Anytime Fitness - Funabashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Nishinarashino, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0815, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 274-0815
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1 Chome-1-1 Nishinarashino, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0815, Japan
haidian Brayden on Google

入ってすぐにスタッフが見えるが挨拶をしても顔が暗い マスクをしているから倍に笑顔で明るく挨拶しなければ嫌な印象を与えるのは当たり前 帰りも同じ事が言える あとはコロナでお喋りは控えめにと書かれているのにずっと喋っているカップルなどが結構いる それらにはなぜ注意しない? 耳障りな時が多い 改善してほしい
The staff can be seen immediately after entering, but the face is dark even if I say hello Since I'm wearing a mask, it's natural to give an unpleasant impression unless I say hello brightly with a double smile. The same thing can be said on the way back After that, there are quite a few couples who are talking all the time even though it is written in Corona that talking is modest. Why not pay attention to them? Often jarring I want you to improve
達磨大 on Google

24時間いつでも行ける、と言うのが良い。 しかも全国何処のエニタイムフィットネスも利用可能というのも良い。 無人の時間帯もあるのでどうかなぁと思いましたが、比較的皆さん(午前中しか分かりませんが)ルールを守ってる感じだと思います。この西習志野店はいつもこまめに清掃していてキレイさを保っているのも◎。
It's good to say that you can go 24 hours a day. Moreover, it is good that Anytime Fitness can be used anywhere in the country. I was wondering if there are unmanned hours, but I think that everyone (I only know in the morning) is observing the rules. This Nishinarashino store is always cleaned frequently to keep it clean.
小澤ふみや on Google

顧客の個人情報に対する管理がなっていない。 一度ではなく二度も。三度目もありそうで正直びびってる。 下記、一連の流れ。 ・入会時、会費引き落としの為に銀行のカードを登録 ・そちらは使わなくなったので新しいカードで登録をお願い。 ・引き落としされておらず支払い通知が来る。 ・何日までに振り込みしておいて頂ければ大丈夫です!と今もいる金髪の女性スタッフから確認をとる ・ジムを利用しようと他店舗で鍵をかざすも無反応。理由を聞くと強制退会になっていた。 ・めちゃくちゃムカついたがなんとか再度登録。その時に銀行カードも再度登録。 ・しっかり登録しました!今もいる金髪の女性スタッフから。 めちゃくちゃまたされたあげく、申し訳ありません。もなし。間違いを起こしたんだから嘘でも言うのが筋。 ・そしてなんと、、、再度支払ってください通知。 すげぇ呆れた。笑 ここの会社のエニタイムは 直営ではなくフランチャイズ店で 店舗責任者と思われる方も、従業員の方も 大事な部分がかけているので、 これからココで登録をしようとしている方は、しっかりと自分の情報の扱いが会社全体でどうなっているかの確認を行ったほうが良いです。 確認しなかった俺も反省。 でも金髪にはもっと反省してほしい。
There is no control over the customer's personal information. Not once but twice. Honestly, I'm scared because it seems to be the third time. The following is a series of steps. ・ At the time of enrollment, register a bank card to withdraw the membership fee ・ Since it is no longer used, please register with a new card. ・ The payment has not been withdrawn and a payment notification will be sent. ・ It's okay if you can transfer the money by how many days! I get confirmation from the blonde female staff who is still there ・ There is no response when I hold the key at another store to use the gym. When asked why, he was forcibly withdrawn. ・ I was messed up, but I managed to register again. At that time, the bank card is also registered again. ・ I registered firmly! From the blonde female staff who are still there. I'm sorry for being messed up again. Nothing. I made a mistake, so it's a good idea to tell a lie. ・ And what, please pay again. Notification. I was really surprised. smile Anytime of the company here At a franchise store, not directly managed Whether you are a store manager or an employee Because the important part is on If you are going to register here, you should check how your information is handled by the entire company. I also regret not confirming it. But I want blondes to reflect more.
池ヶ谷淳 on Google

会員制の24時間営業のジムです。 プールはありませんがマシンは一通り充実していて24時間開いているので空いた時間を狙って行けます。 価格も安くて続けやすいと思います。 日曜日は大抵の時間非常に混雑していてとてもトレーニングできません。 開店から通っていますが掃除を頑張って欲しいです。 埃が積もってるところがありますよ。 シャワールームの鏡に何日か同じ汚れがこびり付いてたりします。
It is a 24-hour gym with membership only. There is no pool, but the machines are fully equipped and open 24 hours a day, so you can aim for free time. I think the price is cheap and easy to continue. Sundays are very busy most of the time and I can't really train. I've been going there since the store opened, but I want you to do your best to clean it. There are some places with dust. The same stains may stick to the mirror in the shower room for several days.
るおの日常 on Google

I feel that spraying dry tissue is not enough to wipe the machine used. I want you to arrange the wet wipes as other stores do. Stores worried about corona measures
ken nassi on Google

Lots of free weights and machines. Has 3 squat racks
Scott Totoro on Google

Terrible service. Staff is too busy chatting in the office. Not gaijin friendly. Equipment is not clean. Never sign up here!
Elijah Bate on Google

Pretty much never staffed, not a bad thing though. However it is very small and generally extremely busy after 6pm with a lot of people on their phones on the weights hogging the machines etc..

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