Bogey - Sendai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bogey

住所 :

66 Aramachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 984-0073

66 Aramachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0073, Japan
Hisashi Kumai on Google

It is a very good restaurant with a wide variety of dishes, reasonable prices and a full set of meals.
四季映姫 on Google

鯖焼き定食がめちゃくちゃ美味い(*´∀`) これだけ美味い定食が700円で食べれるならリピ確定です! お店も凄く良い雰囲気( ´∀` )b
The grilled set meal is super delicious (* ´∀`) If you can eat such a delicious set meal for 700 yen, you're sure of your repipe! The shop has a very good atmosphere (´∀ `) b
どぅわ on Google

It's delicious no matter what you eat. Cospa ◎
Toshi Kan on Google

揚げたてトンカツにカレーは最強でしょう❗️ で¥770なら文句のつけようないね‼️
Curry is probably the strongest for freshly fried pork cutlet ❗️ And if it's ¥ 770, I can't complain! ️
hiro “Kuwa” kuwa on Google

値段が手頃で美味しく定食が食べられる。 対象一人で切り盛りしている様子だが、調理の手際が良く、腕前に感心しました。 700円の定食で、サラダ、米、主菜、ナムル、漬物、茶碗蒸しが付き、食後にはコーヒーが出ます。 夜は居酒屋としても利用できます。
The price is reasonable and you can eat a delicious set meal. It seems that the subject is cutting it by himself, but he was very good at cooking and was impressed with his skill. A set meal of 700 yen includes salad, rice, main dish, namul, pickles, chawanmushi, and coffee is served after the meal. It can also be used as an izakaya at night.
仙台クローリング-アフィリエイト募集中 on Google

It's delicious and very gentle on your wallet. Not only is the pork cutlet delicious, but the biological and seasonal dishes are also delicious.
tabi meguri on Google

味は普通、店主が無愛想。 ヒレカツランチ食べたが、このレベルで高評価なのは、常連か。 コロナなのに、客のお喋りにも注意なし。 呆れた。再訪は無い。
The taste is usually unfriendly to the owner. I ate a pork cutlet lunch, but the ones who are highly evaluated at this level are regulars. Even though it is a corona, there is no need to pay attention to what the customers are talking about. I was amazed. There is no revisit.
Nishant Annu on Google

Aramachi izakaya popular with the locals. Slightly cramped space, but decent food.

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