trentotto - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact trentotto

住所 :

Shinikecho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0027 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 464-0027
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Shinikecho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0027 Aichi,Japan
柴山佳成 on Google

東山公園駅からすぐのレストラン。 ディナーでしばしば利用させて頂いています。本当に美味しい食事とワイン、丁寧な接客を提供してくれるお店です。 特にイカスミのパスタ、ハンバーグ、オムライスがおすすめです。 ランチ利用も◎
A restaurant just off Higashiyamakoen Station. I often use it for dinner. It is a restaurant that offers really delicious food, wine, and courteous customer service. I especially recommend squid ink pasta, hamburger steak, and omelet rice. Lunch use is also ◎
山田泰史 on Google

学生時代からお世話になっています。 マスターの作る愛情たっぷりの料理をたべるだけで、幸せな気分になれます 先日久しぶりにお伺いしましたが、コロナ対策もしっかりされており、安心して食事を楽しめることができました。 本当にオススメです!
I have been indebted since I was a student. You can feel happy just by eating the loving dishes prepared by the master. I visited you the other day for the first time in a while, but the corona measures were well taken, and I was able to enjoy my meal with peace of mind. I really recommend it!
滝充男 on Google

A store that was a hit when I was looking for a store that could use go-to-eat. I said that there was beef curry or hayashi rice, so I went there, but I had no friends !! I couldn't help it, so my partner was a hamburger steak, and I went to omelet rice. The hamburger was Maamaa, but the omelet rice was messy and not delicious. Don't be fooled by the atmosphere of the store. I can't help it because I don't know what to do. But was it almost full with young people?
たなか嫁 on Google

友達とランチで伺いました。 コロナ対策もしっかりしている中でも居心地の良い空間でした。 急に寒くなり、より一層体調管理も必要な中、湿度管理も徹底しており安心して友達とゆっくりできました。 ランチもとても美味しく盛り付けから全て大満足でした。 テイクアウトメニューも豊富なので、そちらも活用したいです。 また友達や家族と行きたいと思います。
I visited with a friend for lunch. It was a cozy space even though the corona measures were solid. It suddenly became cold and I needed to manage my physical condition even more, but I was able to relax with my friends with peace of mind because of the thorough humidity control. The lunch was very delicious and I was very satisfied with the presentation. There are plenty of take-out menus, so I would like to take advantage of that as well. I would like to go with my friends and family again.
S寛子 on Google

こじんまりした家庭的なお店でした。 雰囲気はとてもいいです。 お料理はアラカルトで頼みました。 サラダはドレッシングが美味しくてモリモリたべれます。たまにドレッシングか個性強くて口に会わないときってあるけど、万人受けするちゃんとしたドレッシングでした。ローストビーフが沢山入ってて豪華です。 ホタテとウニの料理もホタテ貝柔らかく、ウニのソースが、美味でした♥️ 牛タンのポトフはほんとにスープが美味しかった~。薬膳も入ってて体に良さそう?牛タンも肉厚なのに、ほんとに柔らかくておいしかった。 仙台牛のステーキは肉の味がしっかりしてて柔らかくて、丁寧な料理でした。 家庭的な洋食で、丁寧で美味しいものをいただきました。パスタまで食べれなかったので、次はパスタ食べたいと思いした。
It was a small and homely shop. The atmosphere is very nice. I ordered the food a la carte. The salad dressing is delicious and you can eat it. Sometimes I don't see the dressing because of its strong personality, but it was a proper dressing that everyone would receive. It's gorgeous with lots of roast beef. The scallop and sea urchin dishes were also soft, and the sea urchin sauce was delicious ♥ ️ The beef tongue pot-au-feu was really delicious. It looks good with medicinal food ? Beef tongue was thick, but it was really soft and delicious. Sendai beef steak was a polite dish with a strong meat taste and tenderness. We had a homely Western food that was polite and delicious. I couldn't even eat pasta, so I wanted to eat pasta next time.
A M on Google

前日に電話予約をしたが、1時間のみのお席とのこと。コロナ対策でクリアパネルを設置したり、テーブルにアルコールスプレーがあったりとしっかりしている。 しかし、店員さんの接客がサービス業としては失礼な対応。1人で回すからイライラしているのかもしれないが、二度見する対応が2回もあって次の日利用はないかな。 ただ、ハンバーグランチの二種のパンのクオリティはモチモチで皮もパリッとしていてとても高く、ハンバーグも上にクリームソースとチーズが乗っていて、トマトベースののソースとの相性もとてもよく、最後まで美味しく食べられた。 お肉は、筋が残ってるほどの粗挽きでジューシーでおいしいと思いました。 接客を気にしない方なら行くべきです。 サラダのにんじんはニンジンエペではなく、シーチキンと、甘めに和えていてクセはなかったです。セットで1400円取るならスープはコンソメスープではなく、ポタージュかなとは思います。 サービス料込みで1時間ステイという縛りがあるこひとを考えると割高かな? 奥のスペースに半個室みたいな部屋があり、6人くらいで楽しむにはいいかもです。 入ってすぐに6席くらいのカウンターもあったので、食べることだけを目的にくる人が一番楽しめるお店かなと思います。 追記 お店から返信あったので、誤解のないように返します。 サービス了解しましたは勿論払っていません。こちらが言ってるのは、料理の代金に雰囲気や接客も含まれているということです。 後、、席数であって、何人座らせているかは把握していませんので、悪しからず。 1時間という縛りにすることと、マスクもせず大声で話す人がいたことは一切関係ないのでは?と思うけど、それもお店が決める事なので従うまでかと。私なら食べ終わったらマスクを付けてくださいと丁寧にお伝えします。 とにかくこういう返答がすぐ来る時点で次はないかな。
I made a phone reservation the day before, but the seat was only for one hour. A clear panel is installed as a measure against corona, and there is an alcohol spray on the table. However, the customer service of the clerk is rude as a service industry. It may be frustrating because it is turned by one person, but I wonder if it will be used the next day because there are two correspondences that I see twice. However, the quality of the two types of bread for hamburger steak is very chewy and crispy, and the cream sauce and cheese are on top of the hamburger steak, which goes very well with the tomato-based sauce and is delicious until the end. It was eaten. I thought the meat was so juicy and delicious that it was coarsely ground to the extent that streaks remained. If you don't care about customer service, you should go. The carrots in the salad were not carrots, but sea chicken, and they were sweetened and had no habit. If you take 1400 yen as a set, I think the soup is not a consomme soup but a pottage. Is it expensive considering this person who has a one-hour stay including service fee? There is a room like a semi-private room in the back space, so it may be good for about 6 people to enjoy it. Immediately after entering, there was a counter with about 6 seats, so I think it's the most enjoyable restaurant for people who just want to eat. postscript I received a reply from the shop, so I will return it without any misunderstanding. I understand the service, but of course I haven't paid. What we are saying is that the price of food includes atmosphere and customer service. After that, it's the number of seats, and I don't know how many people are sitting, so don't be afraid. Doesn't it have anything to do with the one-hour tie and the fact that some people speak loudly without a mask? I think it's up to the store to decide, so I'll follow it. I will politely tell you to put on a mask when you finish eating. Anyway, I wonder if there will be a next one when such a reply comes soon.
Fabricio Hulshof on Google

Me and my wife just love this place. It is so cozy and we feel super welcome every time. The food is amazing, and there is always a tastefull surprise appetizer. We recommend the seafood paella (our favorite) and also the fish and/or meat... You see, we can't decide which one is the best.
Rebeca's Live on Google

I really love this place, the food is great, and the workers have such a nice attitude about everything. It is a great place to have a small lunch ?

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