 ひどいむち打ちで動くのもつらいにも関わらずコルセットすら出してくれません。 一緒に事故に遭った家族は胸の痛みを訴えていたのですが「打ち身ですね。」で終わり、後日他の病院で骨折と診断されました。最初から信用出来ず転院するために紹介状を依頼したら「2週間かかります。」と…どんな事務作業をしたらそんなに時間がかかるのでしょうか? 救急車で運ばれる際には絶対にこの病院は拒否することをオススメします。
I was taken by a traffic accident and went to this hospital, but it was the worst. First of all, the teacher was too old to understand what he was saying, and there was a female interpreter next to him. Even though it's hard to move with a terrible whiplash, it doesn't even put out a corset. A family member who had an accident with him complained of chest pain, but ended up with "It's a bruise." He was later diagnosed with a fracture at another hospital. I couldn't trust it from the beginning, and when I asked for a letter of introduction to transfer to another hospital, I said, "It will take two weeks." We strongly recommend that you refuse this hospital when you are carried by ambulance.
自分探し on Google

人生最大の骨折。出先から救急車て運ばれて手術。激痛と混乱で死ぬのか?と思ってましたが、こちらの病院で救われました。1ヶ月以上の入院生活で医師、看護師、リハビリスタッフ他、素晴らしい方々のお陰で退院できました。高齢の患者さんに対しても、人格を否定することなく積極的な声掛けと介護する様子には敬服致しました。 経営が、昔有った有名な事件の刑事さんの一族と知り感謝の気持ちはひとしおでした。
The biggest fracture in my life. Surgery was carried by an ambulance from wherever he was. Will you die from severe pain and confusion? I thought, but I was saved at this hospital. After being hospitalized for more than a month, I was able to leave the hospital thanks to doctors, nurses, rehabilitation staff, and other wonderful people. Even for elderly patients, I admire the positive voice and long-term care without denying their personality. I was grateful to know that the management was a clan of a detective in a famous case that had existed in the past.

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