ホリデイスポーツクラブ 船橋日大前

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホリデイスポーツクラブ 船橋日大前

住所 :

Tsuboihigashi, Funabashi, 〒274-0060 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://www.holiday-sc.jp/%3Fshop%3D049-funabashi
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tsuboihigashi, Funabashi, 〒274-0060 Chiba,Japan
中村三郎 on Google

一通りの器具は揃ってます。プールはないです。スタッフに専門性はあまり期待できませんが、お安くコツコツトレーニングするにはよい環境です。時間帯によっては駐車場やお風呂場が混んでいます。 2020.7.23追記。ジム側のコロナ対策は及第点ですが、主に高齢男性の意識の低さが際立っています。ランニングの時はまだしも、筋トレ時はマスクつけましょう。マスクつけないで喋っている老人も見かけられ、それを注意できないスタッフも少しどうかなあと思ってしまいます。 2020.8.5追記。8月8日よりマスクが義務化されるようです。スタジオやランニングマシーンは息が苦しくなりますが、対策が徹底されることは喜ばしいです。
All kinds of equipment are available. There is no pool We can't expect much specialization from the staff, but it is a good environment for training cheaply. Parking lots and bathrooms are crowded depending on the time of day. 2020.7.23 Added. Jim's measures against corona are the final point, but the low awareness of elderly men is the main reason. Wear a mask when running, and wear a mask when doing muscle training. There are also old people who are talking without wearing a mask, and I wonder if the staff can't pay attention to it. 2020.8.5 Added. It seems that masks will be mandatory from August 8. Studios and running machines can be difficult to breathe, but I am glad that the measures are taken thoroughly.
森脇啓耀 on Google

I'm a member of this club. I joined in late August last year, and since then I've been sweating almost every day except on closed days. At the beginning of my membership, I'm working exclusively on treadmills. One day, at the recommendation of a high-tension female instructor, I was taken into a large studio, mixed with many dance-loving members, and received aerobics instruction for the first time in my life. I can't forget the excitement of this!
Y Y on Google

The staff are great, but the manners of older guests are the worst. Remove the mask and talk loudly, find an acquaintance in the sauna and talk, and hum in the bath. Do not wipe sweat even if it drips on the floor. Ignore all posters made by the staff for measures against corona. I feel sorry for the staff who think that a cluster will occur if it is not improved.
五十嵐萌 on Google

日中は、BBAとGGEの娯楽施設と化している。コロナ対策ルールを守らないBBAばかり。風呂場でスタッフにおしゃべり注意されたくせに風呂場出てロッカーで『注意されちゃったわ‼️』と大声で雑談。五月蝿すぎ。 でも、スタッフさんは親切で丁寧。今はなかなか声掛けてはもらえないけど、ちゃんと聞きに行ったら丁寧に指導してくれる。
During the day, it has become a BBA and GGE entertainment facility. Only BBAs that do not follow the corona countermeasure rules. Even though the staff was careful to talk in the bathroom, I went out of the bathroom and said "I was careful!" ️ ”and chatted loudly. May is too much. But the staff are kind and polite. It's hard to get people to talk to me right now, but if I go to listen properly, they will give me polite guidance.
MAHARO on Google

スタッフの方は感じよく、感染対策も きちんとされていますが、やはりロッカールームやお風呂ではマスクなしで ベラベラ話すおばちゃんたちがたくさんいます。 久しぶりに行ったけれど、サウナの中の 5、6人のおばちゃんたちが テレビを見ながら大きな声でペチャクチャしゃべるし、とてもじゃないが 長居は出来ずソッコー出ました。 最悪だ。 「会話は禁止で。」と貼り紙をして くれているスタッフさんの苦労が 報われていないです。 習志野も万ボウですよね。 千葉だって、いつ緊急事態宣言下に なるかわからないのに… どうしても行きたい人は、時間を 考えて行くしかないです。
The staff feels good, and infection control is also possible. It's neat, but after all in the locker room and bath without a mask There are a lot of aunts who talk crazy. I went there for the first time in a long time, but in the sauna 5 or 6 aunts I talk loudly while watching TV, but it's not very I couldn't stay long and went out. the worst. Put a sticker saying "Conversation is prohibited." The hardships of the staff Not rewarded. Narashino is also a million bows, isn't it? Even in Chiba, when is it under a state of emergency? I don't know if it will be ... If you really want to go, take the time I have no choice but to think about it.
yachiyo murakami on Google

Conversation should be prohibited, but I've been talking in the gym area for a long time. The staff is unseen. If you can talk to me, the staff will talk with you. Perhaps I don't like to be careful, I don't see any staff in the gym area. I'm really scared when I'm left unchecked. I want to exercise, but recently I'm scared and can't go. You may leave at stop soon. (TT)
ゆうすけ on Google

マシンとスタジオプログラムがメインの初心者から中堅者向けのジムです。 ご近所のご年配の利用者が多いので、スタジオプログラム前後は割と賑やかです。 21年7月から会話のルールが更新されて、マスクが着用可能な場所では会話が解禁されています。 お風呂などでは会話禁止の貼り紙がされています。 個人的には「ご遠慮」ではなく「禁止」としている姿勢に好感を持ちます。 それでも喋る奴は喋りますが、お風呂やサウナを10回利用して1回いるかどうかと言うレベルです。 オープンしてもうすぐ10年くらいになると思うので、マシンなどは年相応のキズなどありますが、利用には特に問題ありません。 私はサウナ目当てで入会しましたので、サウナについて詳しく書きます。 それなりの大きさのサウナで、間引いて座って8人程度入れます。 土曜の夜以外は満席になることはほぼありません。 温度は80℃、3段あるので好みの場所に座ります。 テレビあり、ここ最近はTBSで固定されています。12分計はありませんが普通の時計があります。 マットも用意されていて、自分ですすいで使います。 水風呂は小さいので、1人で独占できるのが嬉しいです。 17〜20℃くらいだと思います。 外気浴もでき、椅子が3つあります。 近場で毎日利用できるサウナとしては十分です。 残念な点として、以前に比べてスタッフの方が大幅に減ってしまい、清掃が行き届いていません。 マシンの下やロッカーの隙間のホコリが目立ちます。 少なくとも、トイレやお風呂の掃除だけでも綺麗にやってもらえるとありがたいのですが… オープンして数年はいつ利用しても常に誰か掃除をしていて感動していました。 数年ぶりに再入会しましたが、コロナによる削減なのか、営業時間中にお掃除している人をみかけていません。 コロナが落ち着いてスタッフさんが増える日を願っています。
A gym for beginners to mid-level players with a focus on machines and studio programs. There are many elderly users in the neighborhood, so it is quite lively before and after the studio program. Conversation rules have been updated since July 2009, and conversations have been lifted where masks can be worn. In the bath, etc., there is a sticker that prohibits conversation. Personally, I like the attitude of "prohibiting" rather than "refraining". The person who speaks still speaks, but it is a level of whether or not he uses the bath or sauna 10 times and once. I think it will be about 10 years since it opened, so there are some scratches on the machine etc., but there is no particular problem in using it. I joined for the purpose of sauna, so I will write about sauna in detail. In a moderately sized sauna, thin out and sit down to accommodate about 8 people. It is almost never full except Saturday night. The temperature is 80 ° C and there are 3 steps so you can sit in your favorite place. There is a TV, and these days it is fixed by TBS. There is no 12-minute counter, but there is an ordinary clock. A mat is also available, and you can rinse it yourself. The water bath is small, so I'm happy that I can monopolize it by myself. I think it's about 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. You can also take a bath in the open air, and there are 3 chairs. It is enough for a sauna that can be used every day in the vicinity. Unfortunately, the number of staff has decreased significantly compared to before, and the cleaning is not perfect. Dust under the machine and in the gaps between lockers stands out. At least, I would be grateful if you could clean the toilet and bath. For several years after opening, I was impressed by the fact that someone was always cleaning it no matter when I used it. I re-enrolled for the first time in a few years, but I haven't seen anyone cleaning during business hours, probably because of the reduction due to corona. I hope the day when Corona calms down and the number of staff increases.
ハル on Google

The staff was kind and polite, and I went to various gyms, but I don't think there is a beautiful gym with such a good cost performance.

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