
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東金城跡

住所 :

Togane, 〒283-0802 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.city.togane.chiba.jp/0000000463.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Togane, 〒283-0802 Chiba,Japan
市村寿男 on Google

I was looking forward to seeing the city, but the typhoon in 19 caused the trees to fall and I could not enter.
K. Hieda on Google

本漸寺と東金高校の間の道を入る。碑を読みながら登る。祠、鳥の声。左へ行くと広場になり、東金市街を見下ろせる。右を登ると、木に包まれているがベンチなどあり、登り切った満足感を得られる。木の間に九十九里から、房総の山の端が見える。 後ろを見ると、少し凹んだ先に、杣道か獣道がある。季節にもよるが、踏み跡を迷わないように辿ると、行き止まりの感じになり、左下に何やら存在感のある草の塊があり、降りてみるとコンクリートの建造物。山側に入り口。下側にスリット。トーチカと言われていたのがわかる。このうしろを少し上がった所に用途は不明だがコンクリートで作った凹みがある。 鳥の声など聞きながら、70何年か前を思っていただきたい。
Enter the road between Hoozan-ji Temple and Togane High School. Climb while reading the monument. Shrine, the voice of a bird. If you go to the left, you will see a square overlooking Togane city. If you climb to the right, you will feel the satisfaction of climbing up to the bench, which is surrounded by trees. From Kujukuri between the trees, you can see the edge of the mountain in Boso. Looking back, there is a sword path or a beast path at the end of a little dent. It depends on the season, but if you follow the footsteps without getting lost, you will feel a dead end, and there is a lump of grass with a strong presence in the lower left, and when you go down, you will see a concrete structure. Entrance on the mountain side. Slit on the bottom. You can see that it was called a pillbox. There is a dent made of concrete in the place slightly above this back, although the purpose is unknown. I would like you to think about 70 years ago while listening to the voices of birds.
新井智 on Google

The mountains were rough. On another occasion
star0san on Google

Do not go up because the gas has fallen in the last year of the typhoon!
mitu tokudome on Google

完ぺきな「私有地」のようです。 お寺と県立東金高校の間に登り口がありましたが、「探訪の士、志す者以外はお断り」の私有地の石柱があり、木製の門扉が閉ざされています。 お寺さんにお願いすれば当方は、「探訪の志士」なので開けてくれそうですが、お墓の横を通らないと登れそうになく、あきらめました。 確かに地元の観光駐車場にあったウキウキ観光マップには「東金城」の記載も地図にはありませんでした。 場所からすると、典型的な「山城」のようです。 標高は43mとあり西側に向かうと、確かに切通の山肌があり、ここからは西側の大網白里市にある「大網城址」までは平地となっていいることがわかりますね。 戦国時代の山城のあとなので、全国各地も同様に「観光地」と程遠い、場所にありますが、山城の由来などは分かっていても公開して広報をするつもりはないようです。 唯一のお城の歴史を表記した案内板があったので写真にしました。 近くの公園には、徳川家が「鷹狩り」に来ていたとの記載があり、戦国時代の終わりを告げた、太平の世がいかに長かったかを感じさせる場所です。 これだけはっきりした由来が分かっていたら、私有地を借り上げて東金市で管理して観光ポイントにしても良いと思います。 ほとんど海抜0mの九十九里平野で、たとえ海抜4~50mでも、これらの場所は津波にも襲われることもなく、敵の動向一目瞭然だったので戦国時代の貴重な場所だったのでしょう。 館山市の「館山城」の南総里見八犬伝以来、鎧兜を着用して、常にとなりの村の様子を虎視眈々とうかがう、戦国時代の日本人同士の「縄張り争い」のなんと、のんびりとしていたことか・・・ 500年を経て令和になってつくづく実感しています。
It looks like a perfect "private land". There was an entrance between the temple and Togane Prefectural High School, but there is a stone pillar on private land that says "No one except the explorer and aspiring person", and the wooden gate is closed. If you ask the temple, we are "exploration scholars" so it seems that they will open it, but I couldn't climb it unless I passed by the grave, so I gave up. Certainly, there was no mention of "Togane Castle" on the Ukiuki sightseeing map at the local tourist parking lot. From the location, it looks like a typical "Yamashiro". The altitude is 43m, and if you head to the west, you can see that there is certainly a mountain surface of the cut, and from here you can see that the area up to "Oami Castle Ruins" in Oamishirasato City on the west side is flat. Since it is after Yamashiro in the Warring States period, there are places all over the country that are also far from "sightseeing spots", but even if you know the origin of Yamashiro, it seems that you do not intend to publicize it. There was a signboard showing the history of the only castle, so I took a picture of it. In the nearby park, there is a description that the Tokugawa family came to "falconry", and it is a place that makes you feel how long the world of Taihei was, which marked the end of the Warring States period. If you know the origin so clearly, you can rent private land and manage it in Togane City to make it a tourist spot. In the Kujukuri Plain, which is almost 0m above sea level, even if it is 4 to 50m above sea level, these places were not hit by the tsunami, and the movement of the enemy was clear at a glance, so it was probably a valuable place during the Warring States period. Since the Nanso Satomi Hakkenden of "Tateyama Castle" in Tateyama City, I have been wearing armor helmets and always watching the state of the neighboring village, and I was relaxed in the "territorial battle" between Japanese people during the Warring States period. That is ... After 500 years, I feel that it has become a reiwa.
馬渕英貴 on Google

A large typhoon a few years ago devastated the climbing road, and the entrance is now closed. Since it is a private property, it remains unmaintained. It seems that it will become Yabuyama as it is
中山家範 on Google

東西約七〇〇m、南北約五〇〇mの規模をもつ、半独立丘稜の山城。 東金酒井氏の本城として、天正一八年(一五九〇)まで機能していたことが確実である(「関八州諸城之覚書」『毛利家文書」、「豊臣秀吉朱印状」『難波 創業録所収文書』)。 本城の初見は、「鎌倉大草紙」によると、享徳の乱(一四五四~ハニ)の初期、美濃より下向した東常縁の家臣浜春利が拠ったとされることである。 昭和六三年(一九八八) に行われた発掘では、一五世紀末~一六世紀前半頃とされる瀬戸美濃系の擂鉢の断片が出土している。 標高七四mの最頂部に主郭を置き、西側に一段低い細長い第二郭を配する。 比較的緩傾斜の北側斜面には、腰曲輪や支尾根の堀切、段差などを設け、防御している。 また、西端の尾根に大堀切・ 竪堀(消滅)を入れ、西尾根続きからの侵入 を防いでいる。 遺構もよく残り、本城に関する一級史料もあることから、東金市の歴史を語るうえで、貴重な文化財であると言える。 【現地案内板より抜粋】 今回は看板のみの見学。
A mountain castle on a semi-independent hill with a scale of about 700m from east to west and about 500m from north to south. It is certain that it functioned as the main castle of Togane Sakai until the 18th year of the Tensho era (1590) ("Kanpachishu Morojo Memorandum", "Mori Family Document", "Toyotomi Hideyoshi Shuin-jo", " Namba Founding Record Collection Documents ”). According to "Kamakura Daisoshi", the first sight of the main castle is that it was based on Harutoshi Hama, a vassal of Tsuneyori Tou who went down from Mino in the early days of the Kyotoku Incident (1454 ~ Hani). .. In the excavation conducted in 1988, fragments of the Seto Mino mortar, which is said to be from the end of the 15th century to the first half of the 16th century, have been excavated. The main hut is placed at the top of the 74m above sea level, and the second hut, which is one step lower, is placed on the west side. On the north slope, which has a relatively gentle slope, a waist-curved ring, a ridge cut, and a step are provided to protect it. In addition, Ohorikiri and Tatebori (disappearing) are placed on the ridge at the western end to prevent invasion from the continuation of the west ridge. It can be said that it is a valuable cultural property when talking about the history of Togane City, as the remains are well preserved and there are first-class historical materials related to the main castle. [Excerpt from the local information board] This time we will visit only the signboard.
on Google

Please note that although you can tour the castle, there is a curfew depending on Togane High School. According to folklore, Mr. Sakai moved to the area from Doki Castle, but if you look at the overwhelming earthworks and moats of Doki Castle first, you may think that this is boring. It is difficult to grasp the whole picture because the main enclosure is completely desolate.

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