Tamura Station - Nagahama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tamura Station

住所 :

Tamurachō, Nagahama, Shiga 526-0829, Japan

Postal code : 526-0829

Tamurachō, Nagahama, Shiga 526-0829, Japan
伊藤善久(Yoshihisa Ito) on Google

JR西日本 北陸本線 無人駅。 2面2線の相対式ホーム。 ホーム間は跨線橋で結ばれている。 長浜バイオ大学の学生さんが使う印象。
JR West Japan Hokuriku Main Line Unmanned station. Two-sided two-line relative expression home. The homes are connected by an overpass. Impressions used by Nagahama Bio University students.
taro mame on Google

At that time, the Hokuriku Main Line train had a direct exchange section between Sakata and Maibara, and it was impossible to get an AC electric locomotive at Maibara station. Therefore, diesel locomotives drove passenger cars and freight cars, connecting Tamura and Maibara. With the advent of EF81 AC / DC electric locomotives and the conversion of passenger trains into ordinary trains in the later years, the need for locomotive replacement disappeared and the role of locomotive replacement at Tamura Station was terminated. Since the railroad track where the locomotive was detained was removed, there is a gap between the upper and lower lines, which is a remnant of that time.
我ら大日本国大和民族同胞愛初代神武天皇陛下古墳時代から明治大正昭和 on Google

太閤さんの長浜城に近い駅。 太閤さん関白の衣冠束帯姿の太閤豊臣秀吉公の立像があります。長浜城時代は羽柴秀吉公でしたね。皇室を守りキリシタンからの侵略から我が国を守った英雄の豊臣秀吉公の出世城の長浜城跡にあります。豊臣秀吉公を祀っている国守神社もあります。
A station near Taiko's Nagahama Castle. There is a statue of Hideyoshi Taiko Toyotomi in the robe of Taiko. It was Hideyoshi Hashiba during the Nagahama Castle era. It is located on the site of Nagahama Castle, the hero of Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the hero who protected the imperial family and protected Japan from the invasion of Christians. There is also the Kunimori Shrine that enshrines Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
木村智行 on Google

大阪駅から新快速一本で来れますが、自販機ではそこまでの切符が買えません。にも関わらず精算機がないし、ほぼ無人駅なのでフツーにキセル状態に陥るので注意です。 たまに委託の方がいらっしゃいますが、JRの職員ではありませんので乗越精算は出来ないです。 また自動改札機も電子カードのみに対応してるため、切符はポストに入れる仕組み…犯罪助長が激しいですが、検挙された例もあるそうです。 トイレは湖の反対側にある駐輪場の設備を使います。 駅の建屋は非常に古くSLが走るイベントの時はとても良い感じです。
You can come from Osaka Station with a single high-speed train, but you can't buy a ticket up to that point with a vending machine. Nevertheless, there is no checkout machine, and it is almost unmanned station, so it will be in a quirky state. Sometimes there is a consignment, but because it is not a JR staff, it is not possible to settle. In addition, since automatic ticket gates only support electronic cards, the mechanism of putting tickets in the post ... Crime promotion is fierce, but there are also cases that have been cleared. Toilets use the facilities of a bicycle parking lot on the other side of the lake. The station building is very old, and it feels very good at the event where SL runs.
早川幸宏 on Google

1991年までは駅南側に交直流切り換え区間があり、1983年までは客車貨物列車は、米原〜田村DE10、田村以北EF70牽引(末期の移行期間はEF 81使用)で当駅で機関車交換していました。長いホームと機留線設置で上下線間が空いているのが特徴でした。機留線撤去、西口開設された以外は駅の雰囲気は国鉄時代と変わっていませんね。今は大学と長浜ドームが出来たけど、昔は駅名通り、田んぼの中の駅でした。
Until 1991, there was an AC / DC switching section on the south side of the station, and until 1983, the passenger car freight train was replaced by locomotives at Yonehara to Tamura DE10, and EF70 to the north of Tamura and beyond (using EF81 for the transition period at the end) was doing. The feature was that there was a gap between the upper and lower lines due to the installation of a long platform and a service line. The atmosphere of the station is the same as that of the JNR era, except for the removal of the train line and the opening of the west exit. The university and the Nagahama Dome were made now, but in the past it was a station in the rice field as the name of the station.
三京 on Google

JR Hokuriku Main Line station is a local foot. You can see Mt. Ibuki well here. The winter season is covered with white snow, so you can see its beauty on a sunny day.
tadashi tainaka on Google

田村駅(たむらえき)は、滋賀県長浜市田村町南仙堂にある、西日本旅客鉄道(JR西日本)北陸本線の駅である。駅番号はJR-A10。「琵琶湖線」の愛称区間に含まれている。なお当駅は、臨時改札を不定期に開設している。 歴史 詳細は「北陸本線#米原駅 - 敦賀駅間の輸送改善」を参照 1931年(昭和6年)、東海道本線彦根駅と北陸線長浜駅の間にガソリンカー運行が開始されたことを契機に、先行開業した法性寺駅(現・坂田駅)に続いて既存駅間に新設された気動車列車向けの駅であった。このため、燃料不足で気動車運行ができなくなった戦時期から戦後しばらくまで営業を休止している。 1957年(昭和32年)の北陸本線交流電化の起点となり、当駅から敦賀駅へはED70形電気機関車が牽引することになった。米原駅 - 当駅間は非電化のまま残り、E10形やD50形蒸気機関車による牽引、更に後年にはディーゼル機関車による接続が行われた。そのため当駅で機関車交換を行うためホームは移設・延長され、また上下線間に2本の機関車留置線が設けられた。そのため、旅客ホームの位置が現在もずれており、千鳥式配置になっている。 機関車の留置線は南北の組に分かれており、北側には交流電気機関車を、南側には米原駅までのつなぎを行う蒸気機関車を収容した。ただし、当駅には転車台は設けられず、上り列車は機関車を逆向きのまま米原駅まで向かっていた。 当駅から敦賀駅までの交流電化が行われた当時は、一般の客車列車に自動扉が装備されていなかった時代で、後年のように乗降扉施錠した状態で客扱いしない「運転停車」措置を実効的に行うことはできず、機関車交換のために当駅に停車する急行列車の発車時刻も市販の時刻表に記載されていた。一方、手動扉ながら扉の一斉施錠が可能な20系を使用した特急「日本海」「つるぎ」は客扱いを行わなかった。 1962年(昭和37年)に米原駅 - 当駅間が電化され、当駅南方にデッドセクションが設けられた。交直流電車や気動車で運転される特急・急行は当駅を通過したが、交直両用電気機関車は新製がなかったため[2]、米原駅 - 当駅間のSL牽引は残り、のちにDD50形、その後DE10形ディーゼル機関車により無煙化された。 当駅での機関車付け替えは1983年(昭和58年)に交直両用機のEF81形電気機関車投入による車上切り換え実施により廃止された。そのため機関車留置線も撤去され、停留所化された。ただし、ホームと上下本線の再移設は行われず、上下の開いた空間がかつてを偲ばせている。 年表 1931年(昭和6年)10月14日 - 日本国有鉄道北陸本線の駅(旅客駅)として、法性寺駅(現在の坂田駅) - 長浜駅間に新設開業。 1940年(昭和15年)11月1日 - 営業休止。 1954年(昭和29年)12月10日 - 営業再開。 1971年(昭和46年)3月25日 - 荷物の取り扱いを廃止。 1987年(昭和62年)4月1日 - 国鉄分割民営化により、西日本旅客鉄道(JR西日本)の駅となる。 1988年(昭和63年)3月13日 - 路線愛称の制定により、「琵琶湖線」の愛称を使用開始。 1991年(平成3年)9月14日 - 当駅 - 長浜駅間の電化方式を交流から直流に変更。それに伴い、京阪神からの新快速電車の直通運転を開始。 1998年(平成10年)12月17日-アーバンネットワークの自動改札エリア内の無人駅として簡易型自動改札機及び自動券売機が設置される。 2003年(平成15年)11月1日 - ICカード「ICOCA」の利用が可能となる[3]。簡易型自動改札機で対応。 2018年(平成30年)3月17日 - 駅ナンバリングが導入され、使用を開始。 駅構造 相対式ホーム2面2線を持つ地上駅[1]。後述の機関車交換作業によりかつて特急「日本海」などの特急・急行列車も含めた全ての旅客列車が停車し14両が入る長いホームである[1]が、その後は新快速・普通のみの停車となり、現在の停車列車は最長8両編成である。 従来の東側駅舎に加え、その後長浜市が行った区画整理・市街化事業により新たに西側(長浜・敦賀方面行きホーム)にも改札口ができた。互いのホームは跨線橋で連絡しているが、エレベーターなどの設備はない。 ホーム高さは920mmで、長浜駅以北の直流化以降も1,100mmへのかさ上げはされていない。 米原駅が管理している無人駅である。大都市近郊区間の大阪近郊区間のエリア内にあり、ICカード乗車券「ICOCA」の利用範囲に含まれている。自動券売機やICカード対応の簡易型自動改札機が設置されている。 ダイヤ 日中時間帯は1時間あたり2本が停車する。 駅周辺 駅周辺は水田が広がる地域であったが、直流電化転換前後から周囲に長浜地方卸売市場・長浜ドーム・長浜バイオ大学等の各種施設が完成し、また駅前広場も1時間以内は無料の駐車場を整備するなど都市化が進んでいる。一方駅施設は、西口開設などの一部を除き交流電化完成時から大きく変わっていない。 この周辺地域は長浜市にとって市外に人口流出を防ぐ「ダム機能」の役割を持つ地域として位置付けられており、民間による宅地開発が盛んである[32]。また、長浜市全体では人口減少傾向にあるが、駅周辺の半径2 km(キロメートル)以内は2008年から2018年まで人口が約4 %増加している[32]。 セフィロト病院 市立長浜病院 長浜自動車学校 滋賀県立長浜ドーム 滋賀県立長浜農業高等学校 滋賀文教短期大学 長浜バイオ大学 長浜サイエンスパーク さいかち浜水泳場 神田パーキングエリア 滋賀県道556号長浜近江線
Tamura Station is a station on the West Japan Railway Company (JR West) Hokuriku Main Line, located in Tamura-cho Nansendo, Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. The station number is JR-A10. It is included in the nickname section of the "Biwako Line". This station opens temporary ticket gates on an irregular basis. history For details, refer to "Hokuriku Main Line # Maibara Station-Improvement of Transportation Between Tsuruga Station" In 1931 (Showa 6), when the gasoline car service started between Hikone Station on the Tokaido Main Line and Nagahama Station on the Hokuriku Line, it was opened in advance between Hoseiji Station (currently Sakata Station) and the existing stations. It was a new station for pneumatic trains. For this reason, the business has been suspended for a while after the war from the time of the war when diesel railcars could not be operated due to lack of fuel. It became the starting point of AC electrification of the Hokuriku Main Line in 1957 (Showa 32), and the ED70 electric locomotive was towed from this station to Tsuruga station. Maibara Station-The station remains non-electrified, towed by E10 and D50 steam locomotives, and later connected by diesel locomotives. Therefore, the platform was relocated and extended to exchange locomotives at this station, and two locomotive detention lines were set up between the upper and lower lines. Therefore, the position of the passenger platform is still out of alignment, and the layout is staggered. The locomotive detention line is divided into north and south groups, with an AC electric locomotive on the north side and a steam locomotive that connects to Maibara Station on the south side. However, there was no turntable at this station, and the up train was heading to Maibara station with the locomotive in the opposite direction. At the time when the AC electrification from this station to Tsuruga station was carried out, it was an era when ordinary passenger trains were not equipped with automatic doors. The departure time of the express train that stopped at this station for locomotive change was also listed in the commercially available timetable. On the other hand, the limited express "Nihonkai" and "Tsurugi", which used the 20 series that can lock the doors all at once even though they were manual doors, were not treated as customers. In 1962 (Showa 37), the section between Maibara Station and this station was electrified, and a dead section was established to the south of this station. Limited express trains and express trains driven by AC / DC trains and railcars passed through this station, but since there was no new electric locomotive for both AC and DC [2], the SL tow between Yonehara Station and this station remained, and later DD50. Form, then smokeless by DE10 diesel locomotive. The replacement of locomotives at this station was abolished in 1983 (Showa 58) due to the implementation of on-board switching by introducing the EF81 type electric locomotive, which is an AC / DC dual-purpose machine. Therefore, the locomotive detention line was also removed and made into a bus stop. However, the platform and the upper and lower main lines have not been relocated, and the open upper and lower spaces are reminiscent of the past. chronology October 14, 1931-Hoseiji Station (currently Sakata Station) as a station (passenger station) on the Hokuriku Main Line of the Japan National Railways-Opened a new station between Nagahama Station. November 1, 1940-Closed. 1954 (Showa 29) December 10-Business resumed. March 25, 1971-Abolished the handling of luggage. April 1, 1987-Becomes a station of West Japan Railway Company (JR West) due to the privatization of JNR. March 13, 1988-Due to the establishment of the line nickname, the nickname of "Biwako Line" started to be used. September 14, 1991 --- The electrification system between this station and Nagahama station was changed from alternating current to direct current. Along with that, direct operation of the new express train from Keihanshin started. 1998 (Heisei 10) December 17-Simplified automatic ticket gates and automatic ticket vending machines are installed as unmanned stations in the automatic ticket gate area of ​​the Urban Network. November 1, 2003-IC card "ICOCA" can be used [3]. Compatible with simple automatic ticket gates. March 17, 2018-Station numbering has been introduced and started to be used. Station structure A ground station with two lines on two sides of a relative platform [1]. Due to the locomotive change work described later, all passenger trains including limited express and express trains such as the limited express "Nihonkai" once stopped and it is a long platform that can accommodate 14 cars [1], but after that it is only a special rapid service and ordinary train It has stopped, and the current stopped train is a maximum of 8 cars. In addition to the conventional east side station building, a new ticket gate was opened on the west side (home for Nagahama and Tsuruga) due to the land readjustment and urbanization project carried out by Nagahama City. The platforms are connected by an overpass, but there are no facilities such as elevators. The height of the platform is 920 mm, and it has not been raised to 1,100 mm even after the direct current conversion north of Nagahama Station. It is an unmanned station managed by Maibara Station. It is located in the area near Osaka in the metropolitan suburbs, and is included in the range of use of the IC card ticket "ICOCA". There are automatic ticket vending machines and simple automatic ticket gates that support IC cards. Diamond Two trains stop per hour during the daytime hours. Around the station The area around the station was a region where paddy fields spread, but before and after the conversion to DC electrification, various facilities such as the Nagahama Regional Wholesale Market, Nagahama Dome, and Nagahama Institute of Biotechnology were completed, and the station square was also a free parking lot within an hour. Urbanization is progressing, such as improving the area. On the other hand, the station facilities have not changed significantly since the completion of AC electrification, except for some areas such as the opening of the west exit. This surrounding area is positioned as an area that has a role of "dam function" to prevent the outflow of population to Nagahama City, and residential land development by the private sector is active. [32] In addition, although the population of Nagahama City as a whole is declining, the population has increased by about 4% from 2008 to 2018 within a radius of 2 km (km) around the station. [32] Sephiroth Hospital Nagahama Municipal Hospital Nagahama Driving School Shiga Prefectural Nagahama Dome Shiga Prefectural Nagahama Agricultural High School Shiga Bunkyo Junior College Nagahama Institute of Biotechnology Nagahama Science Park Saikachihama Swimming Pool Kanda parking area Shiga Prefectural Road 556 Nagahama Omi Line
Bus Service 10 on Google


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