Matsushita Dermatology Clinic - Itabashi City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsushita Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-35-11 Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 174-0071
Webサイト :

4 Chome-35-11 Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0071, Japan
Kuruma on Google

What I say changes every time I see you.
厚子山口 on Google

The teacher's response is very good.
内田富美子 on Google

I think the diagnosis is accurate and the treatment is good. The teacher is also kind.
やまだみづき on Google

I didn't palpate at all, and I was given the appropriate medicine, and on the contrary, it went crazy. I realized that I couldn't trust the word of mouth. Why are you all so highly rated? Or is the low rating erased?
mio澪 on Google

初診でしたが、受付の方も柔らかい対応で安心できました。 先生も素早く丁寧な診察をしてくださり、これからもこちらでお世話になろうかなと思います。
Although it was my first consultation, the receptionist was also relieved with a soft response. Your teacher will give you a quick and careful consultation, and I hope that you will continue to take care of us here.
y kujira on Google

メジャーな皮膚病については問題なく対応はしてくれますが、よく分からない湿疹等については副腎皮質ホルモン入りの炎症止めを出して終わりです。 説明もほとんどありませんし、こういう風にケアしたらいいといったアドバイスもなく、ただ、薬を出して終わりなので、原因が分かる皮膚のトラブルでお薬が欲しい時には良い病院。 原因不明の湿疹等で、もしかしたら内科的な原因も考えられるのかも?と思ったら、他の病院をお勧めします。
For major skin diseases, we will deal with it without any problem, but for eczema etc. that we do not understand well, we will end with anti-inflammatory with corticosteroids. There is almost no explanation, and there is no advice on how to take care of it like this. It's just the end of giving out the medicine, so it's a good hospital when you want medicine because of skin problems that you can understand the cause. Eczema of unknown cause, maybe a medical cause? If you think so, I recommend another hospital.
キラいちろう on Google

受付の方々は対応丁寧 診察の際 こちらの聞きたいことが伝わっているか不安になる程さっさと終わる 初診でも診察は2〜3分程 正直不安は解消できなかった
The receptionists are polite At the time of the medical examination, it ends so quickly that I am worried whether I can understand what I want to hear. Even at the first visit, the consultation takes about 2 to 3 minutes. To be honest, I couldn't resolve my anxiety
s s on Google

診察が適当すぎる 薬も全然効かない2度といかない
The medical examination is too appropriate. The medicine doesn't work at all.

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