
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華海鮮薬膳トンフォン

住所 :

Tatemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0032 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/hiroshima/A3401/A340101/34001035/
街 : Hiroshima

Tatemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0032 Hiroshima,Japan
よしきカープ on Google

Mapo tofu for lunch is cheap and delicious!
RYOKO on Google

美味しいし、ボリュームもあります。それから、ホテル内にある中華ですが、お値段も手頃なものからあります。 暑い中お店に行ったので、入ってすぐに冷たいおしぼりを出して下さったのも気配りがさすがだなと思いました。
It's delicious and has a lot of volume. Also, there is Chinese food in the hotel, but the prices are also reasonable. I went to the store in the hot weather, so I thought it was a good idea that he gave me a cold towel as soon as I entered.
山本香織 on Google

The clerk's response is good, and the lunch is reasonably priced at 1000 yen, and there is a lot of it! The almond tofu is delicious, and you can freely drink iced coffee, hot coffee, and jasmine tea! Drinks can be taken by yourself after the second cup. In a luxurious restaurant where you can relax and relax, the luxurious cloth tablecloths occasionally play songs, making it a perfect lunch for families, lovers, companies, and hobbyists unique to China.
Takahiro Masuoka on Google

The taste is great. Even though it was delicious, I felt disappointed every time I brought it to my mouth because of the thin plasticity of the bricks, probably because of the corona. I want you to return to the usual one.
T O on Google

ここのランチの「週替わり箱膳」お勧めです。 以前はおかずの4品から2品選べる形でさらに良かったのですが・・。 現在は一択になりました。 毎回工夫された献立で、味も一流と思います。 デザート付、コーヒーも飲めて1000円以下。 この内容は群を抜いています。
We recommend the "Weekly Box Set" for lunch here. Previously, it was even better to be able to choose 2 out of 4 side dishes ... Now it is an option. The menu is devised every time, and I think the taste is top notch. With dessert, you can drink coffee for less than 1000 yen. This content is outstanding.
古庄屋 on Google

国際ホテル1Fの 中華海鮮薬膳 東風 TONFON さん ランチで初めて伺いました。野菜たっぷり担担麺を戴きました。美味しかったです。スタッフの方もテキパキしてて良かったです。
Chinese seafood Yakuzen Dongfeng TONFON on the 1st floor of the international hotel I visited for the first time at lunch. I received a lot of vegetables and dandan noodles. It was delicious. I'm glad that the staff was also very responsive.
嶋津裕樹 on Google

奥さんの誕生日に中華が食べたいということでこちらのお店をチョイスしました。店内は個室で周りの目を気にせずゆっくり食事が出来ます(*^^*) 麻婆豆腐とゴマ団子は今まで食べた中でもトップクラスに美味しいので皆さんも是非食べてみてください‼️ 案内された部屋が厨房に隣接していたせいか知りませんが、店員同士の会話が丸聞こえで少しソワソワしました? 杏仁豆腐も美味しかったですが、もう少し杏仁の香りがあると嬉しかったです。
I chose this restaurant because I wanted to eat Chinese food on my wife's birthday. The inside of the store is a private room where you can eat slowly without worrying about the eyes around you (* ^^ *) Mapo tofu and sesame dumplings are among the best I've ever eaten, so please try them out! ️ I don't know if the room I was guided to was adjacent to the kitchen, but I could hear the conversation between the clerk and I was a little sick ? The almond tofu was also delicious, but I was happy if it had a little more almond scent.
Sayaka on Google

どのお料理もリーズナブルなのにとても美味しかったです。 特にエビマヨが絶品でした。 個室でこのクオリティと量のお食事を頂けて、さらにスタッフの方々も丁寧に給仕して下さいます。 私が行く都内や横浜中華街の高級個室中華と比べてしまうせいもあるとは思いますが、 本当にこのお値段で大丈夫なんですか?と驚きました。もう少し値上げしてほしいくらいです。 また広島に来た際は必ず寄らせて頂きます。
All the dishes were reasonably priced but very delicious. Especially the shrimp mayo was excellent. You can enjoy this quality and quantity of meals in a private room, and the staff will be happy to serve you. I think it's partly because it's compared to the luxury private rooms in Tokyo and Yokohama Chinatown where I go. Is this price really okay? I was surprised with. I want you to raise the price a little more. Also, when I come to Hiroshima, I will definitely stop by.

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