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Contact 鍼灸カイロプラクティックふぁんふぁん上板橋院

住所 :

Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, 〒174-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : http://www.fanfan-hari.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, 〒174-0071 Tokyo,Japan
masaki ichihara on Google

最初は腰痛が酷くて相談しに行きました。 腰痛さえ治れば…と当初は思っていたのですが、腰の痛みを取り除く事だけではなく、身体全体の歪みやメンテナンスの話をして頂いて、今まで身体の不調(腰回りだけではなく)が何故起こっていたのかがすんなりと入ってきました。 腰痛は3回ほど通っただけでだいぶ回復し、その他不調の箇所も回数を増す毎に良くなっていきました。 時間はかかりますが、時間をかけて悪くなった身体なので、当たり前ですね。 とても信頼出来る先生です。 ありがとうございます。
At first, I had a bad backache and went to consult. At first, I thought that if I could get rid of my back pain, I wasn't just trying to get rid of my back pain, but also talking about the distortion and maintenance of my entire body. ) Came in smoothly as to why it was happening. My back pain improved a lot after I passed it about 3 times, and other problems improved as I increased the number of times. It takes time, but it's natural because the body has deteriorated over time. A very reliable teacher. Thank you very much.
Maya on Google

初回のカウンセリングからとても丁寧にじっくりと向き合ってくださいます。定期的に通うことで自分自陣でも体や生活の変化に気が付けるようになりました。鍼とカイロの組み合わせは驚きましたが、一度の施術でもぐっと身体が楽になります。長らく悩んでいた右足の肉離れ症状も改善し、身体全体の歪みも徐々によくなっていきました。 スタッフの皆さんもふぁん先生もいつも朗らかで優しく、とても居心地の良い場所です。
Please take your time very carefully from the first counseling. By attending regularly, I became aware of changes in my body and life on my own. I was surprised at the combination of acupuncture and body warmers, but even one treatment makes my body much easier. The strain on my right leg, which I had been suffering from for a long time, has improved, and the distortion of my entire body has gradually improved. The staff and Mr. Fan are always cheerful and kind, and it is a very cozy place.
よしあや on Google

胸郭出口症候群で整形外科やペインクリニック等を経てからこちらに辿り着きました。 もう治らないのでは?と半分諦めてましたが丁寧な診察と説明でここに賭けてみよう…と思い今では嘘のように痛みも軽減して可動域も広がりました。今後はメンテナンスとして通うと思います。感謝しております。
I arrived here after going through orthopedics and pain clinics for thoracic outlet syndrome. Will it not heal anymore? I gave up half of it, but I thought I'd bet here with a careful examination and explanation ... Now, like a lie, the pain has been reduced and the range of motion has expanded. I think I will go for maintenance in the future. I am grateful.
熊ホ on Google

腰痛で通うようにしました。 先生の説明がとても親切で分かりやすかった。 通い始めは腰痛が酷くて毎日がイヤだったけど、今では好きなゴルフも出来るようになった。 定期的に通えるか心配だったけど、先生、スタッフさんのおかげでちゃんと通えました。
I tried to go there because of back pain. The teacher's explanation was very kind and easy to understand. When I first went to school, I had a bad backache and I didn't like it every day, but now I can play my favorite golf. I was worried if I could attend regularly, but thanks to the teachers and staff, I was able to attend.
Aya Nagami on Google

長年、頭痛に悩まされてきましたが、ここに通い始めてから毎日のようにあった頭痛が軽減。薬を飲む回数が格段に減り、とても助かっています。 何より、先生のポジティブな言葉で前向きに体作りを頑張ろうと思えるようになりました!ランニングも始めることになって、かなり生活改善できている気がします。もう少し肩凝りと頭痛が減るまで通い続けようと思います。
I have been suffering from headaches for many years, but the headaches I have had every day since I started going here have been alleviated. The number of times I take medicine has decreased dramatically, which is very helpful. Above all, I came to think that I would do my best to build my body positively with the positive words of the teacher! I have started running, and I feel that my life has improved considerably. I will continue to go until my shoulder stiffness and headaches are reduced.
Hiromi “ひー” Ono on Google

去年10月末よりお世話になっております。 一昨年動悸で救急搬送されてから、パニック症状、動悸、息切れ、不眠、不安感、様々な不調を抱えて辛い日々でした。自律神経失調症と言われて、その不調に合わせた薬を服用するばかりでしたが、自律神経そのものを根本的に治したいと思い、こちらに伺いました。 初診から丁寧な検査診察説明で、ファン先生を信じて治していこうと思いました。 半年ほど経ちますが、去年ほぼ寝たきりのような生活だったのが嘘のように確実に良くなっております。 丁寧な施術はもちろんのこと、ファン先生からの前向きな励ましや、出来たことに対して誉めて頂いたりと、心身共に元気になれる治療院であり信頼できる先生です! 受付のスタッフの方も優しく接してくださいます。 しっかりと治していきたいので、もうしばらくお世話になりたいと思います。
I have been indebted to you since the end of October last year. Since I was transported by palpitations two years ago, I have had painful days with panic symptoms, palpitation, shortness of breath, insomnia, anxiety, and various disorders. It was said that I had autonomic dysfunction, and I just took medicines to suit the illness, but I wanted to cure the autonomic nerves themselves, so I visited here. From the first medical examination, I thought that I would believe in Dr. Fan and cure him with a careful examination and explanation. It's been about half a year, but last year I was almost bedridden, but it's definitely getting better like a lie. Not only the polite treatment, but also the positive encouragement from Mr. Fan and the praise for what he was able to do, he is a reliable teacher who can rejuvenate both physically and mentally! The reception staff will also be kind to you. I want to cure it well, so I would like to take care of it for a while.
Nozomi N on Google

家族が通い始めたのをきっかけに、通い始めました。 病院に行くほどではないかなぁ…という体の不調が色々とあったのですが、通い始めて半年ほど経ち、気になっていた症状がかなり改善してきています。 ずっと気にしていた肌荒れがよくなってきて、頭痛になる日が減り、足の冷えも少なくなってきました。 姿勢の変化は自分ではよくわからなかったのですが、定期検査で客観的に見ることができるので、改善しているのがわかって安心しました。 その場しのぎでなく、しっかりと不調を改善したい人におすすめの治療院です。
I started going when my family started going. I had a lot of physical problems, such as going to the hospital, but it's been about half a year since I started going to the hospital, and the symptoms I was worried about have improved considerably. The rough skin I've been worried about for a long time has improved, the days of headaches have decreased, and the coldness of my feet has decreased. I didn't really understand the change in posture, but I was relieved to know that it was improving because I could see it objectively through regular examinations. It is a recommended treatment center for people who want to improve their illness, not just on the spot.
_ Mishka on Google

"Fanfan" is not a panda's name, but actually named after the handsome Doctor. He uses a special bed, imported from the U.S, to help my back-pain treatment. Only 3 minutes walk from the nearby Kamiitabashi station.

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