Torifuji - Maizuru

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torifuji

住所 :

151 Hama, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 625-0036

151 Hama, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0036, Japan
南恵美子 on Google

水炊きとつくねが 美味しかった? 九州を思い出しました(*^ー^)ノ♪ お財布にも優しいお店でした!
The water cooking and the tsukune were delicious ? I remembered Kyushu (* ^-^) no ♪ It was a store that was also good for my wallet!
赤道パナマ7 on Google

Ramen is recommended for tightening the chicken pot! Is it Uebayashi chicken? From fried chicken to yakitori, each part is very delicious.
Yoshi H on Google

It is an exquisite baking. Both salt and sauce are delicious only by Torifuji ?
齋藤彰訓 on Google

鳥の鍋がおいしいです。 一人前を二人で分けて食べると丁度良いです。 キモもおいしいので、仕入れなどは確りしているお店だと思います。
The bird's pot is delicious. It is just better to eat one person separately with two people. Kimo is also delicious, so I think it is a well-established store.
久保田雅裕 on Google

The price is reasonable and the taste is quite good. Tsukune is especially delicious. Chijimi is also delicious.
Hiroshi Nagao on Google

鳥もつ煮が特別に美味しい。 チジミのボリュームがうれしい。 焼き鳥もおいしく、特につくねは表面カリカリで中がふわっと。どれもおいしくいただけました。
Simmered chicken is especially delicious. Chijimi's volume is nice. Yakitori is also delicious, especially Tsukune with a crispy surface and a soft inside. All were delicious.
兵藤慎二 on Google

焼き鳥屋という庶民的な言葉が似合わない焼き鳥屋。どんな串を頼んでも一品料理のような気品と奥深い味わいがある。とはいえ値段はリーズナブル。 単純に1つ1つの具材の「パーツ」がでかいこともあるのかもしれないが。なんかそんな雰囲気が店中から溢れ出てる店。 ネギなどの野菜串を頼むとはっきりこの店のタレの良さが分かる。 一見コワモテのオーナーは一言話しかければ激しく目尻を下げて応酬してくれる。 一見さんには入りにくいような門構えだけど全然そんなことなし。おすすめです
A yakitori restaurant that doesn't look like yakitori restaurant. No matter what kind of skewers you order, you will find the elegance and depth of a dish. However, the price is reasonable. It may be that the “parts” of each ingredient may be simply large. A store where that kind of atmosphere overflows from inside the store. If you ask for a vegetable skewer such as leek, you can clearly see the goodness of this sauce. At first glance, the owner of Kowamote will lower the corners of his eyes and respond to each other with a single word. At first glance it is difficult to enter, but there is no such thing at all. it's recommended
Alex Rudolph on Google

Daisuke-san was very nice and accomodating. Food was delicious, especially the chicken heart and thighs.

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