Ushioda General Hospital - Yokohama

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ushioda General Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-6-20 Yako, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 230-0001
Webサイト :

1 Chome-6-20 Yako, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0001, Japan
a montagne.racine on Google

全体的にプロ意識の低い医療機関だと思う。 小児科の医師は明るくて優しい人柄だが、医師としての能力はお世辞にも高いとは言い難い。優れた小児科医は状況に応じて耳を診ることがあるが、それが一度もなく、別の小児科で正しい診断がつくことが何度かあった。それ以来、子供のかかりつけ医として考えるのはやめた。 小児科に関しては残念ながら非常勤で診ている先生の方が能力としては高いと思う。 受付の対応も残念としか言いようがない。スタッフ同士の連携も粗末だし、目の前の仕事しかしない。近所に住んでいて大きな病院があることに安心していたが、何度か不適切な対応を受けたため、ここを利用することは今後ないと思った。
bamb L on Google

When I call the hospital, I think it's usually anxious, but regardless of the person, the response and explanations are sloppy and terrible. Maybe I'm busy, but anyway, it's annoying.
中鉢弘幸 on Google

行かない方がいい。虐待や暴言は当たり前 反論すると受診拒否。誤診も誤魔化す。 コロナうつされた。保健所に苦情いれたら 発熱外来やめた。
hi hi on Google

Is it the current director of the clinic here? For women. I used to go in and out of the eastern part of Saiseikai before I became the director of the clinic. It seems that he was looking into the hospital room of a patient / elderly person who seemed to be abandoned. Visit? Even though there is no room for rehabilitation bets, I was transferred to another hospital and had a bet that had nothing to do with rehabilitation for several weeks. Then rehabilitation? Even if I move to, I feel like I can't bow my head even if I treat a patient who can't make an accurate judgment mentally and physically roughly and wander around the deadline. I don't know what kind of interaction I have with other hospital staff, but I have witnessed a few people looking into the hospital room to check. The Communist Party members have a wonderful idea, but I think that there is a red flag newspaper here and it is definitely a hospital with a strong connection. However, it is difficult to understand that even if you decline the paid newspaper subscription, you will be charged if you send it without permission. Doctors are also a business, and I think it takes tremendous effort to get up in the hospital / organization, but that is natural for salaried workers, but for patients who can no longer recover due to their life-saving work. If it is true that the items are decided, it is the worst as a person, and considering that such a person is in the upper position, the hard-working hospital staff who work there are pitiful and it is terrible to be transferred to that place. I'm worried about inpatients and outpatients who meet my eyes. The complaints are for improvement and do not deny all of this hospital. Just state the facts. There is light and darkness in every world. At the very least, I would like you to know the meaning of Taijitu. Because it is a site that deals with life.
Yurianty on Google

2021 9月に救急車でこちらの病院に搬送されました。11日間入院しましたが、先生はじめ看護師さん皆んないい人でしたよ! 4階の部屋でした。ヘルパーさんで派手好きで話しやすい人面白い人いましたよ。
2021 I was taken to this hospital by ambulance in September. I was hospitalized for 11 days, but all the teachers and nurses were nice! It was a room on the 4th floor. There was an interesting helper who was flashy and easy to talk to.
伊原賢 on Google

脳梗塞後のリハビリで回復期病棟に入院しています。看護師さんたちはとても機敏に動き回っています。 最初、他の患者にはとても冷たい接し方だなぁーと思いましたが、これも早く回復させる手段なのでしょう。 何クソっ!と言う感情が復帰を早めると思うので。 あと多くの方が書いていますが ここは老人ホームでも宿泊施設でもありません。 一刻も早く退院をして病床を開けてあげないと! 私はプロの集団だと思います。多少レスポンスが遅かったり、話が上手く伝わっていないこともありましたが。。
I am hospitalized in the convalescent ward for rehabilitation after cerebral infarction. The nurses are moving around very quickly. At first, I thought it was a very cold way to treat other patients, but this is also a way to recover quickly. I think the feeling of shit! Will speed up the return. Many more have written This is neither a nursing home nor an accommodation facility. I have to leave the hospital as soon as possible and open the bed! I think it's a group of professionals. Sometimes the response was a little slow, and sometimes the story didn't get through well. ..
Prabin Hirachan on Google

staffs are really helpful.... even for foreigner they try to speak english as much as they can
J.A.E. M. on Google

Went straight to the hospital without sleep from work, thought that I could go home early since I have my scheduled appointment. But I’ve waited for almost 3 hours even though I had an appointment. I hope it’s not because I’m a foreigner since all other people remained waiting had a later appointment than me. 予約の意味がない

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