旬彩酒場 しゅう

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬彩酒場 しゅう

住所 :

Maizuru, 〒625-0036 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
街 : Kyoto

Maizuru, 〒625-0036 Kyoto,Japan
ジルベールパパ on Google

Cheap and delicious store
大野浩一 on Google

It's cheap and delicious
長岡千里 on Google

You can spend your time relaxing and the food is delicious!
kim on Google

Where do you buy from? The fish are really good. A wide variety of skewers.
tonton tonton on Google

Both sake and sake were delicious, but if you try to pay with a card, it will cost 5%! Please be careful!
rajiokan on Google

宿泊ホテルの隣だったので行きました。 期待してませんでしたが、 すごく美味しい、そして安い。 特に串カツが最高でした。
I went because it was next to the hotel. I did not expect it, Very delicious and cheap. Especially dried sweet potato was the best.
Satoshi Iritani on Google

I visited by myself. Assorted sashimi + 500 yen for deep-fried skewers + 2000 yen for soup stock chazuke, you can enjoy the contents. The menu is all-round with meat, fish and sake. If you are staying at the neighboring Amabile Maizuru as a single, it would be safe!
岩崎智徳 on Google

ホテルから徒歩1分程のお店を紹介してもらって夫婦で訪れました。お店に入ると 非常に落ち着いた雰囲気で良かったです。カウンター席でゆっくり出来ました。様々なジャンルの料理が有りましたが、何れも美味しく、特に鮮魚、串カツは絶品で、お値段以上の価値が有ります。かなりリーズナブルなお店だとおもいます。大満足でした! マスターとスタッフの方も愛想が良いので楽しかったですよ~⤴️ また行きたいと思います。乾杯!!
The couple visited us after being introduced to a shop about a minute's walk from the hotel. When I entered the shop, it was nice to have a very calm atmosphere. I was able to relax at the counter seat. There were various genres of dishes, but they were all delicious, especially the fresh fish and kushikatsu, which are worth more than the price. I think it's a fairly reasonable shop. It was a great satisfaction! The master and staff were also friendly, so it was fun ~ ⤴️ I would like to go again. cheers! !!

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