Toyosu Pediatric Clinic - Koto City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyosu Pediatric Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-6-3 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 135-0061
Webサイト :

5 Chome-6-3 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
skamh on Google

先生方が親切で丁寧。 優しくて安心できます。 ネット予約で長く待つことなく診療を受けられ、待っている間も子供はおもちゃで遊んだり、絵本を読んだり。 近くにある他の小児科の院長の高圧的な態度に嫌気がさし病院を変えようと思っていたところ、こんな良い病院が開院してくださったので本当に嬉しいです!!
Kind and polite teachers. Gentle and you can rest assured. Receive medical care without having to wait long on the net reservation, even while waiting children play with toys, read a picture book. Where in a high-handed attitude of other pediatric director near anaerobic had wanted to change the hospital refers to, I'm really happy because such a good hospital with us to hospital opening! !
yun on Google

とても信頼できます。医師の説明も丁寧で分かりやすく、何よりもこちらの話をよく聞いてくださるので安心できます。清潔感溢れる待合室には、センスの良い絵本が沢山あります。水槽や空気清浄機もあり患者への思いやりを感じます。薬も無駄にたくさん出さない所も信頼できる所です。受付の方も本当に感じが良く、不快感を抱いたことは一度もなく、むしろ、心地が良いほどです。看護師さんも同様で、本当に驚かされます。隅々まで院長先生のお考えが行き届いていると感じます。働いている方が実に楽しそうなのも感じます。今まで転勤などでさまざまな小児科に行きましたが、こちらはかなり印象が良いです。 2020,9 ん?受付の方少し天狗になってきたのかな?
Very reliable. The doctor's explanation is also polite and easy to understand, and above all, you can rest assured that you will listen to this story well. In the clean waiting room, there are many picture books with good taste. There is also a water tank and an air purifier, so I feel compassion for the patient. It is also a reliable place where you don't waste a lot of medicine. The receptionist was really nice and I had never felt uncomfortable, but rather comfortable. The same is true for nurses, who are really surprised. I feel that the director's thoughts are perfect in every corner. I also feel that working people seem to have a lot of fun. I've been to various pediatrics departments due to transfer, etc., but this one has a pretty good impression. 2020,9 Hmm? I wonder if the receptionist has become a little tengu.
U Mi on Google

A hospital where children are very much taken care of. The doctors, nurses, and receptionists are all kind and helpful.
TOMO on Google

院内はとても綺麗で落ち着きがあります。 待合室の椅子が多いので、立って待つということはほとんど無いのではないかと思います。 壁一面に絵本が並べられていて、子どもは目を輝かせて絵本を選んでいました。 先生や看護師さんは目を見て挨拶してくれますし、子どもの緊張をほぐすように笑顔で優しく話しかけてくれます。 今回はインフルエンザの予防接種で伺いましたが、注射の打ち方も上手だと思いました。 終わった後は先生も看護師さんも「頑張ったね!」と褒めてくれて、子どもも嬉しそうでした。 残念なのは受付の方が無表情で淡々とされていたことです。 少なからず不安を抱えて受診する親子を、笑顔で対応していただけたら有難いなと思いました。
The hospital is very beautiful and calm. There are many chairs in the waiting room, so I think it's rare to stand and wait. Picture books were lined up all over the wall, and the children were choosing picture books with their eyes shining. The teachers and nurses will look at you and greet you, and they will talk to you with a smile and kindness to ease your child's tension. I asked about influenza vaccination this time, but I thought that I was good at giving injections. After that, the teacher and the nurse praised me, "You did your best!", And the children looked happy. Unfortunately, the receptionist was expressionless and plain. I would be grateful if you could smile and respond to parents and children who are not a little worried about going to the clinic.
N H on Google

第一子の初めての小児科で、予防接種の予約をして行きました。 予約の際の電話対応も受付時も感じのよいスタッフさんで、予防接種のついでに別件で先生に相談した際も、細かく食いぎみに質問してしまいましたが丁寧にわかりやすい説明で、とても親身に対応していただきました。 まだ何もわからない赤ちゃんにも、不安と無知だらけの私達にも、とても優しい親切な先生とスタッフさん達で、安心して診察を終えることができました。
I made an appointment for vaccination at my first child's first pediatrics department. The staff feels good at the time of reservation and at the time of reception, and when I consulted with the teacher about another matter after vaccination, I asked a detailed question, but the explanation was polite and easy to understand, and it was very friendly. Thank you for your support. Whether it's a baby who doesn't understand anything yet, or us who are full of anxiety and ignorance, the very kind and kind teachers and staff made it possible to finish the examination with peace of mind.
Misato T on Google

開院当初からお世話になっております。 先生や看護士さんはみな感じが良く、院内も清潔で、薬局も隣りにあって立地がいいです。 ただし、予防接種の受付時間には要注意! 受ける予防接種の種類によって時間が変則的ですが、予約システム上にはその記載はなく、もし時間を間違えると救済措置はありません。 予約困難な予防接種であっても、時間を間違えるともう受けられません。 うちの場合、事情を説明しましたが(応対された受付の方によるのかもしれませんが)受けられませんでした。
We have been indebted to you since the opening of the hospital. All the teachers and nurses feel good, the hospital is clean, and the pharmacy is next door, so the location is good. However, be careful about the reception hours for vaccinations! The time is irregular depending on the type of vaccination you receive, but there is no description on the reservation system, and if you make a mistake, there is no remedy. Even if it is difficult to make a reservation, you will not be able to receive the vaccination if you make a mistake. In my case, I explained the situation, but I couldn't receive it (maybe it depends on the receptionist who responded).
MMM RRR on Google

子供が腹痛と、嘔吐でかかった時、水分でも吐いてしまうため、点滴のお願いをしたらすんなり対応してくれました。その前に行った、有明こどもクリニックの豊洲医院では、少しづつ飲ませてくださいと言われただけで、飲ませても、吐いてしまっていたので、すぐに対応していただいてよかったです。 レントゲンも撮ってもらったら、感染性の麻痺性イレウス(腸閉塞)の疑いがあるとのことで、絶飲食で、点滴ですごい、だんだん良くなりました。 このまま、有明こどもクリニックに診てもらっていたら、オダギリジョーさんの2番目のお子さんのように、腸閉塞で死んでしまってたのかとか想像すると怖いです。 本当に、親の意見を聞いてくださり、耳を傾けてくれる所は患者側として、とても嬉しいです。 ありがとうございました。
When my child suffered from abdominal pain and vomiting, he also vomited with water, so when I asked for an IV drip, he responded smoothly. At the Toyosu Clinic of the Ariake Children's Clinic, which I went to before that, I was just told to take it little by little, and even if I gave it, I was vomiting, so I'm glad that I was able to respond immediately. When I had an X-ray taken, I was suspected of having infectious paralytic ileus (intestinal obstruction). It would be scary to imagine that if I had been seen at the Ariake Children's Clinic as it was, I would have died of an intestinal obstruction like Joe Odagiri's second child. As a patient, I am very happy to hear and listen to my parents' opinions. Thank you very much.
k i on Google

There aren't too many good pediatrics in Kiba, so I go here. It's beautiful, the nurses and teachers are kind, and the examination is accurate and reliable.

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