自転車やりんりん 中央店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自転車やりんりん 中央店

住所 :

Tsukishima, Chuo City, 〒104-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://www.e-bwc.net/page/tukuda.html
街 : Tokyo

Tsukishima, Chuo City, 〒104-0052 Tokyo,Japan
スティーブン on Google

It was free, so he repaired the punk in 15 minutes. Thank you very much.
E on Google

I was kindly asked to repair the flat tire. I am happy that business hours are a little earlier.
Nissy on Google

修理速度がピカイチでした。 会話してるうちにサクッと終わってしまいました。気遣いも素晴らしかったです。
The repair speed was perfect. It ended quickly while I was having a conversation. The concern was also great.
Hamutarou Monnaka on Google

相生橋詰にあった頃のほうが家から近かったですが... シフトワイヤーが切れたため、修理をしていただきました(1時間程の預かり)。ついでに、異音がする部分も診て頂き、直してもらいました。愛想も良いスタッフの皆さんです。
It was closer to my house when I was in Aioi Hashizume, but ... The shift wire was broken, so I had it repaired (keeping it for about an hour). By the way, I asked him to check the part that made a strange noise and fix it. The staff are very friendly.
もやし on Google

チェーンが滑るので見てもらいたくて持ってきました。 少しギヤの様子を見て、古くてガタがきてるからお金かかるとの事 いくら位と聞くと、答えず ギヤがどうのと言い始める 余りお金かけない方が良いですよと、普段使ってない段速のギヤなら多分大丈夫との事でしたが、ガタつく旨を伝えたら そこは調整しました 安心して乗ったら全然ガタつくので、帰って欲しかったようです 2度と利用しません
I brought it because the chain slips so I want to see it. Looking at the state of the gear for a while, it is said that it costs money because it is old and loose No answer when asked how much Start to say what the gear is It was said that it is better not to spend too much money, if it is a gear with a speed that is not normally used, it is probably okay, but if you tell me that it will rattle Adjusted there If you ride with confidence, it will rattle at all, so it seems that you wanted to go home I will never use it again
Tossy on Google

このエリアで自転車屋なら、この店で間違いないでしょう。 先日は子供の補助輪を外しスタンドをつけに行ってきましたが、迅速かつ丁寧な対応で助かりました。子供にもパイプ椅子を用意してくれ「15分くらいお待ちください」と言われましたが実際は10分も関わらずスピード仕上げ。子供は自転車屋さんの普段見ない工具と素早い交換作業を食い入るように見ていて、いい社会勉強になりました。料金はスタンド購入費込みで1200-1500円位、リーズナブルです。(記憶曖昧で申し訳ないですが、定価のようなので気になれば事前に確認できると思いましす)。
If you're a bike shop in this area, you'll be right here. The other day, I went to remove the auxiliary wheels of my child and put on a stand, but I was saved by the prompt and courteous response. I was told to prepare a pipe chair for children, but I was told "please wait for about 15 minutes", but in reality it was 10 minutes, but speed finishing was done. The children enjoyed learning about the society by observing the tools and quick exchange work that the bicycle shop does not normally see. The price is reasonable, around 1200-1500 yen including the stand purchase cost. (I'm sorry for the ambiguous memory, but it seems like it's a fixed price so I can confirm it in advance if I'm interested).
Yuka Watanabe on Google

お兄さんが怖い。 お店が混んでるタイミングだったのか、初っ端から半ギレで対応されました。 比較的空いてる時間に改めて来ようと思い聞くも、わからない との返答。マスクを付けているのもあり何度か聞き取れず聞き返すと怒鳴るような口調でとにかく怖かった。 自転車で行って15分ほど先にある門前仲町店へ行き修理して頂きました。
I'm scared of my brother. Perhaps it was the timing when the shops were crowded, it was handled halfway from the beginning. I asked him to come again in a relatively free time, but he answered that he did not understand. Because I was wearing a mask, I couldn't hear it several times, and when I listened back, I was scared with a yelling tone. I went by bicycle and went to the Monzennakacho store, which is about 15 minutes away, to have it repaired.
13 Syn on Google

The tires are worn out too much and I asked for a tire change. They were very nice people and the finish was quicker than anything else.

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