Tokyo Kamata Medical Center - Ota City

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo Kamata Medical Center

住所 :

2 Chome-19-2 Minamikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 144-0035
Webサイト :

2 Chome-19-2 Minamikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0035, Japan
H I on Google

2回目のワクチン接種接種の際、問診票にワクチン接種による体調不良を記載する欄があったので、一回目のワクチン接種で熱が出たことを正直に書いたところ、それをみた医師には「その程度ですか?」と言われ、看護師にも迷惑そうな対応をされました。 問診票に正直に書いたことをバカバカしく思い、後悔しました。
At the time of the second vaccination, there was a column on the questionnaire to describe the illness caused by the vaccination, so I honestly wrote that I had a fever with the first vaccination. I was asked, "Is that so?", And the nurse responded in a way that seemed to bother me. I regretted that I wrote it honestly on the questionnaire because it was ridiculous.
ヨコヤマカツタカ on Google

There are many people in the hospital. There are many doctors and nurses who can handle it properly. However, there are some people who are blunt, so there are times when the correspondence is bad and the cooperation is bad. I feel bad. If you feel sick and feel uneasy, it will be unpleasant if you deal with it poorly. I would like medical professionals to think again at the starting line.
井上謙太郎 on Google

コロナ感染でホテル療養を経て、こちらに入院することになりました。 入院するにあたり、不安ばかりが先行しました。自分はどの程度の症状なのかもさることながら、医療逼迫の報道を常にニュースで目にしており、自分なんかが入院しても本当に良いのだろうか? 病院に無駄な負担をかけるんじゃないか、他にも治療が必要としている人がいるのではないかとそればかりが心配でした。 しかし、病院に着くなり非常に丁寧に対応していただき、説明をしてくれた担当の看護師さんも大変丁寧に、かつ時折り笑顔も見せてくれつつ書類の書き方を親切に教えていただき、その内に心の中にある不安が少しずつ軽くなっていく印象でした。 そのまま採血、レントゲン検査、そしてCT検査と立て続けに行いましたが、どの現場でもプロフェッショナルの方々が丁寧かつ迅速に働いてくれて、これから検査だというのに不安よりも安心感の方が感じられました。 結果として中等症の肺炎になっていたので、ホテルから病院に入院できて本当に心から良かったとホッとしました。 そこからは5日間、投薬のために点滴をしましたが、その都度違う看護師さんが対応する場合もあったのですが、全ての看護師さんが明るくて丁寧で素晴らしい対応をしてくれたと感じられました。 血管が細くなっていたようで、翌日になると点滴の出方が悪くなっていて、固定していた針を打ち直すことも多かったのですが、そのご対応も皆様一生懸命にやってくれて、ひとつひとつのお仕事に感銘を受けました。 ホテル療養の時は、治療は何もなかったわけで、何をもって完治になるのだろうか? ホテルを出た後に人に移すことはないのだろうか? 40歳を越えて長期間こんなにも具合が悪い時間が続いて、果たして体は病気前同様に戻るのだろうか? とめどなく不安が頭をよぎっていましたが、こちらに入院してからはとにもかくにも、安心感を感じられ、体自体もさることながら、心の平穏を手に入れられました。 もちろん退院時に担当の先生に説明も詳しくしていただき、またワクチンのことについてもこちらの質問に丁寧にお答えいただきましたので、きちんと理論的な安心感もありました。 また、ご飯を運んでくれる時なんかもそうですが、こちらの病院の看護師さん達は、みなさんおしなべて笑顔で優しさ溢れるご対応をしていただき、私に安らぎを与えてくれて、当初抱いていた入院に対する後ろめたさを忘れさせてくれるものでした。 ここで感謝を述べるのも正しいか迷うところではありますが、担当して頂いた先生を始め、看護師の皆様には心から感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました‼︎ 入院生活を経て、こんなにも人に深く感謝できる、しなくてはいけないと思えたことは、私の今後の人生にも多大な影響を与えてくれたものと思います。 また、もうひとつ特筆したいのが、病院食の美味しさです。 高熱が出てコロナが発症したのが7/5のこと。それから食欲が全く生まれず、それでも何も口にしないわけにいかないと、inゼリーをひと口ふた口食べては寝る。 7/8からホテル療養となり、ご飯を食べてくださいとのアドバイスを受け挑戦するものの、初日のお弁当がとんかつ弁当。 蓋を開けた時点で油の匂いで吐き気を覚えたものの、食べなくてはという義務感でひと口食べて当然断念。 レトルトのお粥をもらい、温めることもできず常温のまま何口か食すという生活を数日続けました。 それから7/12にこちらの東京蒲田医療センターに入院。初日の晩御飯が丸一週間ぶりのまともな食事。 和食中心のメニューの中、最初に炊き合わせの厚揚げを食べた瞬間、涙がとめどなく流れてきました。 他のメニューもひと口ずつ、味わいながらいただきましたが、どれも素晴らしい味付け、火の加減、食感に至るまで完璧で、食事が全部終わるまでずっと涙が止まりませんでした。 食べ物に感謝しろ、作ってくれた人に感謝しろと子供の頃から教わるかと思いますが、40歳を越えてそれをようやく実感しました。 これは非常に大きな衝撃でしたし、一生忘れることはないと思います。 もちろんそれ以降のお食事も全て素晴らしいのひと言。 朝食で出る目玉焼きやスクランブルエッグの固さに至るまで完璧。これを全患者さんに作っていると思うと、信じられない気持ちです。 長々となりましたが、看護師の皆様のご対応、食事、入院するにあたり享受できた全ての事柄に対して、東京蒲田医療センターには改めて深く感じ申し上げるとともに、口コミとして最大限の評価であったと断言させてください。
I was hospitalized here after undergoing hotel medical treatment due to corona infection. When I was hospitalized, my anxiety preceded me. I'm always seeing news reports of medical tightness, not to mention how much I'm symptomatic, so is it really okay for me to be hospitalized? I was worried that it would put a wasteful burden on the hospital and that there might be other people in need of treatment. However, when I arrived at the hospital, the nurse in charge responded very politely, and the nurse in charge gave me a very polite and occasional smile while kindly teaching me how to write the documents. I had the impression that the anxiety in my heart gradually diminished. I did blood sampling, X-ray examination, and CT examination in quick succession, but professionals worked politely and promptly at every site, and I felt more secure than anxious about the examination from now on. It was. As a result, I had moderate pneumonia, so I was relieved that I was really happy to be admitted to the hospital from the hotel. From there, I drip infusions for medication for 5 days, and there were cases where different nurses responded each time, but all the nurses responded cheerfully, politely and wonderfully. I felt it. It seems that the blood vessels were getting thinner, and the next day, the infusion was getting worse, and I often re-strike the fixed needle, but everyone worked hard to deal with it, one by one. I was impressed with the work. At the time of hotel recuperation, there was no treatment, so what would be the cure? Isn't it transferred to a person after leaving the hotel? After 40 years of age, will the body return to the same level as before the illness after such a long period of illness? While endlessly anxiety had crossed my head, here to write to pigeon from the hospital to, feel a sense of security, even more than the body itself, was put the peace of mind to hand. Of course, when I was discharged from the hospital, the teacher in charge gave me a detailed explanation, and I also answered this question carefully about vaccines, so I felt a sense of theoretical relief. Also, like when they bring me rice, the nurses at this hospital all smiled and kindly responded to me, giving me peace of mind and holding them at the beginning. It made me forget the guilt for hospitalization. I am wondering if it is correct to express my gratitude here, but I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the nurses, including the teacher in charge. I'm really thankful to you! ︎ I think that the fact that I had to be so deeply grateful to people after being hospitalized had a great impact on my future life. Another thing I would like to mention is the deliciousness of hospital food. It was 7/5 that a high fever occurred and corona developed. Then I had no appetite and I couldn't help but eat a bite of in jelly and go to bed. From 7/8, it will be a hotel recuperation, and although I will challenge after receiving advice to eat rice, the lunch box on the first day is a pork cutlet lunch box. When I opened the lid, I felt nausea due to the smell of oil, but I felt obliged to eat it, so I naturally gave up eating a bite. I received retort porridge, and I couldn't heat it, so I continued to eat a few mouthfuls at room temperature for several days. Then, on July 12, I was admitted to this Tokyo Kamata Medical Center. The dinner on the first day was a decent meal for the first time in a week. Among the menu of Japanese center, the moment that ate the thickness fried alignment first to cook, tears came flowing endlessly. I enjoyed the other menus bit by bit, but all of them were perfect in terms of seasoning, heating, and texture, and I couldn't stop crying until the end of the meal. I think I've been taught since I was a kid to thank the food and the people who made it, but I finally realized it when I was over 40 years old. This was a huge shock and I think I'll never forget it. Of course, all the meals after that are wonderful. Perfect for fried eggs and scrambled eggs that come out at breakfast. It's unbelievable to think that this is made for all patients. It's been a long time, but I would like to express my deepest feelings to the Tokyo Kamata Medical Center for all the things that I enjoyed when I was hospitalized, and the response, meals, and hospitalization of the nurses. Let me affirm.
Tak 527 on Google

I had facial nerve paralysis and wanted to go to the hospital, but I was urgently hospitalized at the strong recommendation of my teacher. I later learned that it was a serious injury and that if treatment was delayed, it would be a lifelong disability. I am truly grateful to Dr. IA of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology for coming all the way to the hospital room even on holidays. Thanks to you, my illness has been completely cured. Facial nerve paralysis is a disease in which the ability of the doctor affects the patient's life, so I hope it will be helpful for those who are suffering from the same disease.
Phakchi Suuuya on Google

急患対応してくださった時まず電話の話し方で対応が冷たいなと感じました。こんな時間にかよ、、、と言わんばかりの。実際に着くと人当たりに関しては違和感はありませんでしたが、応急処置でシーネ固定をして頂き、帰宅後、患部以外の場所が痛くなってしまい夜寝られない始末。外して見ると裏表が逆。外側にして下さいと記載がある硬い面が患部に当たっている状態でした。自分で柔らかい素材のものを巻いて対処しましたがあり得ないです。 急患で入ったのち、予約は取って頂き後日向かったのですが、のちの予定があった為受付の方に時間をお伝えし待合室で待っていました。 しかし、2時間待っても何も報告を貰えず、他の患者さんが受付に聞きに行った所、急患の処置に当たっている為、予約の診察の方の方が止まってしまっているとの事。結局その日診察はキャンセルにしなければならなくなり、授業を待合室でただ休んだだけ状態に。 混んでいることがわかりながら授業を優先させたのは私ですが、一言頂ければ少し早めに行動ができたり、それでなくても固定が間違えてるというのも募り、もう絶対に行きません。
When I received an emergency response, I first felt that the response was cold due to the way I spoke on the phone. I'm just saying that it's time like this. When I actually arrived, I didn't feel any discomfort in terms of people, but after I got home, I had to fix the splint as a first aid, and after returning home, the area other than the affected area hurt and I couldn't sleep at night. When you take it off, the front and back are reversed. The hard surface that says "Please put it on the outside" was in contact with the affected area. I tried to deal with it by wrapping it with a soft material myself, but it is impossible. After entering due to an emergency, I had to make a reservation and headed for the day later, but since I had a plan later, I told the receptionist the time and waited in the waiting room. However, even after waiting for 2 hours, I did not receive any reports, and when another patient went to the reception desk to ask, he said that the appointment consultation had stopped because he was treating an emergency case. .. After all, I had to cancel the examination that day, and I just took a rest in the waiting room. I gave priority to the lessons while knowing that it was crowded, but in a word, I was asked to act a little earlier, and even if it wasn't, I wouldn't go anymore.
Kimura Tabaching on Google

体調崩して2週間ほど入院しました。 病棟でお世話になった看護師さん、担当医さん、その他のスタッフ皆さんのあたたかく優しく親切な対応に感謝しています。 自宅に戻りたくないほどです。 コロナ禍で面会も禁止、外出も禁止で内容の寂しい病院食。 そんなネガティブな状況でも、とても素晴らしく優しい皆さんのお陰で体調も良くなりました。 なぜかこの病院に低評価の方もいますが自分には星5個では足りないです。
I was ill and was hospitalized for about 2 weeks. I am grateful to the nurses, doctors, and other staff who took care of me in the ward for their warm, kind and kind support. I don't want to go home. A lonely hospital meal with no visits and no going out due to the corona. Even in such a negative situation, thanks to all the wonderful and kind people, I feel better. For some reason, some people at this hospital have a low rating, but 5 stars is not enough for me.
熊谷剛史 on Google

骨折にて整形外科入院手術しました (48年前ここで産まれてます) 担当の先生は丁寧に説明をしていただき一切不安を感じませんでした。入院中も看護婦さんも対応良かった。部屋の空調も快適でした 口コミの評価悪いのが信じられません…。 私たち患者側も、自分の都合良いことばかり主張したりせずに、きちんと病院側の話を聞くのが大切ではないでしょうか! わかなければその場で質問したりしないとトラブルの原因 あとから 言ったとか言わないになります 何でも病院の責任にするのも問題かと思います 私は、自信もってここをお勧めします
I was hospitalized for orthopedic surgery due to a fracture. (Born here 48 years ago) The teacher in charge gave me a polite explanation and I didn't feel any anxiety. The nurses were very nice during hospitalization. The air conditioning in the room was also comfortable I can't believe the word-of-mouth evaluation is bad ... It is important for us patients to listen to the hospital properly without insisting on what is convenient for them! If you don't know, you have to ask a question on the spot, which is the cause of the trouble. I will not say what I said later I think it's a problem to make everything the responsibility of the hospital I confidently recommend here
yuki iggy on Google

新型コロナ発症して高熱が続いたため大田区の保健所から入院勧告を受けて入院しました! 入院当日に採血、レントゲン、CTスキャン、検尿を行い肺炎を発症していて中等症とのことでした。 投薬治療5日間、投薬が終わったら72時間経過観察して問題なければ翌日に退院コースでした。 最短でも8泊9日でなかなか痺れました。 治療もですが隔離も兼ねてるので医者、看護師とも最低限の会話と接触で、日々の検温含めた体調管理、食事の配膳など自分で出来ることは自分で行うスタイル。 入院自体も初めてでしたが行動範囲も隔離エリア内で基本は会話禁止、風呂トイレ以外の移動も極力NGでした。 売店へも行けないので買い出しは看護師に欲しい物リストを書いて渡します。 病院食は思ってたよりもマシで最初は美味しかったですが、流石に行動制限と相まって飽きてしまいコロナ回復しても食べきるのがキツくなってしまいました。 病院側の問題というより新型コロナウィルスの特殊な事情で入院生活は辛かったです。 病院としてはかなり優しく接してくれてくれ、隔離中でも快適に過ごせるよう努力してくれてる病院だったと思います。 世の中のニュース見てるとここに入院して良かったと思います。他の病院に入院してたら廃人になってたかもしれません。 感謝してもしきれないです!
Since the new corona developed and the high fever continued, I was hospitalized after receiving a hospitalization recommendation from the health center in Ota Ward! On the day of admission, blood sampling, X-ray, CT scan, and urine examination were performed, and he developed pneumonia and was moderately ill. Dosing treatment 5 days, 72 hours after the dosing was followed up and if there was no problem, it was a discharge course the next day. It was quite numb in 9 days and 8 nights at the shortest. Although it is a treatment, it also serves as isolation, so with a minimum of conversation and contact with doctors and nurses, it is a style that you can do what you can do yourself, such as managing physical condition including daily temperature measurement and serving meals. It was my first time to be hospitalized, but the range of activities was basically prohibited in the isolated area, and movement other than the bath and toilet was NG as much as possible. I can't even go to the shop, so I write down my wish list and hand it to the nurse. The hospital food was better than I expected and it was delicious at first, but I got tired of it due to the behavioral restrictions and it became difficult to eat even if I recovered the corona. It was hard for me to stay in the hospital because of the special circumstances of the new coronavirus rather than the problem on the hospital side. As a hospital, I think it was a hospital that treated me very kindly and made efforts to stay comfortable even in isolation. Looking at the news of the world, I'm glad I was hospitalized here. If I was admitted to another hospital, I might have been abandoned. I cannot thank you enough!

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