
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 志福楼

住所 :

Tsudanuma, Narashino, 〒275-0016 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.shifukurou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tsudanuma, Narashino, 〒275-0016 Chiba,Japan
藤戸 浩一 on Google

I had lunch at this Chinese restaurant today ✨ I ordered Tantan noodles, but the spiciness was low and the mildly seasoned Tantan noodles with sesame flavor were delicious ? The inside of the restaurant is also beautiful, so it is good for families I thought so ?
ギッシュ on Google

ランチで入りました。 席はテーブル席のみで、カウンターは有るのですが、使われていませんでした。コロナ対策はしっかりしていて、テーブルにも衝立が有ります。 内装は今風の中華料理屋と言った感じで、お洒落な内装でした。 頼んだのは《日替り定食(チンジャオ玉子炒め)》《焼き餃子》1050円です。ランチはドリンク付きで、ランチのメニューは税込みだそう。夜は税別みたいですね。 野菜炒めかレバニラで迷いましたが、日替りがチンジャオに玉子と珍しい組み合わせなので、試しにオーダー。 正直、チンジャオの要素はピーマンだけでした。 不味いとは言いませんが、中華の基本が出来ていないかと。先ず、油通しをしていない感じでした。具は豚肉、ピーマン、玉葱、玉子でしたが、ピーマンの火の通りが悪い。通し過ぎもダメですが、冷たい部分が有るのは論外です。しかも切り方が雑。 単に具材を玉子で閉じただけ。味付けも塩で、青椒肉絲の味ではないです。 肉は片栗を纏っていないですし、炒めただけでしょう。 ちゃんとした中華なら、玉子以外を油通し→ザーレンで油を切る→玉子を炒める→纏まったらザーレンから具材を移す→混合調味料で仕上げて片栗でトロミを付ける。この料理なら行程はこうなる筈です。手抜きですね。 味付け自体はシンプルで悪くはないですが、単なる塩炒めでした。 餃子は水っぽくて薄味。野菜を塩で絞ってないのかも。素材の味もしません。皮の大きさの割に餡が少ないから、形も悪くて皮が破れていました。 最後のホットコーヒーも私には合いません。苦味と酸味が強く、ブラックでは飲めない味でした。ミルクとシュガーを一つずつ入れましたが、それでもキツいくらい。ウーロン茶にした方が無難でしたね。 接客は悪くなかったのですが、料理が大衆中華にしても雑過ぎたので、私には合いません。 なお、クレジットカードは2000円以上から使えるそうです。 ごちそうさまでした。
I entered for lunch. The seats were only table seats, and although there was a counter, it was not used. Corona measures are solid, and there is a tsuitate on the table. The interior was like a modern Chinese restaurant, and it was a stylish interior. I ordered a "daily set meal (stir-fried chinjao egg)" and "gyoza" for 1050 yen. Lunch includes drinks, and the lunch menu includes tax. It seems that tax is not included at night. I was at a loss about stir-fried vegetables or levanilla, but the daily change is a rare combination of chinjao and egg, so I ordered it as a trial. To be honest, the only element of Chinjao was peppers. I don't say it's unpleasant, but I wonder if the basics of Chinese food have been created. First of all, I felt like I wasn't oiling. The ingredients were pork, peppers, onions, and eggs, but the peppers did not cook well. It is not good to pass it too much, but it is out of the question that there is a cold part. Moreover, how to cut is rough. I just closed the ingredients with an egg. The seasoning is also salt, not the taste of green pepper steak. The meat doesn't have potato starch, it's just stir-fried. For proper Chinese food, oil other than the egg → Drain the oil with Zaren → Fry the egg → Transfer the ingredients from Zaren when it is gathered → Finish with mixed seasoning and add potato starch. The process should be like this for this dish. It's omission. The seasoning itself is simple and not bad, but it was just stir-fried with salt. Dumplings are watery and light. Maybe the vegetables aren't squeezed with salt. It doesn't taste like the ingredients. Because the amount of bean paste was small for the size of the skin, the shape was bad and the skin was torn. The last hot coffee doesn't suit me either. It had a strong bitterness and sourness, and it was a taste that black could not drink. I put milk and sugar one by one, but it's still tough. It was safer to use oolong tea. The customer service wasn't bad, but the food was too messy for the mass Chinese, so it doesn't suit me. In addition, it seems that credit cards can be used from 2000 yen or more. Thank you for the meal.
ノア on Google

I visited for the first time yesterday after seeing it in a magazine. I immediately became a fan of the really delicious fried rice and dumplings. I will visit you again.
fuelmaster on Google

少し前に伺いました。 辛い物、麺類が好きな方にはぜひおすすめしたいお店です。駐車場も完備しているので安心。 頼んだのは麻辣鶏(よだれ鶏とも言いますね。)と酸辣湯麺です。写真だけでは分からないかもしれませんが、ボリューム満点です。ラー油だけに頼らない香辛料の使い方、ベースのスープのコクや提供時の温度、具沢山、どれを取っても言うことなしです。もちろん、店員さんの動きや態度も申し分なし。近所の方がうらやましい・・・ ご馳走様でした。 再訪しました。 駐車場は、写真のように番号で分かれているので参考にしてください。 ほろ酔いセットは、夜の部では非常にコスパが良いのでお勧めです。
I visited you a while ago. If you like spicy foods and noodles, this is a restaurant that you should definitely recommend. Rest assured that there is also a parking lot. I ordered Mala chicken (also called Mouthwater chicken) and hot and sour soup noodles. It may not be obvious from the photo alone, but it is full of volume. There is nothing to say about how to use spices that do not rely solely on chili oil, the richness of the base soup, the temperature at which it is served, and a lot of ingredients. Of course, the movement and attitude of the clerk are also perfect. I envy the neighbors ... It was a treat. I visited again. The parking lots are divided by number as shown in the photo, so please refer to them. Tipsy sets are recommended as they are very cost effective in the evenings.
Kanokazu 63 on Google

First visit due to word of mouth when developing Tsudanuma lunch. The restaurant is rather than a Chinese restaurant in the store-not a set meal shop-lunch sweet and sour pork set meal 850 yen. I can't really feel the taste of meat, which is the real thrill of sweet and sour pork. ..
大川芳子 on Google

ランチを頂きました レバニラ炒めセット 700円 レバニラ炒め ライス スープ 漬物 アイスコーヒー ボリュームあり、美味しいです レバーが沢山入ってます! 野菜はシャキシャキです 常連客が多く店員さんと和気藹々です 初めて行った私に、にこやかに微笑んでの接客が嬉しかったですね 三色弁当 650円 (チンジャオロース・麻婆豆腐・エビチリ) お弁当?も買いました^_^ ありがとうございました
I had lunch Levanilla fried set 700 yen Fried Rebanira rice soup pickles iced coffee It's voluminous and delicious There are a lot of levers in it! The vegetables are crispy There are many regular customers and they are friendly with the clerk. I was happy to serve customers with a smile when I went there for the first time. Three-color lunch 650 yen (Chinjaolose, mapo tofu, shrimp chili) I also bought a lunch box ? ^ _ ^ thank you very much
adrian morris on Google

Wonderful food and service. Takeout is a plus, and they offer a wide selection of food.
Kai Tun Lim on Google

The place is nice and clean. Free parking is available nearby. Went on a saturday afternoon and the place is not too crowded, just nice for family dining. Ordered 回锅肉, stirred fried pork with egg, 水餃子。serving speed is very fast. Volume was big and satisfying, taste was good.

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