
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蓮華

住所 :

Mizuho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0026 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Mizuho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0026 Chiba,Japan
shiroi kumasan on Google

もやしのヒゲを取り去るなど下ごしらえを丁寧にしている。調理も同様、手抜きが無い。 住宅街のロケーションで中華にありがちな辛すぎは無く優しいお味で子供にも安心して食べさせられる。
The preparation is carefully done, such as removing the beard of bean sprouts. Similarly for cooking, there is no omission. There is no overly common taste of Chinese food in a residential area, and it can be eaten safely by children with a gentle taste.
た、 on Google

閑静な住宅街の中にある街の中華料理屋さんです。 全体的に油も塩分も控えめで優しいあっさり味なので、油と塩分をガツンといきたい人にはおすすめできないかもしれません。 お客さんは近辺の家族連れやお年寄りが多いみたいです。 リーズナブルな価格設定で量も少なくないので庶民の味方です。 日曜昼に行ったらほぼ満席で、帰るときには2組待っていました。 タイミングが悪かったのか注文してから料理の提供まで少々時間がかかりました。 厨房はお父さん一人なので仕方かもしれませんね。
A Chinese restaurant in a quiet residential area. Because the oil and salt are modest and gentle overall, the oil and salt may not be recommended for those who want to live with it. It seems that there are many families and elderly people in the vicinity. As it is reasonable price setting and there are not many, it is friend of common people. I was almost full when I went on a Sunday afternoon, and I waited for two sets when I returned home. It took me a while to order the food after ordering if the timing was bad. The kitchen is a dad alone, so that might be the case.
オアオア on Google

The taste of yakisoba and dumplings is normal.
近藤勝 on Google

五目そばをいただきました。 基本、醤油味ですが、私は何時も塩味でおねがいします。大変美味しいです。
I had Gomoku soba. Basically, it tastes soy sauce, but I always ask for it to be salty. It's very delicious.
チャンドゥ“マハロ”マハロ on Google

前々から気になってたが閉店が少し早いのでなかなか行けなかった地域密着型のお店の一つです。 木曜日夜に利用。お店は一軒家風です。店裏に駐車場あるがそこは違うので注意を。店の前に4〰️5台停められます。 店内はそれなりに広く清潔感もあり落ち着きます。旦那さんが厨房。奥さんが表の二人体制。 店内には予約時間の厳守や持ち込み禁止と案内が書かれてました。当たり前のルールですが何度か苦労されたのでしょう?? メニューは何気に沢山あります! ラーメンワンコイン!全体的に安いですね。 少量だと百円引きにもなる優しさ。 折角なのでラーメンに牛肉のオイスター炒めに海老焼きそば。そして餃子と春巻きと焼売と二人では多いくらい注文? 調理は基本お父さん一人なので少し時間はかかります。 料理はどれも美味しく具材も多くてコスパもよい!全体的に街の中華よりも味付けは優しめで油っこさも強くないです。 全部完食してもいい満腹感。お会計も3500円前後と格安でした❗ 料理の種類も多いし接客もよく満足しました。
It was one of the community-based shops that I had been interested in for a long time, but it wasn't easy to go because the closing was a bit early. Use on Thursday night. The shop is house style. There is a parking lot in the back of the store, but be careful as it is different. You can park 5 cars in front of the store. The inside of the store is reasonably clean and calm. My husband is in the kitchen. The wife has a two-person system. In the store, there were written strict observance of the reservation time and prohibition of bringing in. It ’s a natural rule, but it ’s probably a hard time. There are plenty of menus! Ramen One Coin! It's cheap overall. Kindness that can be discounted by a hundred yen if it is a small amount. Because it is a corner, stir-fried shrimp with ramen and stir-fried beef oyster. And there are many dumplings, spring rolls and grilled foods, so there are many orders. Cooking is a basic dad, so it takes a while. All the dishes are delicious and there are many ingredients and cospa is good! Overall the seasoning is gentler and less greasy than Chinese in the city. Full feeling that you can eat all. The billing was also cheap at around 3500 yen❗ There were many types of dishes and the customer service was very satisfying.
茶黒赤金 on Google

お花見の季節で客が多いせいかせわしなさそうで、電話が鳴っていても放置、客の回転が悪いです。 4人席に一人で通されましたが、コロナの影響なのか次に待っている人と相席にするか聞いて来なかったです。待っていた人がラストオーダーまでに座れずにかわいそうでした。
It seems that there are many customers during the cherry-blossom viewing season, so even if the phone is ringing, it is left unattended and the turnover of customers is poor. I was allowed to sit alone in the four seats, but I didn't ask if it was due to Corona's influence or if I would share the seat with the next person waiting. I felt sorry for the person who was waiting because I couldn't sit down by the last order.
Mari K on Google

I went with a 3-year-old child. I couldn't find any children's chairs, but it was comfortable to have them served without saying children's tableware. I ate Gomoku soba, fried shrimp, fried shrimp and cashew nuts, but it was delicious with a gentle seasoning. According to the owner, only fried rice had a strong flavor.
Sam Camp on Google

ここのラーメンは、ホテルクラスのスープ。コンソメとかに匹敵する上品で、そして深い味わい。驚くのはこの麺にしっかりスープのボディが絡んでくること。これは見た目以上にスープにボディの豊かさがある証拠。これを500円にして成しえていることが実に立派。バランスがとれ、あまりにも「美味しすぎない」のも名人芸。 そして炒飯。パラパラでも、ベチャでもない、しっとりして、香ばしさがあり、お米一つ一つがしっかりと炒飯。上品で優しい味。あくまでも私個人のなかでは理想のカタチ。 餃子はカリっとしつつも中はトロっと。編み方の丁寧さから手間がかかっているのがよくわかる。 そして秀逸なのが焼売。肉汁も旨みもしみじみ美味しい。どうも注文してから一つ一つ作っている様子。 とても目立たない場所にあるが、地元に人に長年愛されている、町中華とはまた違うチャイニーズレストラン。
The ramen here is a hotel-class soup. Elegant and deep taste comparable to consomme. What is surprising is that the body of the soup is firmly entwined with this noodle. This is evidence that the soup is richer than it looks. It is really wonderful that this can be done at 500 yen. It is a masterpiece that is well-balanced and "not too delicious". And fried rice. It's not fluffy or sticky, it's moist and fragrant, and each rice is fried rice. Elegant and gentle taste. It's the ideal shape for me personally. The dumplings are crispy, but the inside is tossed. You can see that it takes time and effort from the politeness of the knitting method. And the best thing is shumai. The gravy and umami are delicious. It seems that they are making one by one after ordering. Although it is located in a very unobtrusive place, it is a Chinese restaurant that has been loved by locals for many years and is different from the Chinese restaurant in town.

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