Tonkatsu Iwamatsu - Sendai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tonkatsu Iwamatsu

住所 :

2 Chome-13-16 Omachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 980-0804
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2AM
Sunday 11:30AM–2AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2AM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2AM
Thursday 11:30AM–2AM
Friday 11:30AM–2AM

2 Chome-13-16 Omachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0804, Japan
あんといを on Google

I don't think there are many delicious pork cutlets like this. It comes with a nice small bowl and side dishes, and the price is about the beef tongue set meal.
池田清太郎 on Google

ビーフサーロインカツ定食を頂きました。 いわゆる牛カツで、揚げ方が丁寧で美味しく頂きました。カツに味が付いているのでソースは掛けなくても大丈夫かと思います。個人的にはわさび醤油があると嬉しかったです。 店内はあまり広くないので、ランチ時間はずらした方がすんなり入店できるかと思います。
I had a beef sirloin cutlet set meal. It was a so-called beef cutlet, and the way it was fried was polite and delicious. Since the cutlet is flavored, I think it's okay not to sprinkle the sauce on it. Personally, I was happy to have wasabi soy sauce. The inside of the store is not very large, so I think it's easier to enter the store if you stagger the lunch time.
Daidai Yan on Google

電話予約の上臨場! 土曜PM5:30〜 カウンターに通され親方奥の席で色々アイテム仕込み中。親方が描いた仏像のカレンダー?とモチベーションアゲアゲの名刺サイズのお札を乾杯?前に頂戴致す✌️ 刺し盛りは名取の赤貝、クジラとポン酒?好きのアイテム盛り沢山※もはや酒飲みのレッテル貼られたラインナップ? 吉次(キンキ)の煮付け注文も余りの美味さに感動✌️会計が気になる笑 安くて良い物なんてコスパ気にしてる様じゃ大成しねーぞ的な味も価格もパワフルな料理に大変満足? 料理から「気」をもらいましたとさ✌️
Rinjo on the phone reservation! Saturday PM 5:30 ~ I was passed through the counter and I was preparing various items at the back seat of my master. A calendar of Buddha statues drawn by the master ? and a business card-sized bill of motivation ageage will be given to you before a toast ? ✌️ The sashimi is a lot of Natori's ark shells, whales and ponshu ? Favorite items * The lineup is no longer labeled as a drinker ? I was impressed by the deliciousness of the boiled order of Yoshiji (Kinki) ✌️ I'm worried about accounting lol If you care about cheap and good food, it won't be a big deal. I'm very satisfied with the powerful food with its taste and price ? I heard that I got "Ki" from cooking ✌️
N. Honma on Google

ポークカツは普通ですが、 ビーフカツを食べられるお店というと なかなかないのが現状。 こちらのお店は両方とも提供する珍しい お店ということで訪問。 メニューは見たものの、 やはり、ビーフヒレカツ定食を注文しました。 うな重が食べられるくらいのなかなかのお値段。 お吸い物、お漬け物、味噌汁、ライス、 メインのビーフヒレカツという順番で、 サーブされてきました。 ビーフヒレカツは少し赤身残る状態で、 テーブルへ出てきました。 厚さは1cm程度のビーフヒレカツで、 結構なボリュームです。 テーブルには、青唐辛子醤油、減塩食塩、 醤油、胡麻ソース、中濃ソースなど、 バリエーションが多い調味料の数々。 青唐辛子醤油は、とっても斬新ですが、 醤油の奥から、辛味成分が鼻を抜けて来ます。 でも、辛味が強過ぎず、上品な味わい。 ビーフヒレカツは、衣が少なくサクサク。 口に運んで噛み締めると柔らかく、 牛肉の独特な旨みをいただいてるなあと実感。 タケノコ、しめじ、高野豆腐のお吸い物。 すごく薄味ですが、繊細な味。 お漬け物は、タコともやしのキムチ、 これは、塩辛っぽく、鰹の佃煮、 沢庵、胡瓜、カブの葉のお漬け物。 お米も宮城県産米かな? とても、美味しくいただきました。 上質なランチでした。 #ビーフヒレカツ #カツ #ポークカツ
Pork cutlet is normal, Speaking of shops where you can eat beef cutlet The current situation is that it is hard to find. This shop is rare to offer both Visited because it is a shop. I saw the menu, After all, I ordered a beef pork cutlet set meal. The price is quite high enough to eat Unaju. Suimono, pickles, miso soup, rice, In the order of the main beef pork cutlet, It has been served. Beef pork cutlet is a little lean, I came out to the table. Beef pork cutlet with a thickness of about 1 cm It is a good volume. On the table are green pepper soy sauce, low-salt salt, Soy sauce, sesame sauce, worcestershire sauce, etc. Many seasonings with many variations. Green chili soy sauce is very novel, but From the back of the soy sauce, the pungent ingredient comes through your nose. However, the spiciness is not too strong and it has an elegant taste. Beef pork cutlet is crispy with few batters. When you bring it to your mouth and bite it, it's soft, I realized that I had the unique taste of beef. Bamboo shoots, shimeji mushrooms, and Koya tofu soup. Very light but delicate. Pickles are octopus and bean sprout kimchi, This is salty, bonito tsukudani, Pickled takuan, cucumber and turnip leaves. Is the rice also from Miyagi prefecture? It was very delicious. It was a good lunch. #Beef pork cutlet #Cutlet #Pork cutlet
Lonely Rider on Google

昔ながらのとんかつ屋さんという印象です。 かなりコンパクトな店内は、カウンターのみ10席程度。 今回は「ヒレカツ定食 ¥1690」を注文しました。 カツは厚いというか、まぁるくて柔らかいです。 値段は高いと思いますが、お吸い物や小鉢も何品かついていて、美味しいです。 ちなみに・・・ 店主さんがとてもユニークです。 他のお客さんが帰ったあとに、 実演つきで「気」の話をしてくれたり、自作のカレンダーをくれたり・・・。
The impression is that it is an old-fashioned tonkatsu shop. The inside of the store is quite compact, and only the counter has about 10 seats. This time, I ordered "Hirekatsu set meal ¥ 1690". The cutlet is thick, or rather soft and soft. I think the price is high, but there are many soups and small bowls, and they are delicious. as a side note··· The owner is very unique. After other customers return He talks about "Ki" with a demonstration, and gives me his own calendar.
Ilan on Google

一番のとんかつ ありがとうございました岩松さま This is the best tonkatsu I had, and the familly running the business is incredibly warm and nice, you should visit it if you have the occasion
Izumi on Google

Five-star, absolutely. The tonkatsu is so tender that just melts in your mouth, packed full with meat juice and incredible flavor. Would certainly come back constantly.
ZERO ICHI on Google

Sendai | Tonkatsudoko Iwamatu ●Sakizuke (First Dish in the Course) Surf Clam × Zunda (paste made from young soybeans) Spicy Fish eggs × Oil Shark cartilage × 梅肉 ●Wanmono Freeze-dried Tofu, bamboo shoots, brown beech mushroom , Konjac...etc ●Sashimi (Thinly sliced fresh seafood) Rock oyster ●焼き Sebastolobus macrochir

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