多摩川児童公園 管理棟

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 多摩川児童公園 管理棟

住所 :

Tamagawa, Chofu, 〒182-0025 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.city.chofu.tokyo.jp/www/contents/1458802425749/index.html
街 : Tokyo

Tamagawa, Chofu, 〒182-0025 Tokyo,Japan
ぶるーあっぷる on Google

Convenient because there were no public toilets around the park. It is a pity that no trash can was prepared in the facility site.
水沼靖 on Google

A spacious riverbed. You can enjoy your favorite sports. Of course, soccer is also OK
Mitsuru Mibayashi on Google

ここの公園管理体制は良い方かな 不便さがあり年寄りや子供が階段の高さで転ぶのでは 多摩川なら水にふれられる用に改良して欲しい 観音堂にお線香立てられる用にして頂きたい
Is the park management system here good? If there is inconvenience and the elderly and children fall at the height of the stairs I would like the Tama River to be improved to be able to touch the water I want you to use it to be able to set up incense in Kannon-do
Shoichiro Ohno on Google

野球場で使う道具が裏の倉庫にしまってあります。 少年野球する人たちには、とても大事な場所です。
The tools used at the baseball stadium are in the back warehouse. It is a very important place for those who play baseball.
長島進一 on Google

On a road bike, I run and return to the toilet, which is clean and often approaches.
鶴岡隆二 on Google

Kannon sits in this space. Let's visit! ..
じん on Google

It's a good place to take a break (^-^)
Lawrence Wargrave on Google

"Google Maps remembers that I loved you." ——The last photos of the two in the movie “We Made a Beautiful Bouquet”

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