
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とん㐂

住所 :

Tsukiji, Chuo City, 〒104-0045 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Tsukiji, Chuo City, 〒104-0045 Tokyo,Japan
根本泰成 on Google

A pork cutlet specialty store in the basement of the building next to the Shochiku building. Menchi cutlet has a good reputation, so I will add it to the roast cutlet set meal. The minced meat cutlet is juicy and delicious as it kneads with each order. Harden the clothes so that the gravy does not overflow. However, the pork cutlet had the same clothes, so it was a little too fried.
*** on Google

がっつり食べたい人にはオススメです。 老夫婦が経営している心温かいお店でした。 安いのにボリューミーで、ごはん、味噌汁、キャベツがおかわり自由でした。 清潔感を気にする人は合わないかもしれませんね
Recommended for those who want to eat solidly. It was a warm shop run by an old couple. Although it was cheap, it was volumey, and rice, miso soup, and cabbage were free to refill. People who care about cleanliness may not fit
Sanshiro Nakano on Google

職場近くにあるとんかつ屋さんです。 値段なまぁまぁですが、この立地なら仕方ないかなと思います。 サクサクで分厚い本格的なとんかつを味わえます。美味しいです。 この築地界隈ではNo.1じゃないでしょうか。 注意するのは、量が半端なく多いのと、めちゃくちゃ混むことです。 量については、ご飯は少なめにしても、大抵の成人男性なら十分な量です。 おかずの量もすごくて、アジフライ定食は、どでかいアジフライが3個も入ってます。並の人では、明らかに多い量です。 あと、人気のお店なのでとにかく混みます。丁寧なぶん、注文から料理が出てくるまでも時間かかるので、早めに行ったほうが良いです。ランチなら11時40分くらいにいくぐらいの勢いが良いかなと。
It is a pork cutlet shop near my workplace. The price is ok, but I think it can't be helped at this location. You can enjoy a crispy and thick authentic pork cutlet. Is delicious. Isn't it No. 1 in this Tsukiji area? It's important to note that the amount is quite large and it's insanely crowded. As for the amount, a small amount of rice is enough for most adult men. The amount of side dishes is great, and the Ajifuri set meal contains as many as three huge Ajifuri. Obviously a large amount for the average person. Also, it's a popular shop, so it gets crowded anyway. It's polite, but it takes time for the food to come out from the order, so it's better to go early. I wonder if the momentum of going to about 11:40 for lunch is good.
Kohtaro “Milkyway Chaser” Nakamura on Google

地元の古いオフィスビルの地下にあるとんかつ屋さん。 ランチ時はメンチやとんかつなど揚げ物オンリー。この日はチキンカツをオーダー。子供の靴くらいのカツが3個、大盛りのライスとともに。 13時30分以降、生姜焼きやカツ丼などを注文することができる。遅めのランチで次はカツ丼いくかな。
A pork cutlet shop in the basement of an old local office building. At lunch time, only fried foods such as minced meat and pork cutlet are available. I ordered chicken katsu on this day. Three cutlets about the size of children's shoes, along with a large serving of rice. After 13:30, you can order ginger and katsudon. I wonder if I will go to Katsudon next time with a late lunch.
hero tom on Google

オープンと同時にカウンターへ。 カウンターはコロナ対策されており好感。お隣とは完全に隔離されます。 注文し10分程で程なく運ばれてきました、メンチカツ! 分厚く食べごたえ十分。 味はまあ普通かもですが、お腹いっぱいで満足度大。 しじみの味噌汁は美味しく、こちらはおかわり。 まあでも銀座価格。ちょっとお高いかな。 ごちそうさまでした。
To the counter at the same time as opening. The counter has corona measures and I like it. It is completely isolated from your neighbors. I ordered it and it was delivered in about 10 minutes, Menchi-katsu! Thick enough to eat. The taste may be normal, but I am full and satisfied. Shijimi's miso soup is delicious, and this is a refill. Well, Ginza price. Is it a little expensive? Thank you for the meal.

The pork cutlet batter is thin, but it is crispy and hard fried, and if you take it easy, it will come off from the meat. I thought there were many orders for minced meat and chicken cutlet.
PeriaFitness on Google

シンプルに書かせていただきます。 安い 美味い 量が多い コスパ最強です。 カキフライ定食を友人、私はトンカツ定食を食べましたがどちらも最高でした。 アットホームで居心地がいいです。 常連さんが多い印象でした。
I will write it simply. cheap delicious Large amount Cospa is the strongest. My friend had a fried oyster set meal, and I ate a pork cutlet set meal, both of which were great. It's homely and cozy. I had the impression that there were many regulars.
もぐもぐ三重 on Google

開店時間の18:30に行くと後から次々とお客様が!! 19:00ごろにはカウンター以外の席が埋まりました。 夫婦でやれているお店なのでしょうか、 男性の方が厨房に、女性の方がホールにいらっしゃいます◎ 夜のミックス定食から(ア)メンチカツとチキンカツのセット¥1200をいただきました✨ まずキューちゃん、おしんこと同時に、 お茶がペットボトルにも入ってやってきました(°▽°) がぶ飲み大魔王のわたしには嬉しすぎる心遣い♡ しばらくすると定食がきて、そのボリュームに唖然。 小さかったからと、お店の方がチキンカツ追加してくれてたみたいです(;o;)♡ 3つに切り分けられた巨大メンチカツ、、! 具の味付けがしっかりされてきて美味しい、、、 チキンカツは鶏自体がさっぱりした部位なので、パクパク食べられます✨ お味噌汁はしじみ♡味が濃いめで美味しい✨ ごはんは女性だからと通常の半分サイズにしてくれたみたいです! ご飯、味噌汁、キャベツおかわり無料だからゆってね〜!と、サービスも大盛り( ˆᴗˆ ) 卓上には塩、醤油、ソースがあります◎ お店の方の感じが良すぎたのでまた行きたいです。 常連さんも多い印象でした✨ ------------------- Instagramでは、三重県の飲食店を毎日投稿しています! フォローやいいね等励みになりますので、よろしくお願いします♡ @mogumogumie -------------------
If you go to the store at 18:30, customers will come one after another! !! Around 19:00, the seats other than the counter were filled. Is it a shop that a couple can do? Men are in the kitchen and women are in the hall ◎ I got a set of (a) Menchi-katsu and chicken cutlet ¥ 1200 from the mixed set meal at night ✨ First of all, Kyu-chan, Oshin and at the same time Tea has also entered the PET bottle (° ▽ °) Gabu Gabu! Consideration that is too happy for me as the Great Demon King ♡ After a while, the set meal came and I was stunned by the volume. It seems that the shop added chicken katsu because it was small (; o;) ♡ A giant minced meat cutlet cut into three parts ...! The seasoning of the ingredients is solid and delicious ... Chicken cutlet is a refreshing part of the chicken itself, so you can eat it crisply ✨ Miso soup is shijimi ♡ The taste is strong and delicious ✨ It seems that the rice was half the normal size because it was a woman! Rice, miso soup, and cabbage are free of charge, so let's go! And the service is also large (ˆᴗˆ) There are salt, soy sauce, and sauce on the table ◎ The shop feels too good, so I want to go there again. I had the impression that there were many regulars ✨ ------------------- On Instagram, we post restaurants in Mie prefecture every day! It will be encouraging to follow and like, so thank you ♡ @mogumogumie -------------------

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