Takatora - Hirosaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takatora

住所 :

3 Chome-7-3 Oshimizu, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8161, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788878
Postal code : 036-8161
Webサイト : https://screen-life.com/2018/01/%25E9%25BA%25BA%25E5%25B1%258B%25E3%2581%259F%25E3%2581%258B%25E8%2599%258E%25E3%2581%25AE%25E9%25AD%259A%25E4%25BB%258B%25E5%2591%25B3%25E5%2599%258C%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2583%25A1%25E3%2583%25B3%25EF%25BC%2588%25E5%25BC%2598%25E5%2589%258D%25E5%25B8%2582%25EF%25BC%2589/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–3PM

3 Chome-7-3 Oshimizu, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8161, Japan
matsu don on Google

白味噌ラーメンおすすめ。 確かに美味いんだが、美味い止まりでその先が浮かばない不思議なラーメン… 夜遅くまでやってるのがいい!
White miso ramen is recommended. It's delicious, but it's a mysterious ramen that doesn't come to the fore. You should do it until late at night!
平山清一 on Google

Niboshi tsukemen is delicious! Bin Cola is 120 yen and is conscientious (* ´∀` *) I couldn't ask because I didn't know if there was nowari soup, so I wish I had written it, but it may be my oversight (; ^ _ ^ A)
佐藤明津子 on Google

一番人気の白味噌ラーメンとネギチャーシュー丼が美味しいと聞き、頂きました。麺の硬さがまず気に入り、熱々でフウフウしながら食べる感じが他のところではなく、味もとっても美味しく、、また、弘前に行く時は、食べに行きます 味噌ラーメンでは、久しぶりに美味しいと思いました。オススメです
I heard that the most popular white miso ramen and green onion char siu bowl are delicious. First of all, I like the hardness of the noodles, and the feeling of eating while being hot and fluffy is not anywhere else, the taste is also delicious, and when I go to Hirosaki, I go to eat I thought that miso ramen was delicious for the first time in a long time. Recommended
ひそらさん on Google

スープが見た目濃そうだったが、意外とあっさりでよかった? 豚角煮飯おいしかった?
The soup looked dark, but it was surprisingly light ? The pork kakuni rice was delicious ?
exotic asia on Google

白味噌ラーメンがおすすめ。 まろやかな味わいのスープに 麺が絡み美味い。 ただ美味いだけで…それ以上の インパクトは無かった。 個人的には⭐︎3.9かな
White miso ramen is recommended. For soup with a mellow taste The noodles are entwined and delicious. Just delicious ... more than that There was no impact. Personally, maybe ⭐︎3.9
Car寅次郎 on Google

I got the recommended white miso ramen from the shop. It was very delicious. Since the parking space is small, it is difficult to park when it is crowded. We recommend that you enter from the road in the back.
千葉朱美 on Google

美味しかったです~?弘前やっぱりクオリティ高いなぁ⤴️魚介白味噌ラーメンを半麺にしてネギダブルで(^-^)/ ネギ豚飯は少し高いかなぁ?白味噌を味見させてもらったけど、これまた旨し~?また来ます‼️

R3.8.29. 22:30~頃にお邪魔しました。まず、お店がキレイ。遅い時間までやっていてくれて、とてもありがたい。高評価。 「煮干しつけ麺」「白味噌ネギラーメン」「餃子8個」を注文しました。 旨いねぇ~♪。俺は基本的に濃い味のラーメンが好みなんだけど…それほど濃い味じゃないが、しっかりとした旨味がある為。濃くなくても、しっかり旨い!。気に入りました!。弘前に行ったら是非食べに行ってみてね。とオススメ出来る?ラーメンでした。? タイミング良く入れたけど、俺等の注文したラーメンでスープが完売となり、この後、暖簾をしまって閉店となったので…スープが無くなり次第。終了する事を覚えておいた方が良いかも知れません。? 余談だが。「たか虎」と聞いて、連想されるのは…まず、戦国武将の「藤堂高虎」なのだが、お店の名前とは無関係だと思いますが…(確認してない)それほど有名な武将ではないけれど、凄く努力した武将。あの、日光東照宮の設計にも携わっているし、徳川家康にとても目をかけてもらっていた実力派なのですヨ。 そこから、さらに余談だが。「藤堂高虎」と言えば、ワカチコお笑い芸人の「ゆってぃ」は「藤堂高虎」の子孫末裔らしいですよ。(笑) 関係ない話で。失礼しました。?
R3.8.29. I visited you around 22: 30 ~. First of all, the shop is beautiful. Thank you very much for staying up late. Highly rated. I ordered "Niboshi Tsukemen", "White Miso Green Onion Ramen" and "8 Dumplings". It ’s delicious! I basically like ramen with a strong taste, but it's not that strong, but it has a strong umami taste. Even if it's not dark, it's delicious! .. liked it! .. If you go to Hirosaki, be sure to go eat it. It was ? ramen that I can recommend. ? I put it in at the right time, but the soup was sold out with the ramen we ordered, and after that, the store was closed due to the noren, so ... as soon as the soup runs out. It may be better to remember to finish. ? As an aside. When I hear "Takatora", I think of it as "Todo Takatora", a Sengoku warrior, but I don't think it has anything to do with the name of the shop ... There is no, but a military commander who made a great effort. I was also involved in the design of Nikko Toshogu, and Ieyasu Tokugawa was very interested in me. From there, it's a digression. Speaking of "Todo Takatora", Wakachiko's comedian "Yuti" seems to be a descendant of "Todo Takatora". (smile) It doesn't matter. excuse me. ?

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