This is Burger

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact This is Burger

住所 :

Karita, Sumiyoshi Ward, 〒558-0011 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Osaka

Karita, Sumiyoshi Ward, 〒558-0011 Osaka,Japan
志穂 on Google

カリふわじゅわ! パテも炭の香りがして美味しかった。 お値段は高めだけど、ご褒美でいこう。 お店の感じもいいし、レジのち~んって音も好き。
Cali fluffy! The putty also had a charcoal scent and was delicious. The price is high, but let's get a reward. The shop feels good and I like the sound of the cash register.
めぃこらしょっ on Google

ハンバーガーの概念が変わった。 まだ、ハンバーガー2種類とBLTサンドと、オニオンリング、付け合わせのポテトしか食べてないけど、美味すぎる! また食べたい!と思わせる味(^。^)
The concept of hamburgers has changed. I've only eaten 2 types of hamburgers, BLT sandwiches, onion rings, and garnished potatoes, but it's too delicious! I want to eat again! Taste that makes you think (^. ^)
Shohei K on Google

ファミリー感たっぷりのお店❣️ お子様 キッズバーガーや ホットドッグ やサンドイッチ テイクアウト?あり❣️ オススメ??
A shop with a lot of family feeling ❣️ Kids kids burgers Hot dogs and sandwiches Takeout ? Yes ❣️ Recommended ??
6877 haruko on Google

弾力の強い自家製バンズに炭火焼きの香ばしくて肉肉しいパティのガッツリ系バーガー。 値段は安くはないけど最近のこだわったバーガー店なら何処もこのくらいの値段だしこのクオリティなら価値あり。 欲を言うなら夜も営業してほしい、それとビールも置いてほしいw
A savory and meaty patty burger with charcoal-grilled homemade buns with strong elasticity. The price isn't cheap, but every burger shop that has been particular about these days is about this price, and this quality is worth it. If you want it, I want you to open it at night, and I want you to put beer on it.
M A on Google

気さくな店長さんとボリュームのあるハンバーグのお店です。すべて手作りでパテは肉っという感じです。 大きいので半分にカットしていただきました
It is a hamburger steak with a friendly manager and a large volume. It's all handmade and the putty is meaty. Because it is big, I had you cut it in half
kazunori kawase on Google

本格的なハンバーガーは初めてでしたが、そんな自分でもペロッと食べてしまいました。 ボリューム、味、肉感全てにおいて楽しめました。バンズもそのまま食べても十分に美味しかったです。オニオンリングもサクサクで美味かった。 お酒は、ハートランドが置いてあります。 お店の外観がカッコよくって、でも店内の雰囲気はシンプルでありながらも、所々にこだわりがあって店主のお店への愛着が伺えます。 お店はお二人でやってみえますが、明るくって気さくな感じで良かったですね。 ウーバーイーツでも頼めるらしく、お昼に行きましたが忙しそうにされてました。 あびんこ商店街から少し離れた位で、アクセスもっと良いと思います。 一緒に行ったハンバーガー好きの人が美味いって言ってたんで、好きな人もそうでない人にもオススメのお店だと思います。
It was my first time to have a full-fledged hamburger, but I ate it myself. I enjoyed it in terms of volume, taste, and flesh. The buns were delicious enough to eat as they were. The onion rings were also crispy and delicious. Heartland has liquor. The appearance of the shop is cool, but the atmosphere inside the shop is simple, but there is a lot of attention to it, and you can see the owner's attachment to the shop. The shop can be run by two people, but it was nice that it was bright and friendly. It seems that I can ask for Uber Eats, so I went to lunch, but it seemed to be busy. It's a little far from the Abinko shopping street, so I think it's easier to access. The hamburger lover I went with said it was delicious, so I think it's a recommended restaurant for both those who like it and those who don't.
a yuris on Google

The long-awaited hamburger shop I wanted to go to. Everything looked very good, but I ordered cheeseburgers and hamburgers with egg toppings. The bread, meat, and sauce were very delicious. I want to eat again!
Surf Solmas on Google

大阪旅行中に寄らせていただきました 物凄いボリュームに見えますが、ソースがあっさり目だったので意外と重くなくペロリと食べれました。 テイクアウトもしており、ひっきりなしに面の窓からお客さんが来て明るいお店でした。 特にバンズが柔らかく、しっかりとした肉の味でソースで誤魔化すハンバーガーとは違うなと感じました。 また寄らせて頂きます
I stopped by during my trip to Osaka It looks like a tremendous volume, but the sauce was so light that it wasn't too heavy and I could eat it. We also took out, and it was a bright shop where customers came from the windows on the surface all the time. In particular, I felt that the buns were soft and the taste of the meat was firm, which was different from the hamburger that was deceived by the sauce. I will drop by again

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