Tokunaga Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Setagaya City

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokunaga Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

8 Chome-18-10 Kitami, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 157-0067
Webサイト :

8 Chome-18-10 Kitami, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0067, Japan
google口コミ on Google

長男がドッジボールで突き指してしまい近くの整形外科で診てもらい、何でもない捻挫でしょうと言われ、様子を見ていたのですが、腫れがなかなかおさまらなかったので、こちらに来たところ前とは違い鮮明なレントゲンで診断してもらい骨折と診断され プラスチックのギブスみたいな板を作ってもらい しばらく固定していました。今では完全に治りとても感謝しています。
My eldest son pointed at me with a dodge ball and was examined by a nearby orthopedic surgeon, and I was told that it might be a sprain, but I was watching the situation, but the swelling did not subside, so when I came here However, I was diagnosed with a bone fracture by a clear X-ray. Asked them to make a board like a plastic cast It was fixed for a while. I am completely cured now and I am very grateful.
ゆきだるま on Google

以前ヘルニアになった際にお邪魔しました。 先生はお忙しいらしく立って診療されます。 2時間待って3分の診療でした。 ここでは治らなかったので別のとこで完治しました。 リハビリの先生は優しくてとても良かったです。
I was disturbed when I had a hernia before. The teacher seems to be busy and is treated. I waited for 2 hours and took 3 minutes. I couldn't heal here, so I completely healed it in another place. The rehabilitation teacher was kind and very nice.
hana takagi on Google

診察は患者と目を合わせることなく、ろくに話を聞くこともなく30秒。 治療箇所は改善せず、わざわざ何時間も待って受ける必要ないと思いました。
The examination lasts 30 seconds without looking at the patient and without listening to the patient. The treatment area did not improve, and I didn't have to wait for hours to receive it.
You Toida on Google

立ち仕事が多く、膝を痛めてしまい通院しました。そこまで重度ではなかったですがしっかりと治療していただき、だいぶ良くなりました。 リハビリは初めてでしたが、説明が丁寧だったので安心できました。またお願いします。
I had a lot of standing work, and I hurt my knee and went to the hospital. It wasn't so severe, but I was treated well and it improved a lot. It was my first time to rehabilitate, but I was relieved because the explanation was polite. I would like again.
はるはる on Google

駅から近いってだけで、それ以外は全く良くないです。 診察は30秒で終わってこちらの話全然聞いてくれません。質問だって沢山あるのにせかせかしていてちっとも親身に聞いてくれない。受付もリハビリの方も愛想良くない。 それなのにいつ行っても1時間は待ちます。 もう行きません。
It's just close to the station, otherwise it's not good at all. The examination lasts 30 seconds and doesn't listen to me at all. Even though I have a lot of questions, I'm rushing and they don't ask me at all. Neither the receptionist nor the rehab is amiable. Even so, I always wait for an hour. I won't go anymore.
Azusa Mizuno on Google

以前通っていた近くの整形外科の待合室はお年寄りが多かったけど徳永さんは比較的若い世代が多いな〜って思ってました。 何度か通って、なるほどなと。 というのも、30分待って30秒の診察ってくらいに診察が早く、喋るのがゆっくりめな私からすると毎度毎度急かされてる感じでとても大変です。 先生はマグロの様にずっと動き回ってて忙しそうで、対応は優しいのですがポンポンと判断してすぐ終わる感じなのでお年寄りには向いてないんだろうなと感じました。 でも以前飲んでた薬に変えて欲しいとか、今飲んでる薬を増やして欲しいとか、伝えたい事を整理してから診察室に入れば大丈夫です(笑) 看護師さん含め、全体的に優しい方が多いです。 とこでもそうですが病院は相性がありますから、私の様にのんびりタイプの人には向かない医院だと思います。
There were many elderly people in the orthopedic waiting room that I used to go to, but I thought that Mr. Tokunaga had a relatively young generation. I went through it several times, I see. Because the examination is as quick as waiting for 30 minutes and the examination for 30 seconds, and for me, who speaks slowly, it feels like I'm in a hurry every time, which is very difficult. The teacher seems to be busy moving around like a tuna, and although the response is gentle, it seems that it will end soon after judging that it is a pompon, so I felt that it was not suitable for the elderly. But it's okay if you enter the examination room after organizing what you want to tell, such as wanting you to change to the medicine you were taking before, or wanting you to increase the medicine you are taking now (laugh) There are many people who are kind as a whole, including nurses. As with any case, hospitals are compatible, so I think it is not suitable for leisurely people like me.
tinywiny itybity on Google

5平方Mの狭い部屋に20人の患者が椅子に間無く座ってる、コロナ対策は受付横の空気洗浄機と5センチ程あいた後方の窓位で、ほぼ密集状態、ここが病院なのか疑う程の怠慢な感染対策、保健所が見たら、何て言うだろう 患者を長く通わせる為に一度のマッサージで直る痛みを直ぐに直さず、妙な電気仕掛けのの振動する機械を腰に当てられて10分、レントゲンもMRIも取られ9,800円も取られた もう2度と行きません
Twenty patients are sitting in chairs in a small room of 5 square meters, and the measures against corona are the air purifier next to the reception desk and the window behind about 5 cm, almost crowded, so I doubt that this is a hospital. What would you say if you saw the negligent infection control, health center? In order to let the patient go for a long time, the pain that heals with a single massage is not immediately healed, but a vibrating machine with a strange electric mechanism is applied to the waist for 10 minutes, X-rays and MRI are taken, and 9,800 yen is taken. Will not go again
かつ on Google

子供の胸の痛みが続いた為受信した。レントゲンをとり、結果として何もうつっていないがヒビだろうと言われ胸の固定具渡された。看護師さんには肋骨骨折と書いといてと言っていた。赤外線を当てた方が治りが早いと言われて通院させていた。保険金の請求の為診断書をもらおうと思い病名を確認したところ左胸部打撲傷と言われた。何日も赤外線治療に行っているのにヒビではなく打撲傷とは一切説明がない。医師に問い合わせるとレントゲン何も写っていないからヒビでも骨折でもないと一方的に説明された。ただの打撲ならそんなに通院しなくてもいいのに診療報酬目当ての悪意を感じた。 看護師さんたちはとてもいい人ばかりです。 とても残念です。
Has been received for the pain of the child's chest followed. Take the X-ray, nothing moved as a result, but was passed fixture of the chest is said that it would be cracked. The nurse had to say and keep writing and rib fractures. Those who rely on infrared healing had been allowed to visit said that early. Because of the insurance claim was said to left chest bruise was confirmed the name of the disease I think that'll let the medical certificate. There is no any explanation and bruises rather than day-to-day to several days are going to infrared treatment. Even in the cracks because no X-ray anything reflected and query the doctor has been no and unilaterally also described in the fracture. I felt the malice of mercenary medical fees wish I may not visit so much if just a bruise. Nurse who has just people very nice. It is very disappointing.

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