Tsukimi boulder - Yamanashi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukimi boulder

住所 :

Mitomitokuwa, Yamanashi, 404-0205, Japan

Postal code : 404-0205

Mitomitokuwa, Yamanashi, 404-0205, Japan
whiskey nao on Google

It is a large rock at the junction.
幕張まっせT on Google

When you climb the forest area for about 2 hours, the sky suddenly opens and the blue sky and the grassland spread in front of you. And looking back, Mt. Fuji was above the clouds and it was a very pleasant place.
ミキャット on Google

乾徳山に向かう途中の草原の中にある大きな岩。 まわりは黄色い草原、遠くに富士山が見えてなんとも良いところです。 夜までいたことないのですが月がキレイに見えるのでしょうか?
A large rock in the meadow on the way to Mt. The surrounding area is a yellow meadow, and Mt. Fuji can be seen in the distance. I have not been to the night, but the moon looks beautiful?
Yoshitaka Ko! on Google

When you climb up, the grasslands and Mt. Fuji spread out and it feels good. The photo is from Tsukimiiwa. ,
ichicou High.B on Google

富士山と南アルプス山脈か正面に見えて 言葉にならない 暫くうっとりしてしまった 岩も高原にぽつんとありいいわー
Mt. Fuji and the Southern Alps It doesn't become a word Rocks are also in the highlands
齋藤博幸 on Google

この場所は言わずと知れた好展望 エリア。2時間近くの樹林帯歩きで 疲れた頃に現れるオアシス。 山頂も良いですが、月見岩での 休憩もお薦めです。 登頂したこの日は 木々は紅葉して甲府盆地は雲海に 覆われ 雪化粧した富士山に 出逢えました。
This place is a good prospect area. Walking in a forest zone for nearly 2 hours An oasis that appears when you are tired. The summit is good, but at the moon rock A break is also recommended. The day we climbed The trees turn red and the Kofu Basin is in the sea of ​​clouds Mt. Fuji covered with snow I met you.
akihiro u on Google

乾徳山の登山道の途中に広がる草原。晴れていると富士山も見えて休憩スポットとしてよい場所です。月見岩は、登ることもできます。岩の上から見る富士山もきれいです。 避難小屋から月見岩の間の樹林帯には鹿がよく姿を見せます。 月見岩から乾徳山の山頂に向かうルートには、たくさんの岩があって、鎖がついてます。
A grassland that spreads along the mountain trail of Mt. Kentoku. When it's sunny, you can see Mt. Fuji and it's a good place to rest. Tsukimi-iwa can also be climbed. Mt. Fuji seen from the top of the rock is also beautiful. Deer often appear in the forest zone between the evacuation hut and Tsukimi-iwa. There are many rocks and chains on the route from Tsukimi-iwa to the summit of Mt. Kentoku.
K. Nis on Google

A big rock which you can sit on and rest. You can view Mt. Fuji and Kofu City from around this place. The name Tsukimi-iwa basically means the rock is a good point for observing the moon.

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