Tojun Hospital - Adachi City

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tojun Hospital

住所 :

4 Chome-3-4 Hitotsuya, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 121-0075
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3-4 Hitotsuya, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0075, Japan
まこちん on Google

年配の事務員の態度が最悪。 つきそいの人が受付の列に並んでて受付機の近くまで行った時つきそいの人が患者の人を呼んだらその年配の事務員が割り込みだから並びなおせと文句言ってた。 医師や看護師はちゃんとしてくれてたのに残念です
The attitude of the elderly clerk is the worst. When the escort lined up in the reception line and went near the reception machine, he complained that if the escort called the patient, the elderly clerk would interrupt him and line up again. It's a pity that the doctors and nurses did it properly
Pちゃん on Google

交通事故にあって評判が良くないとは知りながらここの病院運ばれました 膝と足の親指を骨折していた自分は初日に 膝と足指のレントゲンを撮りました 他の日にレントゲンを撮ると言われて レントゲン室に案内されて しばらく待たされ呼ばれたので行くと 足指のレントゲンを撮りますと言われました 自分;こないだ撮りましたよと伝えると レントゲン先生;あ、そうなんですね といい加減な事言われて結局撮らなかったのですが、 なぜか明細、請求書に撮った事になっていて料金が発生しました。 受付の人に 自分;今日レントゲン撮ってませんよ 受付;いや、書類に書いてあるので と料金請求されました 話が通じないので一番ここの病院で偉い人 『女性の方で名前は忘れました』が来ました 膝が痛くて松葉杖なのに別部屋、事務所みたいな所に案内されて 受付の人と同じ 明細に書いてあるからと言われました 自分;本人が撮ってないて言ってるんですよ? 偉人;いや、撮ってます 自分;なんでそこまで言い切れるんですか? じゃあレントゲンの先生に聞いてください 偉人;レントゲンの先生を呼び出し、 自分含め3人で確認 レントゲン先生;今日は撮らなかったですよ 偉人;自分に向かっていやいやごめんなさい 噂通りすごくいい加減で態度にも呆れました それに後日足の親指の抜糸をしてもらい なんか痛いなと思って足をよく見ると 三本くらい糸が残ってました。 どこまでいい加減な病院なんだ… 他の日に行くと移動しましたよと 先生もコロコロ変わるし 昔は人殺し病院なんて呼ばれてましたね できればここの病院以外の受診をお勧めします
I was taken to a hospital here knowing that I had a traffic accident and had a bad reputation. I had a broken knee and big toe on the first day I took X-rays of my knees and toes I was told to take an X-ray the other day Guided to the X-ray room I was called after waiting for a while, so when I went I was told to take an X-ray of my toes I; when I told him that I took a picture Mr. Roentgen; Oh, that's right. I didn't shoot after all because I was told that it was sloppy. For some reason, it was supposed to be taken on the statement and invoice, and a fee was incurred. To the receptionist I; I haven't taken an X-ray today Receptionist; No, because it is written in the documents Was charged The greatest person in the hospital here because I can't understand the story "I forgot my name because I'm a woman" came My knees hurt and I was on crutches, but I was guided to another room, like an office. Same as the receptionist I was told that it was written on the statement I'm saying that I didn't shoot it, right? Great man; No, I'm shooting Self; why can you say so much? Then ask the X-ray teacher Great man; calling an X-ray teacher, Confirmed by 3 people including myself X-ray; I didn't shoot today Great man; I'm sorry for myself As rumored, I was very sloppy and amazed at my attitude. I also had my big toe pulled out at a later date. I thought it hurt and looked closely at my legs About three threads remained. How sloppy the hospital is ... I moved when I went to another day The teacher also changes It used to be called a murder hospital. If possible, we recommend that you visit a hospital other than this one.
くぅぼやす on Google

ワクチンを受けに行きました。 タイミングが悪かったのか 受付に並んでいるのに目の前に受付3人女性立ってずっと喋ってる。声かけてみると面倒臭そうな顔して対応されました。 「ここじゃないです。常楽に言ってください」常楽を知らなかったのでどこにありますか?と聞いたら「裏にあります」とだけ。 裏に回ったら薬局とセンターしかなくて仕方なくそこの受付に訪ねたら丁寧に教えてくれました。 常楽診療所は看護師さんも受付さんもとても丁寧で優しかったです! 噂通り等潤は受付の時点で対応悪かったです。いい評価もあるので本当にたまたま私のタイミングが悪かったのかも‼︎Dr.や看護師さんの事は分かりませんが、あくまでも私の意見です…。 私も医療従事者ですけど悲しかったです…。
I went to get the vaccine. Was the timing wrong? Even though they are lined up at the reception, three women at the reception are standing in front of me and talking all the time. When I called out to him, he responded with a face that seemed to be annoying. "It's not here. Please tell Joraku." I didn't know Joraku, so where is it? When I heard that, I just said, "It's on the back." When I went to the back, there was only a pharmacy and a center, so when I visited the reception desk there, he politely told me. The nurses and receptionists at the Joraku Clinic were very polite and kind! As rumored, Tojun was not good at the time of reception. There is also a good evaluation, so maybe my timing was really bad! I don't know about Dr. and the nurse, but it's just my opinion ... I'm also a medical worker, but I was sad ...
けるまる on Google

ここ数年で複数の科で受診・入院・手術をしています 医師は専門医もいたり良い先生もいますが、流れ作業的な先生ももちろんまいす 事務は聞いていることにしっかり回答をしない場合が多いです 年配の女性で患者の案内をしている人(多分偉い人なんでしょう)は、態度がぶっきらぼう(正直に言うと横柄)で、口の利き方が人を下に見ている感じがします 入院担当の看護師はどなたも非常に親切でした 総じて、対応する人により当たり外れが大きい病院です 徒歩圏内なので通っていますが、バスの距離であれば行かないと思います
Over the last few years, I have been receiving medical examinations, hospitalizations, and surgery in multiple departments. Some doctors are specialists and some are good teachers, but of course there are also assembly-line teachers. In many cases, the office work does not answer exactly what you are listening to. Elderly women who guide patients (probably great ones) have a blunt attitude (honestly arrogant) and a fluent look down on them. All the nurses in charge of hospitalization were very kind As a whole, it is a hospital where the hits and misses are large depending on the corresponding people. I go there because it's within walking distance, but I don't think I'll go if it's the distance of the bus.
JIN on Google

今の時期に熱が出たら人権がない事が良く分かった。 熱が出てるのに寒い場所で2時間待たされて口頭で症状を伝えただけで問診終了。あんな診察小学生でもできるだろ。看護士も対応雑やし熱を出した人権無いやつが悪いということが分かったわ。 体調悪化した
It was well understood that there was no human rights if the fever came out at this time. Even though I had a fever, I had to wait for 2 hours in a cold place, and the interview was completed just by telling the symptoms verbally. Even such a medical examination elementary school student can do it. The nurses also found out that the one without human rights who had a fever was bad. I got sick
山村時男 on Google

In the latter half of January, I had a fever of 38 degrees and had a sore throat. If I was looking for a fever outpatient, I would call and see it immediately without reservation, so I was accepted from 9 o'clock, but I called at 8:30 and responded by going by motorcycle and had me see it immediately. After all, the PCR test showed positive Omicron. They responded well and did an antigen test and a PCR test while there were few test drugs. The doctor told me that I would give a new medicine, but the prescription pharmacy delivered the medicine to the hospital as a natural remedy. I became a not-so-terrible corona-positive person, but it was helpful to see it immediately. There are still 10,000 patients, but the response was quite good. However, if the examination does not come by 11 o'clock, it will be canceled by the number of people, so if you are not feeling well, it is better to get a medical examination as soon as possible. At other hospitals, there were few hospitals that could be seen in the morning, such as telephone reservations and afternoons, in the latter half of January.
Madoka Kageama on Google

コロナの受付が13:30からだったので13時に行きましたが、10人用の問診の席が埋まっていたため別の席に座っていて待っていたら後から来た看護婦に他の人を優先に並べられた。伝えたら受付言って下さいと言われた。いやいやいま受付してるのアンタじゃんって感じでした。 あまつ、問診票を書いても何もせず待たされる時間が1時間30 分以上あった。しかも寒空の下、ストーブは問診の一部の席だけ。子供がかわいそうだったしやっと呼ばれたかと思えば唾液検査を各自やったら、すぐ前の席に戻された。いやいやあの長い待ち時間にできたよって感じでした。その後は17時まで待機。私の前の人後の人を考えても20人くらいしか受けてないのに、どれだけ時間かけてるの。都の無料で受けれるPCR検査がある中ここに来ているのは体調が悪いから?もう少し考えてほしい。トータル4時間待たされました。本当なら⭐︎0
The reception desk for Corona was from 13:30, so I went to 13:00, but because the seat for the interview for 10 people was full, I was sitting in another seat and waiting, and I asked the nurse who came later to give another person. They were arranged in priority. I was told to tell the receptionist. No, I felt like you were accepting it now. Amatsu, even if I wrote the questionnaire, I had to wait for more than 1 hour and 30 minutes without doing anything. Moreover, under the cold sky, the stove is only a part of the interview seats. I felt sorry for my child and I thought I was finally called, but after doing a saliva test, I was returned to the seat in front of me. No, I felt like I was able to wait for that long time. After that, wait until 17:00. Even if I think about the people in front of me, only about 20 people have received it, but how long does it take? I'm feeling sick because I'm here while there is a free PCR test in Tokyo ? I want you to think a little more. I had to wait for a total of 4 hours. If true, ⭐︎0
Luis J on Google

JFK died here

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