Maruman - Sakai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maruman

住所 :

池田泉州銀行津久野支店 1 Chome-11-1 Tsukunocho, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8322, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 593-8322

池田泉州銀行津久野支店 1 Chome-11-1 Tsukunocho, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8322, Japan
H S on Google

Curry udon is delicious ☺ It's close to the station‼
かおりんOSAKA,JP on Google

昔ながらの街の蕎麦屋さん。 「天ざる御膳」オーダーしました。お蕎麦少なめ、小鉢3つ、天ぷら(海老2、海苔、大葉)ご飯、香の物。このボリュームで980円! コスパが良く…小鉢まで手を抜いてない丁寧な御膳に大満足しました。 御座敷の方が多く、地元の方々がグループでよく来られるのでしょうね。「よそもん」の私たちにも、とても温かい対応をしてくれました。
A soba restaurant in the old-fashioned town. I ordered "Tenzaru Gozen". Less soba, 3 small bowls, tempura (2 shrimp, seaweed, perilla) rice, pickles. This volume is 980 yen! Cospa is good ... I was very satisfied with the polite set that I didn't cut out to the small bowl. There are more people in the Imperial Palace, and the locals often come in groups. He also gave us a very warm response to us at "Yosomon".
下埜琢央 on Google

店の雰囲気は良い、蕎麦うどんも悪くないただ少し薄味で、僕は美味しいとは思わなかった。 ただしお客はわりと入ってましたし。 長い事続いている所を見ると決して悪い店では無いと思います。 お昼の定食はお得だと思います。
The atmosphere of the restaurant is good, the soba udon isn't bad, it's just a little light, and I didn't think it was delicious. However, there were a lot of customers. Looking at the place that has been going on for a long time, I don't think it's a bad store. I think the lunch set meal is a great deal.
California LA on Google

入口に消毒有りまーす? パネルシートもあります。 入口も解放しています。 お料理は天婦羅は、かなりエビが小さくて。。。 お蕎麦の量も少なかったです?⤵️ リーズナブルだからこんな感じなのかなぁ??
There is disinfection at the entrance ? There is also a panel sheet. The entrance is also open. As for the food, tempura has very small shrimp. .. .. The amount of soba was also small ?⤵️ Is it like this because it is reasonable? ?
パパイヤ・ドリアン on Google

21年4月 ランチを頂きました。天ざる・かやくご飯、美味しかったです。エビ?のころものつき具合は、完璧です。 8月 ランチをしました。冷やしそば 美味しかったです。隣にパーキングも有ります。駐車券を持って行くと無料です。
I had lunch in April 2009. The Tenzaru and Kayaku rice were delicious. The condition of the shrimp ? was perfect. We had lunch in August. The chilled soba was delicious. There is also parking next door. It's free if you bring your parking ticket.
Osaka あおいみかんTae-Tae on Google

There is no sense of security that it will serve delicious soba noodles. Zaru soba was delicious with the visuals that I've been accustomed to since I was a kid. The warm atmosphere of the shop is also wonderful.
a. sym on Google

津久野の病院へ行った時に、昼どきだったので、駅前に行けば何かあるかなーって立ち寄ったのが、ここでした。 カウンターとテーブル、小上がりの座敷とこじんまりしてましたが、店員さんがハキハキ元気で、感じが良く、料理も注文から余り時間もかからずに出てきました。 味も薄くもなく濃くもなく、美味しかったです。帰る際も挨拶が小気味良くて、お腹も心も満腹になった(笑)
When I went to the hospital in Tsukuno, it was around noon, so I stopped by here to see if there was something in front of the station. It was small with a counter, a table, and a small tatami room, but the clerk was cheerful and pleasant, and the food came out in less time than the order. The taste was neither light nor strong, and it was delicious. When I got home, the greetings were nice and my stomach and heart were full (laughs).
bluesboyブルースボーイ on Google

JR津久野駅前のそば屋さん! 便利な目立つ場所にあって前から知ってたけど~ 入ったことナシ。。。 いっぺん食べてみよと いつものランチポタリング♪ 「そば処まるまん」 創業から半世紀くらい?老舗です☆ 入って左の カウンター席へ 850円定食3種 (ほか730円から定食(おにぎりまたはかやくごはんとうどんかそば)あります♪ 大阪ならでは?だし巻定食 850円 かけそばをざるそばに変更 +50円 メインの だし巻 見るからにジューシィ☆ 天ぷら盛り えび・海苔・大葉・なす・かぼちゃ 天つゆ付いてます 白ご飯 お漬けもん、小鉢のひじき煮も♪ そばつゆに うずら卵、ねぎ、わさび投入でそばを啜り~ だし巻卵に大根おろしで白ご飯・・・ まっすぐな?えび天ぷら☆ ご飯少し残して 漬けもん、ひじき煮と 〆は そば湯もらってつゆに足し 完食全汁~ そばも小盛りながらしっかり美味しかった 天ぷらや小鉢も付いた、名前は「だし巻定食」 なかなかお値打ちなランチでしたね♪ ごちそうさまあー ミニベロバイクフライデー、店前に駐輪~ 隣接コインパーキングあります まるまんのお客は1時間無料☆
Soba shop in front of JR Tsukuno station! I've known it for a long time because it's in a convenient and conspicuous place ~ Nothing to enter. .. .. Try to eat it all at once Usual lunch pottering ♪ "Soba restaurant Maruman" About half a century since the company was founded? It is a long-established store ☆ Enter and left To the counter seat 850 yen 3 types of set meal (Other set meals (rice balls or kayaku rice and udon noodles) are available from 730 yen ♪ Unique to Osaka? Dashi roll set meal 850 yen Change Kake soba to Zaru soba +50 yen Main Dashi roll is juicy because you see it ☆ Assorted tempura shrimp, seaweed, perilla, eggplant, pumpkin Tentsuyu is attached White rice pickled and boiled in small bowls ♪ Soba soup Sip soba with quail eggs, green onions and wasabi. Dashi roll egg with grated radish and white rice ... Straight? Shrimp tempura ☆ Leave a little rice, pickled and boiled hijiki 〆 is Get soba hot water and add it to the soup Completed whole juice ~ The soba was also small but delicious The name is "Dashi-maki set meal" with tempura and small bowls. It was a very good lunch ♪ Feast Mini Velo Bike Friday, bicycle parking in front of the store ~ There is an adjacent coin parking lot Maruman customers are free for 1 hour ☆

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