Enfūkai Hospital - Adachi City

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Enfūkai Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-19-5 Chuohoncho, Adachi City, Tokyo 120-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 120-0011
Webサイト : http://enfukai-hosp.jp/

1 Chome-19-5 Chuohoncho, Adachi City, Tokyo 120-0011, Japan

整形外科かかりつけ病院が、午後は診察して貰えなく、 急遽近くの総合病院まだ新しく、診察も丁寧に説明、施設内隅々まで清掃が行き届いてます。 自転車置き場、駐車場が少ない。
Orthopedic family hospital can not see in the afternoon Suddenly, the general hospital near here is still new, and the medical examination is carefully explained and the cleaning in every corner of the facility is kept. There is no bicycle storage and parking lot.
Chao Hyus on Google

患者より、医者たちの車の駐車場を優先させるそんな病院。 また事務が全員態度悪すぎ。 特に事務長に、受付の女。
Such a hospital that prioritizes the parking lot of doctors' cars over patients. Also, all the office work is too bad. Especially the secretary, the receptionist woman.
皆川尚美 on Google

The nurses took care of me in various ways, and I am very pleased to look after them. It is a hospital where the facility is spacious and there is no feeling of pressure.
エロエロ on Google

職員はエレベーター使用禁止です! 看護師さんがハアハアしていたので、何事かと聞いたところ、職員は階段移動とのことでした。 一日働いたら相当痩せられそうですね。
Employees are not allowed to use the elevator! The nurse was hahahaha, so when I asked him what was going on, the staff said he was moving up the stairs. If you work all day, you will lose weight.
齋藤浩 on Google

My mother was hospitalized here. All the staff gave me a courteous response. The staff goes naturally, thinking that it is a matter of course, but I can not see a hospital that is so well at first. I regretted that I had been polite so far, and wanted to be like this. If I can reach the end of my life here, I really want to. I regret my father.
志位高 on Google

いつ行っても待合室に人が居ないので直ぐに受診出来ます。これは良いポイントです。 去年、倒れた時て歩けない状態になって友人にこの病院に連れて行って貰った時、入院をお願いしたのですが、断られました。 診察の説明も正直丁寧だったのか? 疑問です。 病院の待合室が病院の質を現してると私は思います。 私はもう行きません。
No matter where you go, you can see a doctor right away because there are no people in the waiting room. This is a good point. Last year, when I fell down and was unable to walk and had a friend take me to this hospital, I asked for hospitalization, but I was refused. Was the explanation of the consultation honest and polite? I doubt. I think that the waiting room of the hospital shows the quality of the hospital. I will not go anymore.
K Y on Google

男性の看護師の対応は申し分ないのですが一部女性の看護師は実に酷い このような看護師はいずれ淘汰されるかもしれないが、逆に居座ることも・・ 透析専門のためか透析以外の診療は期待できない できれば総合病院の透析部門にかかることをお勧めする
The response of male nurses is perfect, but some female nurses are really terrible Such nurses may eventually be eliminated, but on the contrary, they may stay ... Because it is specialized in dialysis, medical treatment other than dialysis cannot be expected If possible, it is recommended to go to the dialysis department of a general hospital.
Isao Sugimoto (d6rkaiz) on Google

これは直近ではなく数年前に受診した時の話だけど、女医さんに当たった時は親切丁寧に話を聞いてもらえたけど、男性の医師に当たった時には、外来に医師がおらず、30分ほど待った後の第一声が「あなた仕事してるの?」だった。 都合3回ほど行ったのだけど、待合室及び診察前・診察後に僕が経験した限りで、僕以外に人を見たことはありません。 追記:この当時は透析専門ではなかったはずです。
This is not the latest story, but when I visited the clinic a few years ago, when I met a female doctor, I was kindly and politely listened to, but when I visited a male doctor, there was no doctor in the outpatient department, so 30 After waiting for about a minute, the first voice was "Are you working?" I went there about 3 times, but as far as I experienced in the waiting room and before and after the examination, I have never seen anyone other than me. Postscript: At that time, I should not have specialized in dialysis.

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