Tōfū-jinja Shrine - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー
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Contact Tōfū-jinja Shrine

1 Sugisakatofucho, Kita Ward, Kyoto, 601-0113, Japan
Arch FAQ on Google

There is no parking lot, and it is difficult for a large car because Line 31 is just barely passing by a light car.
紅玉白瑛 on Google

京見峠を通って鷹峯に出る細い林道の脇にひっそりと佇んでます。 なので、山奥の集落の外れなのに、通り過ぎるクルマはかなり多いです。 自分は書道は全く知らないので、いまいちピンと来ないですが、書道の世界ではかなりの有名人が奉られてるようです。
I quietly sit by the side of a narrow forest road that passes through Keimi Pass to the foot of a pass. So there are quite a lot of cars passing by though it is off the back of the village. Since I do not know calligraphy at all, I can not come to see it right now, but in the world of calligraphy there seems to be a considerable celebrity.
Le Grenier on Google

平安時代の名書家小野道風を祀る神社。 道中は細いけど、以外に交通量が多い道だったので気を付けてください。駐車スペースは2台ありました。 静かで雨が似合いそうな、苔むした神社で、おみくじが置いてあって、自分で引いて、結果が書いてあるので、そこで確認します。 素敵な神社でした。
A shrine dedicated to Ono no Michikaze, a famous calligrapher of the Heian period. The road is narrow, but please be careful as it was a busy road. There were two parking spaces. It's a quiet, mossy shrine that looks good in the rain, and there is an Omikuji fortune, and I draw it myself and the result is written, so I'll check it there. It was a nice shrine.
佐藤信次 on Google

初めて訪れましたが、かなり穴場です! 苔の具合を見て判る様に、ほとんど人は来ないのに空間が素晴らしい。 次回は紅葉を愛でに訪れたい。
I visited for the first time, but it's quite a secret! As you can see from the condition of the moss, the space is wonderful even though few people come. Next time I want to visit the autumn leaves with love.
マロマロ on Google

周山街道から京見峠に抜ける時いつも前を通り過ぎていましたが、今回初めて参拝しました。 周りは杉坂の杉林に囲まれおり静寂さに包まれており大変静かな神社です。 また苔むしった参道 境内の狛犬がより一層神秘的で、静寂な雰囲気を醸し出しています。 是非。新緑の時期や紅葉の季節に再訪問 する価値がありますね。観光化されていないひと気のない神秘的な雰囲気が好みの方には穴場的スポットです。 祭神は平安時代の小野道風(書家、歌人)が祀られています。 車で来られる場合162号線(周山街道)経由をお勧めします。鷹ヶ峰方面からは道幅も狭く難儀します。
When I passed from Shuzan Kaido to Kyomi Pass, I always passed by, but this time I visited for the first time. Surrounded by the cedar forest of Sugisaka, it is a very quiet shrine surrounded by tranquility. In addition, the guardian dogs in the precincts of the mossy approach create an even more mysterious and quiet atmosphere. I'd love to. Revisit during the fresh green season and the autumn leaves season It's worth doing. It is a little-known spot for those who like a mysterious atmosphere that is not touristy. Ono no Michikaze (calligrapher, poet) of the Heian period is enshrined in the deity. If you can come by car, we recommend using Route 162 (Zhoushan Highway). From the direction of Takagamine, the road is narrow and difficult.
Kenji Nakamura on Google

朝方9時前頃に行きました。木漏れ日が漏れてとてもミステリアスな雰囲気。 心が洗われる感じでした。 霧なんか出たらもっと幻想的なんだろうな〜
I went around 9 o'clock in the morning. A very mysterious atmosphere with sunlight leaking through the trees. It felt like my heart was washed. It would be more fantastic if the fog came out ~
Przemek Ś. on Google

Shrine with 1000y history and I guess nothing much changed since that. It's really magical and charming
Trans-word plus TGM on Google

Located in Dofu-cho of Sugisaka slope the shrine has given the name of the town. It was founded in 920. This is a place where an ancient Japanese caligraphy master Ono-no Dofu is enshrined as its deity. His masterstrokes are even depicted in the Tale of Genji. In his time he was using the water of its Wako-sha where the guardian of Sugisaka is enshrined. In ancient times the water from this shrinme was used by Imperial family for their rituals and studies. The spring of Wako is still existing in this shrine.

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