Tohenboku - Sakai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tohenboku

住所 :

5 Chome-6-103 Shinkanaokacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 591-8021

5 Chome-6-103 Shinkanaokacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8021, Japan
山上太一 on Google

接客態度に著しく不満を抱きました。 営業時間が14:30(L.O明記なし)との事で 少しギリギリですが13:50に訪れました。 中に入ると“商い中"の札があり 家族連れ1組が待っていらっしゃるので まだ営業しているものだと思っていました。 ただ店員さんの対応も 待ち人数表の用意もありませんでした。 玄関も狭く待ち客との密になるので 外で待つことにしました。 すると厨房の窓から女将と思われる方の 「え、客来たん?断って!!」 と声が聞こえてきて 40秒程してパートと思われる女性が 「今日はそば終わりました」と 平謝りしてきました。 自分たちの中では 今日の営業は終了していたかもしれませんが それならそうと明記なり 表に掲示するなりしてほしかったです。 パートの方がどれだけ詫びようとも その奥から聞こえてきた「断って!」 の声が本当に不愉快でした。 お店の深層心理では客なんて どうでも良いと思っているのでしょうね。 もう少し接遇態度を改められた方が 良いと思います。 緊急事態宣言が終わり やっと行けると心待ちにしていたのに とても残念です。 もう食べたいとも思いません。
I was extremely dissatisfied with the customer service attitude. Business hours are 14:30 (L.O not specified) It was a little last minute, but I visited at 13:50. Once inside, there is a "in business" tag One family is waiting for you I thought it was still open. However, the clerk's response There was no waiting list. Because the entrance is narrow and close to the waiting guests I decided to wait outside. Then, from the window of the kitchen, the person who seems to be the landlady "Well, did you come? Refuse!" I heard a voice A woman who seems to be a part after about 40 seconds "Today is the end of soba" I have apologized. Within ourselves It may have been closed today Then it is clearly stated I wanted you to post it on the table. No matter how much the part apologizes I heard from the back, "Decline!" The voice was really unpleasant. In the deep psychology of the store, there are no customers You don't care. The one who changed the hospitality attitude a little more I think it's good. The state of emergency is over I was looking forward to finally going It is very disappointing. I don't want to eat anymore.
osaka s on Google

Duck Namba is especially delicious than anywhere else. The duck is soft and you can enjoy the taste, and the soup stock is the best. 80% of the soba is handmade every day, and when you add salt to the coarsely ground soba that you can't taste anywhere else, the aroma spreads to your mouth and is exceptional. The clerk was also charming and kindly taught me how to choose soba. If you are looking for genuine soba, please do.
カツボルタ on Google

I wanted to go from the front, so I could finally go today. It was really delicious soba. There is depth in simplicity. When you order, the soba senbei will come out as an amuse. This is delicious. It was sold at TAKE OUT for 100 yen. The recommendation is walnut soba, which I will have next time. Also, it seems that the shop is a relative of the entertainer, but there was no such atmosphere at all, and it was a delicious soba restaurant made by the general. You can park 3 bicycles. The car will guide you to nearby parking. There is no loss in going anyway. Aim at 11 o'clock on weekdays, it's always crowded!
sada kiroku on Google

休日に大泉緑地公園へ遊びに行く前、家族でランチに利用しました。ちょうど開店後何分か経過していたタイミングですでに何組か入店されていたため、外で30分ほど待ちました。店内は13席ほどですが、乳幼児2人連れだったので4人テーブルに案内して頂けてとても助かりました。子供用の食器も出して頂けました。 3歳の子供にはそばご飯と天ぷらを注文し、とても美味しかったようで早々に完食。大人たちは看板メニューのざる蕎麦を頂き、大満足でした。 靴を脱いで上がりますが座敷席ではないため、赤ちゃん連れの場合は抱っこ紐が必須かと思います。ベビーカーはお店の前の自転車置き場に置かせて頂きました。
Before going to Oizumi Ryokuchi Park on holidays, I used it for lunch with my family. Just a few minutes after the store opened, some groups had already entered the store, so I waited for about 30 minutes outside. The store has about 13 seats, but since I was traveling with two infants, it was very helpful to be guided to the table for four people. You also served tableware for children. I ordered soba rice and tempura for a 3-year-old child, and it seemed to be very delicious, so I finished it early. The adults were very satisfied with the soba noodles on the signboard menu. I take off my shoes and go up, but since it is not a tatami room, I think that a hug strap is essential if you are traveling with a baby. The stroller was placed in the bicycle storage area in front of the store.
atoo fry on Google

大泉緑地の側の唐変木。 堺で唯一胡桃だしのお蕎麦が味わえるお店です。 蕎麦茶と蕎麦菓子をいただきながらのんびり待ち出てきたのは細挽きの食べ比べ970円。 940円と970円の違いはつけだれに辛味大根を入れたら970円になるそうです。 おつゆは胡桃つゆと普通のつけ汁に辛味大根。 まずはお蕎麦だけでいただとコシがしっかり♪ そして香り以上にお蕎麦の味がしっかり。 ここまで蕎麦自体の味がしっかりしているのって久しぶりかも。 次は普通のおつゆに辛味大根を入れていただきます。 結構濃いおつゆに辛味大根がいい感じに効いているのでめっちゃスルスル食べれます。 胡桃だしはくるみの風味がガッツリ!! くるみの粒々感と香ばしさがお蕎麦にめっちゃ合い想像以上に美味しい。 2つとも素晴らしいクオリティ。 ちょうど食べ終わると同時位に蕎麦湯の登場。 くるみの蕎麦湯割りは縁側に座りながらガラス越しに降る雪を眺めながらず~っと飲みたい。 そんな気持ちにさせられる心地よさ。 普通のお出汁に入れてももちろん最高♪ 最後まで大満足。 実はこちらのお店の大将はさらば青春の光というお笑い芸人のお父さん。 この日もファンの方が名古屋から食べに来ていました。 接客も丁寧で気持ちいいし味も言うことなし。 本当にいいお店でした。
Karahenki on the side of Oizumi Ryokuchi. This is the only restaurant in Sakai where you can enjoy walnut soup stock. It was 970 yen compared to eating finely ground buckwheat tea and soba sweets. The difference between 940 yen and 970 yen is that if you put spicy radish in the sauce, it will be 970 yen. The soup is walnut soup, ordinary soup and spicy radish. First of all, if you only use soba, it will be firm ♪ And the taste of soba is stronger than the aroma. It's been a while since the taste of soba itself has been so strong. Next, add spicy radish to ordinary soup. The spicy radish is good for the thick soup, so you can eat it very well. The walnut flavor of the walnut soup stock is perfect! The graininess and fragrance of the walnuts match the soba noodles and are more delicious than I imagined. Both are of great quality. Soba hot water appears at the same time as you finish eating. I want to drink walnut soba hot water while sitting on the porch and watching the snow falling through the glass. The comfort that makes you feel like that. Of course it is the best even if you put it in ordinary soup stock ♪ Very satisfied until the end. Actually, the general of this shop is the father of a comedian called Farewell to the Light of Youth. Fans came to eat from Nagoya on this day as well. The customer service is polite and pleasant, and there is no need to say the taste. It was a really nice shop.
Moto Caz on Google

The inside of the store with two frontages is quite small. Go up the front door, and between the counter and the back, there is a 2-seat table 3 and a 4-seat table 1 for MAX13. Take a seat and wait for the completion while eating soba chips. I also feel particular about vessels and accessories. Personally, I prefer soba to be a little more elastic.
タカシヤマ on Google

店内は落ち着いてる雰囲気です。 粗挽き、細挽き、鴨汁ざる蕎麦と天麩羅の盛り合わせを注文しました。全部美味しかったです。 お通しの揚げ蕎麦スナックも香ばしくて絶品です。子供たちは美味しいと言いながらパリポリと食べました。 全メニュー制覇したいと思います。
The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere. I ordered a platter of coarsely ground, finely ground, duck soup colander soba and tempura. Everything was delicious. The fried soba snacks are also fragrant and exquisite. The children ate crispy while saying it was delicious. I want to conquer the entire menu.
M on Google

If you want to try real hand-made craft soba, this is the place. I particularly recommend ordering Arabiki version with Soba-yu. Extra points for adding real Wasabi, not powdered like many other places. Delicious and worth the price.

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