CAPS Clinic Kameari

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CAPS Clinic Kameari

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45AM–1PM
Sunday 8:45AM–1PM
Monday 8:45AM–1PM
Tuesday 8:45AM–1PM
Wednesday 8:45AM–1PM
Thursday 8:45AM–1PM
Friday 8:45AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
bear bear on Google

喉が焼けるような痛みが4日続き、痛みが引かず手持ちの薬がなくなったので日曜診療していたため診てもらいました。 子供のかかりつけ医が時間外の時などたまに診てもらってましたが自身診察は初めてでした。 診察室に入って椅子に座り症状を話す前にいきなり、「脳性麻痺がなんかでしたっけ?」と突然言われはい?と聞き返すと「いやその足」と言われ、昔の事故の後遺症で少しびっこを引いてるのですが突然前フリもなしに脳性麻痺がなんか?と言われたのは初めてでびっくりしました。 診察に関係ない上、日常生活に支障はないし喉痛さと私の後遺症も関係ないし何を言ってるのかこの医者はと思い非常に胸糞が悪かったです。 事故の後遺症ですと伝えると、あーそっかごめんごめん。とタメ口で言われあんまりにもムカついたので帰ってやろうかと思いました。 デリカシーのかけらもない聞き方と謝り方でこんな人間あったことがなかったので驚きました。 とにかく薬が欲しかったので我慢しましたが、 口を開けて喉を1秒ほどみただけで あー特に問題ないですね正常ですよー と言われリンパ腺もパンパンに腫れて唾も飲み込めず声もほとんど出ないほど痛いのに正常とは? まともな医師じゃないんだなと思い話にならないので特に文句は言いませんでしたが本当に医者なのか疑うほどの適当さと無礼さでした(^^) 小児科の先生はいい先生ばかりだったので残念ですが二度と行きませんし行かない方がいいです。 みてもらったのは内科 清水という医師です。 違う耳鼻咽喉科に行ったら、ここまで炎症ひどいと辛いよね。リンパ腺も腫れてるしこれを正常と判断するのは何をみて言ってるのかありえないと言ってました。 金と時間の無駄にした上本当に胸糞の悪い医師でした二度と行きません。 星1つも付けたくありません(^^)
My throat is burning pain four days continued, I had seeing because it was practice Sunday because the pain is no longer on hand of medicine without pulling. Although family doctor of the children had asked seeing occasionally, such as when the time out of their own examination was the first time. Suddenly before speaking symptoms sat in a chair and entered the examination room, yes suddenly referred to as "Kke cerebral palsy was the something?"? And ask again and said, "No its feet", cerebral palsy is something without even before pretending suddenly but I have caught a little lame in the aftermath of the old days of the accident? I was told and was surprised the first time. On not related to the examination, to not interfere with daily life Nodotsu and what the relationship through my sequelae are you talking about this doctor and I think it was poor very Munakuso. And tell the is the aftermath of the accident, uh feet sorry sorry. And said in Tame opening because with suck in so much I thought that if I'll back. I was surprised because I had never had such a person in how to apologize and also not to hear how pieces of delicacy. Anyway, I was put up because the medicine is wanted, Only look at the throat for about 1 second to open the mouth Oh It is normal is no particular problem The normal to painfully little out nor swallow without voice saliva and lymph glands also swelling in Pampanga is said that? Because not to think talking to Do'm not decent doctor did not say in particular complaint but was really suitable and rudeness of the more doubt or doctor of the (^ ^) Teacher of Pediatrics is a pity because it was just a good teacher, but you'd better not go to does not go again. Was asked to look at is the doctor of internal medicine Shimizu. I went to a different ENT, I'm terrible and painful inflammation so far. Lymph glands also to have swollen to determine as normal this was to say that it is not impossible what you're saying look. Really on that was a waste of money and time does not go again was a bad doctor of Munakuso. 1 star does not want to put (^^)
K N on Google

家族でコロナに感染し濃厚接触者となってしまい、保健所から感染者が検査を受けた病院で受けるよう指示されて、いざ予約して行きました。 そしたら濃厚接触者は受け付けてない、保健所から名指しでこの病院で受けてくださいと言われましたか?と聞かれ、それで上記の事を説明したのですが断られてしまい検査できませんでした。 すぐに予約できたよかったと安心しましたが、やはりクチコミ通りの散々な結果だし、時間の無駄でした。
My family was infected with corona and became a close contact, and the health center instructed the infected person to take it at the hospital where the test was done, so I made a reservation. Then, did the health center tell you to take it at this hospital by name, not accepting close contacts? I explained the above, but I was refused and could not inspect. I was relieved that I was able to make a reservation immediately, but it was a waste of time as the results were as disappointing as the word of mouth.
m on Google

予約は取りやすく待ち時間も少ない方だと思います。小児科では丁寧に対応してくださる外部の医師もおりました。 咳で内科を初めて受診した時は聴診はしない、人の話に聞く耳をもたない横柄な態度の医師にあたりました。 どこの病院でも医師によって対応の差はあるかと思いますが、やる気のない印象を受け、不快な思いをしました。 病院内だけでなくホームページからも担当医師を確認できるようにしてほしいです。
I think it's easy to make a reservation and the waiting time is short. In the pediatrics department, there was also an outside doctor who responded politely. When I first visited the internal medicine department for coughing, I was a doctor with an arrogant attitude who did not listen to people and did not listen to people. I think there are differences in how doctors respond to each hospital, but I got the impression that they were not motivated and felt uncomfortable. I want you to be able to check the doctor in charge not only in the hospital but also from the homepage.
M K on Google

子供が0歳の時からお世話になっています。 予防接種は全てこちらで打ってもらいました。 先日も就学前の予防接種の予約をし、来院しましたが受付で待ち時間が1時間以上かかると言われました。 こちらは保育園の後の夕飯の時間など全て計算して予約してるのに1時間以上待たせるなんてあり得ないです。 予約をしていないならわかりますが、予約をしているのに1時間以上待つのであれば、そもそも何の為の予約時間なのでしょうか? 案内が予約時間から大幅ズレるのであれば事前に連絡いただきたかったです。 案の定息子はお腹が空いて待てず、駅前で食事をして戻りましたが、こちらはなかなか取れない予約を取って行っているのに、このご時世で具合も悪くないのに病院で1時間以上も待つのは不安すぎます。
I have been indebted since my child was 0 years old. All vaccinations were done here. The other day, I made an appointment for vaccination before school and visited the hospital, but I was told at the reception that it would take more than an hour to wait. It is impossible to wait for more than an hour to make a reservation by calculating all the time for dinner after the nursery school. If you haven't made a reservation, you know, but if you have made a reservation and wait for more than an hour, what is the reservation time in the first place? If the information is significantly different from the reserved time, I would like you to contact me in advance. Sure enough, my son was hungry and couldn't wait, so he ate in front of the station and returned. It's too uneasy to wait.
ickey M on Google

日曜日に開いてる小児科がないためこちらを受診。女性医師に診断してもらったアレルギーの診断。子供の発疹が出ててアレルギーの診断はどうなのだろうか。色々な疾患が考えられる中でアレルギーは1番ないと思います。 診断がいまいちしっくりしないので、翌日他院を受診しウイルス性の疾患と診断されました。 そのままアレルギーでいたらとんでもない所でした。検査も考えられる物は溶連菌とか考えないとコロナのある中で重大な誤診を起こしてしまうと思います。治療が遅れると小さい子供は命を落とす危険性があることをもう少し小児科医師として知識と経験をつけてほしいです。
There is no pediatrics open on Sundays, so I went to see this. Diagnosis of allergies diagnosed by a female doctor. What about the diagnosis of allergies when a child has a rash? I don't think allergies are the most likely among various diseases. The diagnosis wasn't quite right, so I went to another hospital the next day and was diagnosed with a viral disease. It was a ridiculous place if I had allergies as it was. If you don't think of hemolytic streptococcus as something that can be tested, I think it will cause a serious misdiagnosis in the presence of coronavirus. As a pediatrician, I want you to gain a little more knowledge and experience that small children are at risk of dying if treatment is delayed.
ヒサ(HISA) on Google

小児科を受診。ここのお医者様、スタッフ方々の接客はよろしいですが肝心の診断内容がいつも外れますので星一つです。 一つ目は、ただの風邪とここで言われましたが、なかなか具合が良くならず、翌日違うところで診療すると、RSウィルスと診断されました。 二つ目は、診療では子供の膀胱炎を疑い、それを言ったところ「膀胱炎には幼児はかからない。ただの風邪でしょう」とはっきり言われましたが、これも一向に良くならず、違うところでみてもらうと、膀胱炎でした。 皆さま人柄よいのですが、診断内容が毎回外れるので残念です。精度が上がれば星は5つです。 もったいないです。申し訳ないですが、適当に診断をされているようにしか思えず、もうこちらには行きませんし、他人にもお勧めできません。小児科は、他院に行かれることをお勧めします。
Visit the pediatrics department. The doctors and staff here are welcome to serve customers, but the essential diagnosis is always off, so it is one star. The first one was said to be just a cold, but I wasn't feeling well, and when I was treated at a different place the next day, I was diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus. Second, I suspected cystitis in my child in the clinic, and when I said that, I was clearly told that "cystitis does not affect infants. It's just a cold." By the way, it was cystitis. Everyone has a good personality, but it's a pity that the diagnosis is not correct every time. If the accuracy is improved, there are 5 stars. It's a waste. I'm sorry, but it seems like I've been diagnosed properly, I won't go here anymore, and I can't recommend it to anyone else. Pediatrics is advised to go to another hospital.
はる on Google

先日発熱と怠さで診察してもらい、できればPCRを受けたいと申告。聴診器で肺の辺りを当てて「問題ないねー」とのこと。解熱剤だけ処方してもらい終了したが、数日経っても治らず。 会社のこともあってコロナかそうでないかはシロクロつけたかったので受けられる病院を探し、そこは希望者はすぐ検査してくれました。 結果陽性。 看護師さんの接客?は私は不快に感じなかったが肝心の医師の能力が著しく低くく感じました。 ここで診てもらうのはお勧めしない。
The other day, he was diagnosed with fever and negligence, and declared that he would like to undergo PCR if possible. He said, "No problem," by hitting the area around the lungs with a stethoscope. I was prescribed only an antipyretic and finished, but it did not heal even after a few days. Because of the company, I wanted to get a corona or not, so I searched for a hospital where I could get it, and the applicant immediately inspected it. The result is positive. A nurse's customer service? I didn't feel uncomfortable, but I felt that the doctor's ability was extremely low. I don't recommend seeing you here.
Misa Nagasawa (Misa) on Google

子供の予防接種のために、急遽前日に予約をして受診しました。 予約方法がインターネットからスムーズに出来、とても便利で助かりました。特に電話中に子供が泣き叫ぶ事があるので、結構大変なのです。 受付の方、看護師の方、先生も皆さんとても優しく親切に対応してくれて、個人的には良い印象しかありません。複雑な予防接種のスケジュールについて、看護師さんが丁寧にメモに書いて教えてくれました! 院内はとても清潔で、奥の待合室も広かったです。 そして御手洗にオムツを替えるための台が設置されていたので、その点もプラスでした。 家から少し遠いのが少し残念なのですが、また利用したいです。
I made an appointment the day before to see my child for vaccination. The reservation method was smooth from the internet, which was very convenient and helpful. It's quite difficult, especially because children sometimes cry while on the phone. The receptionists, nurses, and teachers are all very kind and kind, and I personally have a good impression. The nurse carefully wrote down a memo about the complicated vaccination schedule! The hospital was very clean and the waiting room in the back was large. And since there was a stand for changing diapers in Mitarai, that was also a plus. It's a little disappointing that it's a little far from my house, but I want to use it again.

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