御食事処 古宿

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御食事処 古宿

住所 :

Takihachiman, Yabuki, Nishishirakawa District, 〒969-0284 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : Fukushima

Takihachiman, Yabuki, Nishishirakawa District, 〒969-0284 Fukushima,Japan
こばきん on Google

I ate seiro soba and pork cutlet separately. It's still delicious. I had it at the digging seat. I felt like taking a rest.
Kazuaki Sanpei on Google

Every time, it is a lunch on a business trip. I have been to Yabuki-cho many times, but this is the first time I have visited this store. It has a nice atmosphere with an old private house. Order tempura with radish soba. The price is a little 1,470 yen, but it was a good combination of crunchy radish and buckwheat noodles. Cold soba, soup soup is dare. Daikon and soba are mixed with soup. It was quite delicious. The location is good along National Route 4, so if you have the chance, please go there.
菅原英理子 on Google

今回初めて訪ねたお店だったのですが、古民家のお蕎麦屋さんで、実際昔使われていた道具等が店内に飾られており囲炉裏が店の奥にあったりと、昔の日本が時代が変わっても脈々と続いているお店でした。 お蕎麦の味ですが、今回は掛け蕎麦を注文しました。出汁は魚介系の出汁のようでした。蕎麦は手打ちそばで所々太さや固さが違う蕎麦が混じっていました。それはそれで美味しくいただきました。 懐かしい田舎に帰ってきたような風情のあるお蕎麦屋さんでした。
This was the first shop I visited this time, but at a soba shop in an old folk house, tools that were actually used in the past are displayed inside the shop, and the hearth is in the back of the shop. It was a shop that continued to exist even when the times changed. It tastes like soba, but this time I ordered kake soba. The soup stock was like seafood soup stock. The buckwheat noodles were handmade soba noodles with different thickness and hardness. It was delicious with that. It was a soba restaurant with a taste of returning to the nostalgic countryside.
丸山民雄 on Google

囲炉裏があってコタツがある古民家のお店。 雰囲気も味も良い。 駐車場はお店を向いて右側だけなので注意。左は別会社の駐車場です。
An old folk house shop with a hearth and kotatsu. The atmosphere and taste are good. Please note that the parking lot is only on the right side facing the shop. The left is the parking lot of another company.
可児忠義 on Google

最近うまい蕎麦が食いたいと思ってました。 偶然、出張先の通り道で見かけて頭の中が蕎麦だらけ。仕事もすんなり終わり蕎麦屋さんに行きました。ここで定休日なんて落ちはありません。大根蕎麦天ぷら付をたべました。古い建物も相まって最高の味でした。寒かったせいもあり、そば湯で割った汁もイイ感じです
Recently I wanted to eat delicious soba. By chance, I saw it on the road of my business trip and my head was full of soba noodles. I finished my work smoothly and went to a soba restaurant. There is no fall on regular holidays here. I ate radish soba with tempura. Combined with the old building, it tasted great. Because it was cold, the juice divided with soba hot water is also good.
一芳 on Google

天ぷら付大根そばをいただぎした。 刺し身のツマの様な大根がシャキシャキして食感がよかった。 建物も風情があって中の囲炉裏がいい感じでした。
I ate daikon soba with tempura. The daikon radish, which looks like a sashimi knob, was crispy and had a nice texture. The building was also tasteful and the hearth inside was nice.
平泉露子 on Google

囲炉裏の香り、温かいコタツ、とても良い雰囲気です。 せいろ蕎麦をいただきました。喉ごしが素晴らしいです。香りも良くて、とても美味しい蕎麦でした。
The scent of the hearth, the warm kotatsu, and the very nice atmosphere. I had a bamboo steamer soba. The throat is wonderful. It had a nice aroma and was very delicious.
taka kazu on Google

看板御婆ちゃんが囲炉裏端でちんまりと 座ってお客様にご挨拶していますw その周りには珍しく古い台所用品や雑貨が 所狭しと飾られています。 品が来るまでのんびり眺めるのも 楽しい時間並ぶになりました。 古宿定食を頂きました。 田舎料理の小鉢が並ぶお膳料理、 懐かしくほっこりする味でした。
The signboard grandmother is neatly at the back of the hearth Sit down and say hello to customers w There are rare old kitchen utensils and miscellaneous goods around it. It is decorated in a narrow space. You can also take a leisurely look until the goods arrive It was a good time to line up. I had an old inn set meal. A set dish with small bowls of country dishes, It was a nostalgic and relaxing taste.

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