Tobu Chiiki Hospital - Katsushika City

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Contact Tobu Chiiki Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-14-1 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-8512, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 125-8512
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM

5 Chome-14-1 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-8512, Japan
颯Twistin,Bulldog on Google

It is a large hospital that you can see on your left from the viaduct when you get on the Joban Line. About 5 minutes walk from Kameari station. There is also a parking lot. I went with an acquaintance and said, "I've been here for a long time, but it's a really good hospital." It may be because my acquaintance was elderly, but I was told that the outpatient teachers and nurses were kind and kind to me from the patient's perspective. But am I the only one who felt that the number of nurses was small compared to the number of patients? It seems to be the same everywhere in hospitals.
わんぱぱ on Google

地域に密着した医療機関 ここの消化器内科に5年くらい2ヶ月に一度程度通院しています。 毎年決まった3月に内視鏡検査も受けてます。 今後も長く通いますが、これまで主治医先生は4人くらい代わりました。でもみなさん親切で丁寧な先生ばかりで私は病院を信頼しています。 通院時の楽しみは、院内レストランで食べる、注文を受けてから揚げる熱々のシーフード定食(720円)です?。
Community-based medical institution I go to the gastroenterology department here about once every two months for about five years. I also have an endoscopy in March, which is decided every year. I will continue to attend for a long time, but so far I have changed about four doctors. But all of you are kind and polite teachers and I trust the hospital. The fun when I go to the hospital is the hot seafood set meal (720 yen) that is eaten at the in-hospital restaurant and fried after receiving an order ?.
さよこ藤野 on Google

ここの産婦人科担当の、女性医師はとても親切で丁寧ですね~特に↓ 宮国医師は、手術も手掛ける医学博士です。 女性に有りがちな、不正出血や生理の異常で掛かり付けの診療所で(^-^) 紹介書を書いて頂き。治療をしてくれた女性医師でした」癌じゃないかと?ばかり考えてたら。ホルモンのバランスの崩れでした(;o;) まぁ~。好き嫌いは有ると思いますが…外科系の医師ですから、キツイのは仕方無いですが個人的に。余計な事も言わないので好きですが…婦人科系の受け付の人には頭に来るし 患者番号を間違えたり。医師が自ら患者さん番号を伝えたり確認したり、待合室迄来て探す始末でした。受付の人が仕事が出来ないのか?しかも待たされるわ(ToT) 患者さんが怒って帰る始末でした…。私も間違えられたしね まぁ~?コロナの影響かも知れないけれど。 受付の人ダメですね(*´-`)。せっかく腕の良い 女性医師に、検査や治療の時は必ず宮国先生が担当してくれたのにもう二度と、行きませんけれど、婦人科医師なら女性医師の宮国医師がお勧めです。しっかりと検査して頂けますし人気ですね?細かい所迄アドバイスして頂けますし、性の悩みも含めて~。私も聞いて見ましたよ❤️この先に好きな人が出来て〇〇〇、しても大丈夫ですか?質問したら?先生の答えは。大丈夫逆にした方がホルモンのバランスが整うわよって、言われましたが彼は居ません(笑)受付の方が態度悪いから。患者さんが少なくなてました! 宮国医師レベルが高い、外科系の医師です 。
The female doctor in charge of obstetrics and gynecology here is very kind and polite-especially ↓ Dr. Miyaguni is a doctor of medicine who also handles surgery. At the clinic where women tend to have irregular bleeding or abnormal menstruation (^-^) Please write an introduction. It was a female doctor who treated me. "Isn't it cancer? If you just think about it. It was a hormonal imbalance (; o;) Well ~. I think there are likes and dislikes, but ... I'm a surgical doctor, so I can't help but personally. I like it because I don't say anything extra ... I made a mistake in the patient number. The doctor himself gave and confirmed the patient number, and came to the waiting room to search for it. Can the receptionist not work? And I'll be waiting (ToT) The patient was angry and went home ... I made a mistake too Well ~ ? It may be the influence of Corona. The receptionist is no good (* ´-`). Good skill Miyaguni-sensei was always in charge of examinations and treatments for female doctors, but I will never go there again, but if you are a gynecologist, Miyaguni-sensei is recommended. You can inspect it thoroughly and it's popular ? You can give advice on details, including sexual problems. I also asked and saw it ❤️ Is it okay if I have a favorite person in the future? If you have any questions, what is your answer? I was told that it would be okay to reverse the hormone balance, but he isn't there (laughs) because the receptionist has a bad attitude. The number of patients has decreased! Miyaguni is a surgeon with a high level of doctors. ..
a29 k on Google

私はこちらに何年もお世話になっています。 産院からの紹介で、こちらに女性疾患で通っています。 すでに、入院、手術と2回お世話になり、今は定期検診で通っています。 予約制ですが、場合によってはかなり待たされることはあります。 でもほとんどがスムーズに終わります。 入院前の麻酔については、とても丁寧に説明してくれました。 入院中も看護師さん、先生共に親切にしてくださいました。 食事もそこそこ美味しかったです。 売店の商品は少なめ。 もう少し充実してくれたら嬉しいなと思います。 子供も二人共臍ヘルニアで入院、手術をしてもらいましたが、丁寧に対応してくれました。 対応が冷たいという意見が多いですが… 病院なんて、ホテルではないし、どこの病院もそうなのかな?とは思っています。 私はは引き続きこちらにお世話になります! 今後もよろしくおねがいします。
I have been here for many years. Introduced by the maternity hospital, I am attending here because of a female illness. I have already been taken care of twice, hospitalization and surgery, and now I am attending regular medical examinations. It is a reservation system, but in some cases you may have to wait a long time. But most of it finishes smoothly. He explained very carefully about anesthesia before hospitalization. Both the nurse and the teacher were kind to me while I was in the hospital. The food was reasonably good. There are few items in the shop. I hope it will be a little more fulfilling. Both children were hospitalized for umbilical hernia and had surgery, but they responded politely. There are many opinions that the response is cold, but ... A hospital is not a hotel, and is it the same at any hospital? I think. I will continue to be indebted to you! I look forward to working with you in the future.
hiromi ito on Google

In 2015 and 2021, I was hospitalized for about a week for surgery for uterine fibroids. Since it is an old hospital, there are some parts that cannot be helped in terms of hardware, but I have the impression that all the staff were very polite. I usually wait for more than an hour to make an appointment for an outpatient visit, but I think it's normal in a large hospital.
* be_happy on Google

他院からの紹介での手術入院。 事前にここの口コミを見てどうなる事かと思いました。 しかし、私と関わってもらえた医師・看護師・助手の方々、皆さんとても熱意とスピードがありました。 不安・不具合には早く対処してもらえますし、説明不足も特に感じませんでした。 また、若い方が多い感じがしましたが、非常に常識的でしたし、判断と対処の速さに驚きました。 確かに、一部の方はチョットなあとも感じましたが、それはどこの病院でも同じことはあると思われます。。 あえてネガティブなことを挙げるならば、 ・売店が小さい、キャッシュレス非対応 ・一部病室の床&ガラス窓&室内灯の清掃不足 ・看護師間の情報共有の粗さ ・工事中の非常階段の塗装臭もれ ・病棟でのマスク着用の一部不徹底(特にご老人、大声での電話)
Surgery hospitalization by referral from another hospital. Looking at the reviews here in advance, I wondered what would happen. However, the doctors, nurses, and assistants who were involved with me were all very enthusiastic and speedy. I was able to deal with anxieties and problems as soon as possible, and I didn't feel any lack of explanation. Also, I felt that there were many young people, but it was very common sense, and I was surprised at the speed of judgment and coping. Certainly, some people felt that it was a little bit, but it seems that it is the same at every hospital. .. If you dare to mention the negative things ・ Small shops, non-cashless ・ Insufficient cleaning of floors, glass windows, and interior lights in some hospital rooms ・ Roughness of information sharing between nurses ・ Leakage of paint on emergency stairs during construction ・ Some incomplete wearing of masks in the ward (especially elderly people, loud phone calls)
Fin'z on Google

It is about a 5-minute walk from Kameari Station in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo. The parking lot is ¥ 300 per hour, and if you use the hospital, it will be ¥ 200 each time, and you will be given a parking ticket to the guard to get a discount. It will be a general hospital that also accepts emergency patients, and it is a good hospital where teachers and nurses are kind and friendly (´∀ `)
Joshua Stephens on Google

Good choice if you are in the area. They do have a night/emergency service if you go outside of normal hours but it is quite short staffed.

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