有明こどもクリニック 勝どき院

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 有明こどもクリニック 勝どき院

住所 :

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://kachidoki.child-clinic.or.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan
蓮池林太郎 on Google

勝どき駅近くにある小児科クリニック。平日は夜遅くまで、土曜日、日曜日もやっています。 院長の植松先生は、穏やかで優しい先生です。 小児健診だけでなく、予防接種、インフルエンザ、溶連菌など幅広く診療している小児科が家の近所にあるのは便利ですね。
Pediatrics clinic near Kachidoki station. Weekdays are open until late at night, Saturdays and Sundays. The director, Dr. Uematsu, is a gentle and kind teacher. It is convenient to have a pediatric department near your house that offers a wide range of medical care, including vaccinations, influenza, and hemolytic streptococcus, as well as pediatric medical examinations.
森下奈々子 on Google

It happened to be the day of Dr. Kogure's examination. We had a very careful examination and made a quick diagnosis. Not only children but also myself were examined, but not only pediatrics but also general internal medicine was well versed. The staff are very kind and the hospital is very beautiful. See you again. Thank you very much.
Shin U on Google

休日や夜遅くまで診療する日もあり、仕事の後でも受診できるので助かっています。 先生やスタッフの方も親切、丁寧で信頼できます。 予約もでき、待ち時間も少なく、鼻吸引や吸入だけならチケット制で対応していただけるのでありがたいです。 かかりつけ医登録はいつでも相談できるお守りの様で安心に繋がります。
There are days when I have medical treatment on holidays and late at night, and I am grateful that I can receive medical treatment even after work. The teachers and staff are also kind, polite and reliable. You can make reservations, there is little waiting time, and we are grateful that you can use a ticket system for nasal suction and inhalation. Registering as a family doctor is like a talisman that you can consult with at any time, and you can feel secure.
Y O on Google

In a clean hospital, there are doctors and nurses with gentle smiles. I was surprised that my child said that I would like to get a toy capsule if I had an injection, and I would like to receive vaccinations here. Thank you again for your help.
ken on Google

I want to see my child on Sunday, so I've seen advertisements for a long time and have been doing it on holidays and at night, so I came to the hospital! The facility is new, so you can rest assured that it is very beautiful and has a nursing room and diaper changing room that children can enjoy. The staff are kind, and the teachers are accustomed to the children, and they will give you a good medical examination and respond kindly. In addition, there is a pharmacy in the mall, so I am grateful that there are children who can receive medical examinations and prescribe smoothly. My child has a runny nose and I go there every day just by sucking, but it was also helpful to get a ticket and feel free to go to suck without reservation. I'm telling you that it's also recommended for mom friends. I will continue to attend!
生松こ on Google

予約システムと受付の方が残念。 予約システムで予約がちゃんと取れたことがない。予防接種で今受ける予防接種はないと出て取れなくて電話。インフルエンザ2回目の予約も取れずまた電話。 説明も意味不明で受ける2日前からしか取れないんですよ。。それだけ。 1回目受けたときそんな説明受けてないけど。 幼児検診、予防接種の予約は24時間受付60日先まで対応ってウェブに書いてあるんだけど。 ウェブ予約を徹底するならちゃんとウェブを整備してほしいし、説明足らず。 先生と看護師さんがとても丁寧で良い方なのに、予約システムと受付の人が良くなくて残念。
The reservation system and reception are disappointing. I have never made a reservation properly with the reservation system. If I don't have the vaccination I'm getting now, I can't get it and call. I couldn't make a reservation for the second flu and called again. The explanation is also unclear and can only be taken two days before receiving it. .. that's all. I didn't get that explanation when I received it the first time. It is written on the web that reservations for infant examinations and vaccinations are available 24 hours a day, up to 60 days in advance. If you want to make a thorough online reservation, I want you to maintain the web properly, and there is not enough explanation. Although the teacher and the nurse are very polite and good, I am sorry that the reservation system and the receptionist are not good.
勝どき院院長 on Google

院長からレビューへのお返事は行っておりませんが、名誉毀損の可能性があるとのことでしたので弁護士からも適正なお返事を記載するように指導がありましたので、お返事致します。 k teakさんの投稿につきましてご説明いたします。 先日若いお母様とお子様が当院を受診されました。今までに受診歴はなく、当院はこの日が初診でした。 診察室に入ってくるなり開口一番、「お薬とかいらないんで、検査だけしてください」とおっしゃいました。当初からイライラされているような印象を受けました。 そこで私はまず、「いつからどんな症状があって今日いらっしゃったんですか?」とお聞きしました。 第一声が「なんで来たの?」だったという記載がありますが、上記の質問をお母様が頭の中で脳内変換されて、このように受け取られてしまったようです。 そもそも検査するかどうかは医師が決めることです。まず問診をし、診察をし、必要と判断すれば検査を行います。 お話を伺うと、当院を受診される前日に夢未来クリニックを受診されて、処方を受けておられたことが分かりました。夢未来クリニックをかかりつけにしているともおっしゃっていました。 それならばなぜ昨日夢未来クリニックを受診したときに検査しなかったのか、どうして今日は昨日受診もしていてかかりつけにしている夢未来クリニックではなく、わざわざ病院を変えて初診の当院を受診したのか、不可解に思いました。 ですから私は、「昨日夢未来さんを受診されたのなら、どうしてそこで検査されなかったんですか?」とお聞きしました。 「近くの夢未来があるじゃん。なんでそこで受けないの?」という記載がありますが、上記の質問をお母様が頭の中で脳内変換されると、このような表現になってしまうようです。もちろん「〇〇じゃん」といった口調で話している訳がありません。 このあたりまで話が進むと、「つべこべ言わずにお前は検査だけしてりゃいいんだよ」という無言の圧力をひしひしと感じました。 さらにお話を伺うと、「昨日夢未来クリニックを受診して、その時に検査した方が良いと言われた。夢未来クリニックでは唾液によるPCR検査だけを行っていて、1歳の子では唾液をうまく出せないため検査ができない、その場合は中央区のPCR検査センターを紹介しているが、昨日は祝日だったため検査センターの予約が取れない、だから翌日他院で検査してもらってくださいと言われた」とのことでした。 ここまでお話を伺って、ああそういうことかとようやく事情が理解できました。この頃にはお母様のイライラはMAXといったご様子でした。 そこで、いよいよ鼻咽頭ぬぐい液でPCR検査を行った訳ですが、この日はあいにく検査が立て込んでいて、結果が出るのが翌日になることが見込まれました。 そのため「結果は今日はちょっと無理なので明日になると思います。出たらお電話します」と申し上げました。 この発言も、お母様の頭の中で脳内変換されると、「当日出るわけ無いじゃん。明日だね」という記載になってしまうようです。もちろん「〇〇じゃん」といった口調で話している訳がありません。 電話受付で検査結果が当日に出ると安易に答えてしまったのも誤解の原因となりました。当院ではAutoAmpという島津製作所の機械を用いて自院でPCR検査していますので、早ければ当日に結果が出ることもあります。しかし、この機械は一度動かすと約3時間検査に時間がかかり、次の検査ができません。ですからその日の検体数が多いと、すぐに結果が出ないことも当然あります。最近は非常に患者さんが多く、機械をフル稼働させても検査に時間がかかるケースが増えています。試薬も不足しがちで、キャパシティーを越えてしまうと、やむをえず検査をお断りすることもあります。検査できるかどうか、結果がいつ出るかという問い合わせが殺到していますが、一切確約できませんのでご了承いただければと思います。 そしてこの日の夕方、k teakさんがGoogleの口コミに投稿されているのを発見しました。 翌日結果が出たのでお電話をしました。書き込みの件について伺うと、お母様は「まったく知らない、何のことか分からない」とおっしゃいました。 それから「少し待ってください」と言われて、何かカサコソと音がした後、電話がお父様に代わりました。そして「口コミを書いたのは自分だ」とおっしゃいました。 後で「この会話は全部録音しているからな!」とおっしゃっていましたので、カサコソとした音は録音機をセットする音だったようです。 お父様も大変ご立腹されている様子で、「お前の態度に失礼な点は一つもなかったのか!」などと詰問され、私が電話口で少し息をしただけで、「お前今笑っただろう!お前は人に謝罪するときヘラヘラ笑いながら謝罪するのか!」などとおっしゃいました。 Googleの口コミは全世界からアクセスできるものです。そこに個人名をあげて他人を攻撃するというのはネットリテラシーとしていかがなものか。何も事情を知らない人がk teakさんの口コミを読むと誤解を生むのではないか。極めて不適切であり、できれば削除していただきたいとお願いをしましたが、「表現の自由がある」などとおっしゃりご理解いただけませんでした。さすがに個人名だけは後で削除されましたが。 以上が、今回の経緯です。 普段からよく受診してくださっている患者様とは信頼関係が構築できていますが、今回のように検査だけのために来た初診の患者様と関係を構築するのは簡単ではありません。自分の思った通りにすぐに検査してもらえてすぐに結果が出なければ激昂する患者様が増えています。コロナ禍において多くの人が不安を抱え、ストレスが溜まっているのは分かります。ただ、だからといって、医療者にその矛先を向けるのは違うと思います。我々医療従事者は、日々対応に追われています。コロナ禍になってから、関係性構築以前の問題として、対応困難事例が増えているように感じられます。毎日奮闘している医師たちを相手にストレスをぶつけないでほしい、と心の底から思います。
The director has not responded to the review, but since it was said that there was a possibility of defamation, the lawyer also instructed us to write an appropriate reply, so we will reply. I would like to explain about k teak's post. The other day, a young mother and child visited our hospital. I haven't had a medical examination so far, and this was my first visit to our hospital. As soon as I entered the doctor's office, he said, "I don't need any medicine, just check it." I got the impression that it was frustrating from the beginning. So I first asked, "When did you have any symptoms and what kind of symptoms did you have today?" There is a statement that the first voice was "Why did you come?", But it seems that the above question was received in this way by the mother's brain conversion in her head. It is up to the doctor to decide whether or not to test in the first place. We will ask you a question first, then give you a medical examination, and if you think it is necessary, we will do an examination. When I heard the story, I found out that the day before I visited our hospital, I visited the Yume Mirai Clinic and received a prescription. You also said that you have a dream future clinic as your family. If so, why didn't you take the test when you visited the Yume Mirai Clinic yesterday, and why did you bother to change the hospital and go to our hospital for the first time instead of the Yume Mirai Clinic that you used to go to yesterday? I thought it was puzzling. So I asked, "If you had a medical examination for Yume Mirai yesterday, why didn't you have an examination there?" There is a description that "There is a dream future nearby. Why don't you take it there?", But when the mother asks the above question in her head, it seems to be expressed like this. Of course, there is no reason to speak in a tone such as "○○ Jan". As the story progressed to this point, I felt the silent pressure that "you should just inspect without saying anything." When I asked him further, he said, "I was told that I should go to the Yume Mirai Clinic yesterday and have a test at that time. At the Yume Mirai Clinic, I only do PCR tests with saliva, and a one-year-old child does well with saliva. I can't test because I can't get it, in which case I'm introducing the PCR testing center in Chuo Ward, but yesterday was a holiday so I couldn't make a reservation for the testing center, so I was told to have it tested at another hospital the next day. "is what they said. After listening to the story so far, I finally understood the situation. By this time, my mother's frustration seemed to be MAX. Therefore, we finally performed a PCR test with a nasopharyngeal swab, but unfortunately the test was set up on this day, and it was expected that the results would be available the next day. Therefore, he said, "The result is a little impossible today, so I think it will be tomorrow. I will call you when it comes out." When this remark is converted into the brain in the mother's head, it seems that it will be described as "You can't come out on the day. It's tomorrow." Of course, there is no reason to speak in a tone such as "○○ Jan". It was also a cause of misunderstanding that I answered easily when the test result came out on the day at the telephone reception. At our hospital, we use a machine called AutoAmp from Shimadzu Corporation to perform PCR tests at our hospital, so results may be available on the day at the earliest. However, once this machine is operated, it takes about 3 hours to inspect, and the next inspection cannot be performed. Therefore, if the number of samples on that day is large, the results may not be obtained immediately. Recently, there are a large number of patients, and there are increasing cases where the examination takes time even if the machine is fully operated. Reagents tend to be in short supply, and if the capacity is exceeded, the test may be unavoidably declined. We are inundated with inquiries about whether the test can be performed and when the results will be available, but we cannot guarantee it at all. And this evening, I found k teak posted in a Google review. The next day I got the result so I called. When asked about the post, my mother said, "I don't know at all, I don't know what it is." Then, after being told "Please wait a moment" and making a rattling noise, the phone changed to my father. And he said, "I wrote the word of mouth." Later, he said, "I'm recording all this conversation!", So it seems that the rustling sound was the sound of setting the recorder. My father seemed to be very angry, and he was asked, "Isn't there any rude point in your attitude!", And I just took a short breath over the phone and said, "You laughed now. Let's do it! When you apologize to someone, do you apologize while laughing? " Google reviews are accessible from all over the world. How about net literacy to give an individual name there and attack others? It may be misleading for someone who doesn't know anything to read k teak's review. It was extremely inappropriate, and I asked for it to be deleted if possible, but I couldn't understand that you had "freedom of expression." As expected, only the personal name was deleted later. The above is the background of this time. Although we have established a relationship of trust with the patients who regularly receive medical examinations, it is not easy to establish a relationship with the first-time patients who came only for examinations like this time. An increasing number of patients are furious if they are tested immediately as they wish and the results are not obtained immediately. We can see that many people are anxious and stressed in the Corona disaster. However, I think it is different to point the brunt at medical professionals. We medical professionals are busy responding every day. It seems that the number of difficult cases to deal with is increasing as a problem before the relationship is built after becoming a corona disaster. From the bottom of my heart, I want you not to put stress on the doctors who are struggling every day.
k teak on Google

悲しくなるぐらい対応が悪かったため投稿いたします。 1歳半の子供が保育園で濃厚接触者になってしまったため、PCR検査のため来院。 先生に対応いただき、第一声が 「なんで来たの?」 続いて 「近くの夢未来があるじゃん。なんでそこで受けないの?」 電話受付で当日結果が出るということを伝えると 「当日出るわけ無いじゃん。明日だね」 (当日出るということで来院し、仕事を調整していましたが、これで明日も休まなければ・・・) 終始タメ口で、高圧的な態度・・・ 登園できず仕事を休まざる負えない状況のため、すがる思いで来院したのに、こういった態度をされ非常に悲しい気持ちになりました。。 (Webで子供が受けれるということで来院しただけなのに・・・) ミッションの「笑顔で安心して出産や子育てができる社会を創る」のかけ離れた対応で、怒りを通して悲しくなりました。ここまでの態度になる理由を知りたい。
I will post it because the response was so bad that it made me sad. A one-and-a-half-year-old child came to the hospital for a PCR test because he became a close contact at a nursery school. The first voice is from the teacher "Why did you come?" continue "There is a dream future nearby. Why don't you receive it there?" If you tell the telephone reception that the result will be available on the day "You can't come out that day. It's tomorrow." (I came to the hospital because I was leaving on the day and adjusted my work, but I have to take a rest tomorrow ...) A high-pressure attitude with a tame mouth from beginning to end ... Because I couldn't go to the kindergarten and had to take a break from work, I came to the hospital with a feeling of urgency, but I felt very sad because of this attitude. .. (I just came to the hospital because my child can receive it on the Web ...) I was saddened by my anger because of the distant response of the mission, "Creating a society where you can give birth and raise children with a smile and peace of mind." I want to know the reason for this attitude.

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