Honami Hari Kyu Massage Clinic - Itabashi City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honami Hari Kyu Massage Clinic

住所 :

田中ビル 2F 4 Chome-25-12 Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 174-0071
Webサイト : http://honami-shinkyu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–8PM

田中ビル 2F 4 Chome-25-12 Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0071, Japan
am mic on Google

こちらの針灸院の先生はしっかりと問診してくださり痛いところを見抜いてくれます! わたしは腰痛で通っているのですがやさしい針治療です。 あと、院内が清潔でとてもくつろげる雰囲気です。おすすめです!
The teacher at this acupuncture and moxibustion clinic will ask you questions and find out where it hurts! I go there because of back pain, but it is a gentle acupuncture treatment. Also, the hospital is clean and has a very relaxing atmosphere. it's recommended!
はるひろ on Google

最近、デスクワークが増えて肩こりに悩んでいたところ、友人から鍼灸を勧められてこちらへ。 施術中には筋肉へピリピリっとした(痛みではない)心地よい刺激を味わい、施術後にはポカポカと暖かくなりまた。あのピリピリした感じがクセになりそうです(笑) 今まではマッサージを主にしてきましたが、鍼灸も一つの選択肢になりました。不調時やメンテナンス時にこれからもお世話になろうと思います。 お店も鍼灸院とは思えないオシャレな空間で、それ自体でも癒しになりました。ありがとうございました。
Recently, when my desk work increased and I was suffering from stiff shoulders, my friend recommended acupuncture and moxibustion. During the procedure, you will experience a pleasant stimulus (not pain) to the muscles, and after the procedure, it will become warm and warm. That tingling feeling seems to be addictive (laughs) Until now, massage has been the main focus, but acupuncture and moxibustion have become an option. I will continue to take care of you in case of trouble or maintenance. The shop is also a fashionable space that you can't think of as an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, and it was a healing experience in itself. Thank you very much.
中村美由紀 on Google

坐骨神経痛で右おしりに痺れのような痛みが続き、3週間整形外科にて腰の牽引と温めをリハビリで通っても治らず、 友人から「鍼が効く」と言われていましたが、恐怖感からさけていましたが、我慢の限界につき初めて鍼をうちました。 以前マッサージでお世話になり、とても楽になったのを思い出しほなみ治療院へ。鍼は怖い思いがあるのを充分理解してもらい、ダメならやめてもらおうと思ってましたが、痛みはなく、心地よい刺激がありました。 半信半疑でしたが、施術が終わり立ち上がると、苦しんでいた痛みから解放されていて、思わず涙が出ました。嘘でしょ?と思いましたが、リアルでした。 これで今日は痛みに耐える事なくゆっくり寝れます! 本当にありがとうございました。 嬉しくて嬉しくて… また、困った時には助けてください。
Sciatica continued to cause numbness in the right hip, and it did not heal even after 3 weeks of orthopedic surgery to pull and warm the lower back. My friend told me that acupuncture works, but I avoided fear, but I gave it for the first time because of the limit of my patience. I went to Honami Treatment Center, remembering that I was taken care of by a massage before and it became very easy. I had them fully understand that acupuncture was scary, and I thought I would stop it if it didn't work, but there was no pain and there was a pleasant stimulus. I was skeptical, but when I stood up after the procedure, I was relieved of the pain I was suffering from and I burst into tears. You must be kidding? I thought, but it was real. Now you can sleep slowly today without enduring the pain! I'm really thankful to you. I'm happy and happy ... Also, please help me when you are in trouble.
87 GMC on Google

ここ最近体調もすぐれず病院からの処方で改善を試みていましたが中々改善がみられず、藁を掴む思いで色々検索していたら口コミが良かったこちらの医院に訪れてみました。 鍼が初めての私でも親身になって症状を聞いていただき、改善出来る事と出来ない事をしっかりと説明してくれた上で施術へ 施術室は落ち着いた雰囲気がとても心を落ち着かせてくれ、施術中も痛みがある可能性がある時は一つ一つ教えてくれたので安心して受ける事が出来ました。 施術直後は体調もかなり良くなり大満足でした! 料金も検索した時の他店舗と比べると良心的な点も通いやすい
I haven't been feeling well recently, and I was trying to improve it by prescribing from a hospital, but I couldn't see any improvement, and when I searched variously with the feeling of grasping straw, I visited this clinic where the reviews were good. Even if I'm new to acupuncture, I was kind enough to listen to my symptoms and explain to me what I could and couldn't improve before going to surgery. The calm atmosphere of the operation room was very calming, and when there was a possibility that there was pain during the operation, I was taught one by one so I was able to receive it with peace of mind. Immediately after the operation, I was very satisfied with my physical condition. Compared to other stores when searching for prices, it is easier to pass conscientious points
マキロン on Google

針治療を初めて受けるので前日からドキドキしてましたがとっても清潔感のあるお部屋と優しく静かな先生だったので一瞬で安心できました。男性でも女性でも、何歳でも居心地が良いと思います。 オフィスワークで夕方になると腰が痛みだす生活が続いていましたが一回の治療でかなり良くなりました 整体も一度行ったことがありますがとくに効き目は感じなかったのでこれからはこちらに通います! 初診料込みで7000円ほどでした。次回から5000円位だと思います。
I was thrilled from the day before because I was receiving acupuncture for the first time, but I was relieved in an instant because the room was very clean and the teacher was kind and quiet. I think it's comfortable for men and women, no matter how old they are. I had a pain in my lower back in the evening due to office work, but it improved considerably with one treatment. I've done manipulative treatment once, but I didn't feel any effect, so I'm going to go here from now on! It was about 7,000 yen including the initial consultation fee. I think it will be around 5,000 yen from the next time.
瀬戸香菜 on Google

長年の偏頭痛が悩みで受診させていただいていますが、通う回数が増えるにつれて昔よりも頭痛の頻度が減ってきています。 子供がいるので毎日慌ただしいの中、施術中はゆったり時間を満喫でき、鍼も全く痛みもなくお灸やローラーでツボを刺激してもらうととても気持ちが良いです。 ジャズのBGMも流れているので私の癒しの空間となっております。
I have been suffering from migraine headaches for many years, but as the number of visits increases, the frequency of headaches is less than in the past. Since I have children, I can enjoy a relaxing time during the treatment while I am busy every day, and it is very comfortable to have the acupuncture points stimulated with moxibustion or rollers without any pain at all. Jazz BGM is also playing, so it is my healing space.
石橋梨好 on Google

1回の施術で、1年半前から悩まされていた痛みがなくなりました。今までは、マッサージやストレッチで痛みを弱めていましたが、鍼でないと届きにくい奥の筋肉の痛みを根本的に無くすことができました。 2回目の施術では、その他の凝っている部分を施術してもらい、上半身に全くストレスを感じなくなりました。 痛い部分を明確に説明するのは難しいですが、触診で丁寧に鍼を打つ部分を探してくださり、実際に鍼を打った時には、「そこそこ!」という感覚で、とても気持ち良かったです。 また、使用する鍼についてや施術内容について細かく説明してくださるため、初めて鍼治療を受ける方も安心だと思います。
With one treatment, the pain that I had been suffering from for a year and a half has disappeared. Until now, the pain was alleviated by massage and stretching, but I was able to fundamentally eliminate the pain in the back muscles, which is difficult to reach without acupuncture. In the second treatment, I had the other elaborate parts treated, and I felt no stress on my upper body. It is difficult to explain the painful part clearly, but he carefully searched for the part to be acupunctured by palpation, and when he actually applied the acupuncture, he felt "so-so!" And was very comfortable. In addition, I think that it is safe for those who receive acupuncture treatment for the first time because they explain in detail about the acupuncture used and the treatment content.
石田直子 on Google

整体に通ってましたが 今一つ効果が感じられず こちらでお世話になりました。1回目から 効果に驚き 通い初めて1年になります。 スポーツ後の腰のこわばりに悩まされてましたが 鍼治療を重ねるごとに 軽くなり 今は メンテナンスする程度。 先日は 心労から 肩こりがひどく 頭痛まで起こす始末。 丁寧な治療のおかげで 視界が明るくなり 肩の鎧が取れたような 爽快感でした。 天野先生は物腰優しく 知識豊富で 治療も安心して受けられます。 生活の質も上がります。 身体の痛みでお困りの方に 一度 治療をおすすめします。
I went to manipulative treatment, but I couldn't feel the effect, so I was taken care of here. It's been a year since I was surprised at the effect from the first time. I was suffering from stiffness in my lower back after sports, but with each acupuncture treatment, it became lighter and now I only need to maintain it. The other day, I got rid of my hard work and my stiff shoulders caused a headache. Thanks to the careful treatment, my vision became brighter and I felt refreshed as if my shoulder armor had been removed. Dr. Amano is kind and knowledgeable, and can receive treatment with peace of mind. The quality of life will also improve. We recommend treatment once for those who have problems with physical pain.

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