Tsurumaki Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Setagaya City

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsurumaki Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

弦巻整形外科 3 Chome-8-8 Tsurumaki, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 154-0016

弦巻整形外科 3 Chome-8-8 Tsurumaki, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0016, Japan
大月桧 on Google

The behavior of the receptionist's aunt is scary ...
大島春樹 on Google

現在の 身体の 状況から 将来の 健康管理まで 話して 下さった。安心して 任せられる
From the current physical situation Talk to future health management Given up. It is safe to leave it
たじ(ぽん) on Google

She doesn't listen anyway, complaining of her back pain from hernia, but insists that she has a cold. Kakkonto was prescribed.
Mizuki Nozue (Eigooo) on Google

足の裏を骨折した時に診てもらいました。 丁寧で、痛みの少ない歩き方など親切に教えてもらいました。すごく助かりました。
I was seen when I broke the sole of my foot. They were kind and taught me how to walk with little pain. I was really saved.
ああ on Google

院長のようなおじさんが一緒に来てくれた友人に気持ちの悪い事を言ったり目つきが最悪だった 女性にはお勧めしない 胃薬を出してくれる配慮も無い医者でした
An uncle like the director said something unpleasant to a friend who came with me and his eyes were the worst Not recommended for women He was a doctor who didn't care about giving me stomach medicine.
晴山和弘 on Google

全く患者の言う事を聞かず、一方的な診断。 こちらは頚椎の痛みを主訴としているのに、 風邪と診断され、漢方を処方すると。 断るとX線診断を勧め、それも断ると、最後は注射が一番と宣う。診療科点を稼ごうとするのが見え見え。整形外科がゴミ箱と言われるのは良く分かるが、酷すぎる。絶対オススメしない。
One-sided diagnosis without listening to the patient at all. This is the chief complaint of cervical spine pain, If you are diagnosed with a cold and prescribe Kampo. If it refuses, an X-ray diagnosis is recommended, and if it refuses, the last is an injection. I can see that I am trying to earn medical points. You can see that orthopedics is a trash can, but it's too bad. I never recommend it.
飴猫. on Google

☆Guess Hospital is so famous locally that I don't want to wear 1 at all. When I examined with a whip, it seems that my complexion is not good ... Starting from, I was examined for a cold and prescribed a large amount of cold medicine and stomach medicine. The acquaintance's president is happy that he can prescribe as much medicine as he wants, but unless he is a weak information person or a neighborhood, only elderly people who go to hospital are strict.
吉沢紀代 on Google

院長先生がとても面白い話をしてくれる。ちょっと、強引なところもあるが、患者の気持ちを理解してくれる。お年寄りにも親切、丁寧。 インフルエンザの予防接種も受けれる。 一見、入り口が狭く感じますが、車イスも入れるし、院内は広い。 そんなに、混雑しないため、待ち時間が少ない。時間の無い方にはお薦め。 自転車も余裕で止められ、通いやすい地元、弦巻の整形外科。
The director tells a very interesting story. It's a bit aggressive, but it understands the patient's feelings. Kind and polite to the elderly. You can also get a flu shot. At first glance, the entrance seems narrow, but wheelchairs can be put in and the hospital is large. There is less waiting time because it is not so crowded. Recommended for those who do not have time. Local orthopedic surgery for Tsurumaki, where bicycles can be stopped easily.

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