スパ&スポーツ ユアー習志野

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スパ&スポーツ ユアー習志野

住所 :

Narashinodai, Funabashi, 〒274-0063 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://yoursports.co.jp/store-list/narashino
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9:30PM
Sunday 9AM–7:30PM
Monday 9AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–11PM
Wednesday 9AM–11PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Narashinodai, Funabashi, 〒274-0063 Chiba,Japan
JUN jun on Google

The membership fee has been revised last year and the price has dropped. A full-time member costs 9350 yen, which is a great deal. It can be used multiple times a day. There is also an open-air bath and a sauna.
Kiku Nao on Google

夜のジムスペース、スタッフが雑談しながら大笑い。客がいるのにどういう指導してるんだろう。 プールに降りる階段も黒カビだらけ。顧客意識ある?という感じ
The gym space at night, the staff laughed while chatting. What kind of guidance do you have when there are customers? The stairs down to the pool are also full of black mold. Are you customer conscious? Feeling
kazuyapapamama on Google

良い所がある?と思ってしまう施設です。事務員、スタッフは気が利かず横柄な態度、大声で馴染みの客と話しをしている始末です。会社は人材教育をするつもりが全く無いのでしょう。 スタジオの先生?も感染症に対す意識が薄いのでしょう、3密の中、大声でレッスンをしています。コロナ、クラスターがとても心配です。 最悪なのは、施設の清掃やジム機材などのメンテナンスを行っているの?と疑う程汚いです。ベンチプレスのシャフトは錆だらけで、ウェアを2枚ダメにしました。スタッフに話しても、何の対応、改善もされませ。ゴミ箱は紙くずであふれ、壁などは誇りがたまっています。 利用客のジムのマナーも悪く、マシーンを使用した後に、消毒を行わない方が沢山います。スタッフが全く注意や啓発を行わないからだと思いますが…今まで他のスポーツクラブ、ジムに行っていますが、もう笑ってしまう程の酷さです。 イベントで入会したため3ヶ月は利用しましたが、利用するたびにストレスが溜まり、退会しました。 これから入会を検討されている方は施設内を良く観察して後悔しないようにして下さい。
Is there a good place? It is a facility that makes me think. The clerk and staff are clumsy and arrogant, and they are talking loudly with familiar customers. The company has no intention of training human resources. Studio teacher? I think I'm not very conscious of infectious diseases, so I'm giving a loud lesson in 3 Cs. Corona, I'm very worried about the cluster. Worst of all, do you clean the facilities and maintain the gym equipment? It is so dirty that I doubt it. The shaft of the bench press was full of rust, and I messed up two pieces of clothing. Even if I talk to the staff, there is no response or improvement. The trash can is full of waste paper, and the walls are proud. The manners of the customer's gym are also bad, and there are many people who do not disinfect after using the machine. I think it's because the staff doesn't give any attention or enlightenment ... I've been to other sports clubs and gyms, but it's so terrible that it makes me laugh. I used it for 3 months because I joined at the event, but every time I used it, I got stressed and withdrew. If you are considering joining, please observe the facility carefully and do not regret it.
高田充 on Google

毎週水曜日の朝はスタジオレッスンに人気種目が多く時間外営業中の8時頃から人が並び始める。時間外はレッスンの予約ができないため受付手前から階段にかけてみんなが並び始める。50人以上はいるだろうか?階段は通気も悪く、びっしりと並んでいるため完全な密状態。何とかして欲しいと要望してもほぼ放置。 風呂場やロッカーではおじいちゃんたちが大声で喋ってるし。いつクラスターがおこるんだろう。
Every Wednesday morning, there are many popular events for studio lessons, and people start lining up around 8 o'clock, which is open after hours. Since lessons cannot be reserved after hours, everyone starts to line up from the front of the reception to the stairs. Is there more than 50 people? The stairs are poorly ventilated and lined up closely, so they are completely dense. Even if I asked for something, I almost left it. Grandpas are talking loudly in the bathroom and lockers. When will the cluster occur?
Marku G on Google

子供がプール教室に5年通っていたのもあって、夫婦で直近3年位通っていました。不満に対して我慢しながら使っていましたが、今回7月から値上げの案内が来たので退会手続きをしました。設備、機械の老朽化が著しく、しかもなかなか修理しないので、マシンは修理依頼中の張り紙したままのものが多いです。コロナ後、コストダウンなのか風呂の温度はかなり下がり、駐車場も提携のものが無くなり、土曜日停められずにそのまま帰ってくることが増えました。夜は殆ど店員いなくなります。 会員に年寄りが多いのですが、割り込みしたり、機械は使用後拭かないし、風呂の中でタオル絞るわ等々やりたい放題です。嫁も足に荷物落とされました。またウエイトも30代くらいのスキンヘッドの人が土曜夜占有したりとか。。。 他の方も書いていましたが、娘のプールも、一部のコーチの指導が乱暴で、その方にコーチが変わったので、8年続けてたのを辞めました。
My child had been in the pool class for 5 years, so the couple had been attending for the last 3 years. I used it with patience for dissatisfaction, but since I received a price increase notice from July this time, I canceled the membership. Since the equipment and machines are very old and it is difficult to repair them, most of the machines are still on the poster for repair. After the corona, the temperature of the bath dropped considerably, probably due to cost reduction, and there were no affiliated parking lots, so more and more people came home without stopping on Saturday. There are almost no clerk at night. Many of the members are elderly, but you can do whatever you want, such as interrupting, not wiping the machine after use, squeezing a towel in the bath, and so on. The bride was also dropped on her leg. Also, the weight is occupied by people with skinheads in their 30s on Saturday night. .. .. As others wrote, my daughter Pool also quit eight years in a row because some coaches were so rough that she changed coaches.
yamamura takafumi on Google

初めて続いたスポーツジム! 値段が上がろうが、施設が努力して全てのマシンでテレビを見れるように復旧してますので、楽しくウォーキング出来ます。1か月前は、テレビがほとんど見れませんでしたが、今は全て見れるようになってます。1か月前の情報は古いです。 そもそもテレビを見るために来てるのか?と疑問を抱きます。 私は血圧が(拡張期血圧)高いのですが、露天風呂の炭酸水で、見事に拡張期は元より、収縮期(俗に言う上の血圧)も低くなってます。何回もお風呂に入れるので、アトピー性皮膚炎で、運動後こまめにシャワーや、浴場に入ることで治まります。 痒くなるから。や、マシンはつまらないから。等、先入観をお持ちの方はこちらのジムで解決すると思います。 スタッフが夕方から夜に見かけなく、あまり聞くことが出来ないので、星4とさせて頂きました。
The first sports gym to continue! Although the price will go up, the facility has made efforts to restore it so that you can watch TV on all machines, so you can enjoy walking. A month ago, I could hardly watch TV, but now I can watch it all. The information one month ago is out of date. Are you coming to watch TV in the first place? I have a question. I have high blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure), but with carbonated water in the open-air bath, not only the diastolic period but also the systolic period (so-called blood pressure) is low. Since I take a bath many times, I have atopic dermatitis, and after exercising, I often take a shower or take a bath to get rid of it. Because it makes it itchy. No, the machine is boring. If you have a prejudice, I think this gym will solve it. The staff didn't see it from evening to night, so I couldn't hear much, so I gave it a star of 4.
dollyちゃん on Google

プール、温浴施設、更衣室他で5〜6人以上で固まって喋りまくってる! じゃまだしコロナ感染者が急激にに増えているのに自分は大丈夫と思っている年配者多すぎ 特にスタジオレッスン終わった後の炭酸風呂は狭いところに8人ぐらいで占領して喋りまくって中々出てくれない プールは風呂じゃない!長い間止まって固まって喋るな!
In the pool, hot bath facility, changing room, etc., 5 to 6 people or more are talking together! Then, there are too many elderly people who think that they are okay even though the number of people infected with corona is increasing rapidly. Especially after the studio lesson, the carbonated bath is occupied by about 8 people in a narrow place and talks and does not come out. The pool is not a bath! Don't stop for a long time and talk!
David Marsh on Google

excellent gym with programs and pool

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