
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まごころ厨房

住所 :

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://magokorochubou.com/
街 : Tokyo

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan
t. chiku (t.chiku) on Google

It's a little far from Kiba station, but the ramen shop we arrived at. The inside of the shop is clean and clean and has little smell. Your brother can also make ramen quickly. The air conditioner is large, and you can enjoy ramen while being cool even during this hot mid-season. In addition, "Special Shio Tsukemen," "Tsukemen," "Special Aged Salt Ramen," "Special Niboshi Ramen," Beer, Snacks, Toppings, and a variety of other menus are also available. Above all, as a measure against corona, the tissue is installed on the audience side and thrown away by itself. It is recommended that contact with customers is considered to be the minimum. After all, a restaurant with a beautiful interior has only delicious food.
Tokki Public Comments on Google

平日のランチタイムを過ぎていたためか,すぐに入店できた.塩ラーメン780円 + めん大盛100円を注文した.塩ラーメンとは思えない程,濃厚なスープに太麺が浸かっていた.しかし,見た目とは裏腹に,昆布と煮干しが効き意外とあっさりしたスープで,麺との絡みがよく,食べ終わる頃にはスープが無くなる程であった.個人の嗜好になるが,あまり特徴を感じないラーメンであった.この界隈には美味しい店が沢山あるため,再来の可能性は低いと思われる.
I was able to enter the store immediately, probably because it was past lunch time on weekdays. I ordered salt ramen 780 yen + men's large serving 100 yen. Thick noodles were soaked in a thick soup that I couldn't think of as salt ramen. However, contrary to its appearance, the soup was surprisingly light with kelp and dried sardines, and it was well entwined with the noodles, and by the time it was finished eating, the soup had disappeared. It was a ramen that became a personal preference, but did not feel very characteristic. There are many delicious restaurants in this area, so it is unlikely that they will come back again.
冬霞 on Google

前から気になっていたので思いきってチャレンジ。特製塩ラーメンを頼みましたが、スープ煮干しが効いている濃いめの感じです。ですが塩であっさりまとめられておりするする食べられました。 ただ店員のお兄さんにメニューについて聞いたのですが、態度がぶっきらぼうで結果として聞きたかったポイントもわからなかったのは残念でした。 自分はもう行くことはないと思いますが、接客を気にしない方は問題ないと思います。
I've been interested in it for a long time, so I decided to take on the challenge. I ordered a special salt ramen, but it has a strong feeling that the soup is boiled and dried. However, it was eaten because it was easily put together with salt. I just asked the clerk's brother about the menu, but it was a pity that he was so blunt that he didn't understand the point he wanted to hear as a result. I don't think I'll go anymore, but I don't think it's a problem for those who don't care about customer service.
Ippei Niwa on Google

テーブル一卓、カウンター5席の小さな店です。土曜の昼過ぎに妻と二人で訪問。5分程の待ちで入れました。店員さんは厨房に一人。忙しそうに調理に配膳にとされていましたが、手際良く、料理もあまり待たずに頂けました。 濃熟塩ラーメン大盛り880円を注文。 豚骨5:鶏ガラ8の割合で調合されたスープはとろみがあるけど濃すぎずむしろアッサリとした雑味のない味。太麺を絡ませて食べてもしつこさがなく食べやすかったです。敢えて言えばもう少し塩味が効いていてもいいように感じました。
It is a small shop with one table and 5 seats at the counter. Visited with my wife after noon on Saturday. I put it in after waiting for about 5 minutes. There is only one clerk in the kitchen. I was supposed to be busy cooking, but it was smart and I didn't have to wait too long for the food. I ordered a large serving of concentrated salt ramen for 880 yen. The soup prepared with a ratio of 5 pork bones and 8 chicken bones is thick but not too thick and has a rather light taste without any unpleasant taste. It was easy to eat without being persistent even if I entwined thick noodles. If I dare to say it, I felt that it would be okay if it was a little more salty.
南砂一丁目 on Google

○心厨房(東陽1-25-6)「得製濃熟 塩らーめん」(1020円)。ウマーイ(๑´ڡ`๑)寒い日のラーメンはエネルギーが注入される感じがします。麺屋吉左右(東陽1-11-3)のご近所で、ここも時折行列が出来る人気店。レアチャーシューが肉感あってとてもグッド。次はつけ麺を食べに来ます!
○ Shin Kitchen (Toyo 1-25-6) "Tokusei Nojuku Shio Ramen" (1020 yen). Umai (๑´ڡ`๑) Ramen on a cold day feels like energy is injected. In the neighborhood of Ramen Kissō (1-11-3 Toyo), this is also a popular shop where you can occasionally line up. Rare char siu has a flesh and is very good. Next time I'm coming to eat tsukemen!
W T on Google

特製塩ラーメンをオーダー。 うん、濃厚だけどしょっぱいとかは無い。 塩の甘みが生きてます。 具材のバランスも量も良い。 人気店なのもわかります。
I ordered a special salt ramen. Yeah, it's rich but not salty. The sweetness of salt is alive. The balance and quantity of ingredients are good. You can also see that it is a popular store.
ニャーイチ on Google

驚!これが塩らーめん?!スープを飲み干しても罪悪感ないニャメ! 名物の塩ラーメンは、いわゆる一般的な塩ラーメンではなく、スープがポタージュのようで、塩以外の複雑な味わいがあってウマーイ! 良い意味で裏切られた〜! 濃厚だけど塩辛く無いんよね〜!程よいトロミとお野菜のザラっと舌触り。鳥と豚と昆布の旨味があって、全部飲み干しても罪悪感が無い! ワシは塩辛いのが苦手で…。通いのラーメン屋ではいつも「ラーメンだれ少なめ」で頼むんやけど、ここのは標準でバッチリの塩味やぁぁ!嬉しい〜! 力が出るのに体に障らない味のラーメンとして、ワシの行きつけの店になりそう!ニャメ!!
Surprise! Is this salt ramen? !! Nyame doesn't feel guilty even if you drink up the soup! The specialty salt ramen is not so-called general salt ramen, but the soup is like a pottage and has a complex taste other than salt. Betrayed in a good way! It's rich but not salty! The texture of vegetables and vegetables is just right. There is a taste of birds, pigs and kelp, and you will not feel guilty even if you drink them all! I'm not good at salty ... At the ramen shops I go to, I always ask for "less ramen", but this one is standard and has a perfect salty taste! happy~! As a ramen with a taste that does not hurt your body even though it is powerful, it seems to be my favorite shop! Nyame! !!
sht szrd on Google

12:10頃に来店したが隙間時間だったのか並ばずに入店。 塩ラーメンを頼んだところいい意味で予想を裏切った豚骨や鶏ガラを煮込んだポタージュに近いドロドロ系のスープが提供された。煮干し魚粉もふんだんに使われており一般的な塩ラーメンとは別物。 しかしこの店ならではの売りであることは間違いなく、また来店したいと思われる美味しさだった。
I came to the store around 12:10, but I entered the store without lining up because it was a gap time. When I ordered salt ramen, a muddy soup similar to a pottage was served, which was a stew of pork bones and chicken bones that was unexpectedly disappointing. Niboshi fish meal is also used abundantly, which is different from general salt ramen. However, there is no doubt that it is a sale unique to this store, and it was delicious that I would like to visit again.

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