奥多摩 鶴の湯温泉 源泉

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奥多摩 鶴の湯温泉 源泉

住所 :

Hara, Okutama, Tokyo, Nishitama District, 〒198-0223 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : http://ogouchi.tokyo.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Hara, Okutama, Tokyo, Nishitama District, 〒198-0223 Tokyo,Japan
yoichi kitsugi on Google

Hot water has stopped coming out after the 3.11 earthquake. Until then, there was water that felt like a hot spring in the mountains with the scent of sulfur. I was able to wash my face and refresh myself while cycling.
キムカツ on Google

It was dead as of September 20, 2021.
エムリオ on Google

The source is stopped. There is only a bus stop called "Women's Bath". There was a guide map around Lake Okutama.
e2ring okutama on Google

小河内貯水池湛水に伴い水没した旧小河内村の温泉、鶴の湯がポンプアップされている場所です(正確には、鶴の湯、鹿の湯、ムシの湯の三源泉の混合。成分はオリジナルの鶴の湯とほぼ同じ)。 フェンスで囲まれた場所がポンプ場で、83mの湖底から温泉をくみ上げています。ここでタンクローリーに給湯。近隣の宿へ配湯されています。 フェンス外には岩の桶に向かって温泉がチョロチョロと流れ出る装置がありますが、枯れて(止めて?)いることが多いらしく、お湯が出ているところはあまり見られません。 ちなみに、水没した源泉はもう少し東側です。この場所から青梅街道を東へ向かい、直近の鶴の湯トンネルを抜けた場所から、湖に向かって左の尾根の先辺りだったそうです。
Okochi Reservoir This is the place where Tsurunoyu, a hot spring in the former Okochi Village that was submerged due to the flooding, is being pumped up (accurately, it is a mixture of the three source springs of Tsuru no Yu, Shika no Yu and Musi no Yu. Almost the same as Tsurunoyu). The area surrounded by the fence is the pumping station, which pumps hot springs from the bottom of the lake of 83 m. Hot water is supplied to the tank truck here. Hot water is distributed to a nearby inn. There is a hot spring device outside the fence toward the rock trough, but it seems that it often withers (stops?), so you can hardly see the hot water. By the way, the submerged source is a little further east. From this place, heading east along the Ome Kaido, passing through the nearest Tsurunoyu Tunnel, it seems that it was near the left ridge toward the lake.
7 77 on Google

車が何台か駐車出来る場所ですが… 2021/11/19に通ったら猿が10匹ぐらい居ました。 老人の方三人で車から降りて、猿と写真を撮ってました。 野生の猿は、本当に危険なので絶対に止めて下さい。子供や小柄な大人の女性には、襲いかかります。 何度か助けた事も有ります。 車が駐車出来て、奥多摩湖の風景を見れる場所なので気を付けて楽しんで下さい。
It's a place where you can park some cars ... When I went to 2021/11/19, there were about 10 monkeys. Three old men got out of the car and took pictures with the monkeys. Wild monkeys are really dangerous, so please stop them. It attacks children and petite adult females. I have helped several times. It is a place where you can park your car and see the scenery of Lake Okutama, so please be careful and enjoy yourself.
K Jon on Google

奥多摩鶴の湯温泉源泉 奥多摩町自然文化百選94 滝があったが、今は源泉が出ている様子はない 鶴の湯トンネルを出てすぐのところにある 近くには有名なラーメン屋「のんきや」がある
Okutama Tsuru no Yu Onsen source Okutama Town 100 Selections of Natural Culture 94 There was a waterfall, but now it doesn't seem to have a source Just outside the Tsuru no Yu tunnel There is a famous ramen shop "Nonkiya" nearby
Merry Pangaribuan on Google

This is the place that nobody's recommend to stop if you're passing Lake Okutama. There is a stair to go down from the road between tunnel.
M P on Google

This is the place that nobody's recommend to stop if you're passing Lake Okutama. There is a stair to go down from the road between tunnel.

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