Taisho Udon - Niiza

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taisho Udon

住所 :

2 Chome-8-32 Hatanaka, Niiza, Saitama 352-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
Postal code : 352-0012
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/taisho.udon/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

2 Chome-8-32 Hatanaka, Niiza, Saitama 352-0012, Japan
J S on Google

駐車場もあるロードサイド店です。 券売機が入口にあります。 肉うどん小400g730円+野菜天ぷら120円 見た目は量が少ない感じはしますが、食べるとなかなかボリュームがあります。 汁はとても熱く出汁もしっかりしてます。 個人的には、もう少し濃くても良いです。 麺は茹でたてガツッとした硬さがあり、とても好みです。 天ぷらもサクッとして美味しかったです。 とてもオススメできるお店です。
It is a roadside store with a parking lot. There is a ticket vending machine at the entrance. Meat udon small 400g 730 yen + vegetable tempura 120 yen It looks like the amount is small, but when you eat it, it is quite voluminous. The juice is very hot and the soup stock is firm. Personally, it can be a little darker. The noodles are freshly boiled and have a firm hardness, which I really like. The tempura was also crispy and delicious. It is a shop that I can highly recommend.
ポンさん on Google

初来店。数年前から気になっていた店でしたが、なんとなくタイミングが合わず仕舞いで。 肉うどん熱盛り(中)をいただきました。 中で400gだそうですが、ほんと満腹です。味は文句なしです。美味しかった。
First visit. It's been a store I've been interested in for a few years, but somehow the timing didn't match and it ended up. I had a hot serving of meat udon (medium). It's 400g inside, but I'm really full. The taste is perfect. was delicious.
二代目こうめ on Google

この日は午後1時20分に到着。。。 前を走る道路(保谷志木線)からでもお店の看板がよく見えるので、車で行っても迷うことはありません。 そして、お店には24台停められる広い駐車場が完備。 ちょっと驚いたのですが、券売機はお店の外にあるんですねぇ。 まぁ、雨には濡れないようになっておりますが・・・。  f^_^; 店内は木の風合いを生かした造りで、席の間隔もゆったり広々。 席自体はカウンター席とテーブル席を合わせて34席あるようでつ。 普段ここはかなり混雑するお店なのですが、コロナウイルスの影響でガラガラですね。 これじゃ「3密」になりようがありません。 さて、本日のご注文は「肉汁うどん(中)冷もり 880円+野菜天(100円)」です!! 今回は冷もりなので、うどんは冷たく、おつゆは温かい物になります。 うどんは中盛ですが中々のボリューム♪ 当然、自家製でつ。 武蔵野うどんなので超極太!! コシがむちゃくちゃ強くて、ゴワゴワとした食感が特徴的ですね。 小麦の風味も強くて美味しいぃ~♪ ただ、顎が疲れるけど・・・(笑)  (^_^; アハハ… おつゆの中の具は、豚バラ肉、油揚げ、ねぎ。。。 だしは鰹節から取っているようで、甘みの無い家庭的な味のおつゆに仕上がっています。 ただ、このうどんに合わせるなら、おつゆはもう少し味が濃い方が良いかなぁ~ 野菜天はナスが2個にレンコンが1個。 揚げ立てでサクッと軽い食感でつ。 おつゆに浸して食べても良いですし、お醤油をかけても美味しいですよ。 何故か大根のお新香が2枚付いていました。 口直しに良いかな。 ここはカレーうどん(900円)も美味しいと評判なので、次はカレーうどんにしてみます。
I arrived at 1:20 pm on that day. .. .. You can easily see the shop sign even from the road (Hoya Shiki Line) running in front of you, so you won't get lost even if you drive. And the shop is fully equipped with a large parking lot where 24 cars can be parked. I was a little surprised, but the ticket vending machine is outside the store. Well, it doesn't get wet in the rain ... F ^ _ ^; The interior of the store is made with the texture of wood, and the space between the seats is spacious. It seems that there are 34 seats including counter seats and table seats. It's usually quite crowded, but it's rattled by the coronavirus. With this, it cannot be "three dense". By the way, today's order is "meat juice udon (medium) cold 880 yen + vegetable heaven (100 yen)"! !! This time it's cold, so the udon is cold and the soup is warm. Udon is medium-sized, but it has a medium volume ♪ Of course, it is homemade. Musashino udon so it's super thick! !! It's very chewy and has a chewy texture. The flavor of wheat is strong and delicious! However, my chin gets tired ... (laughs) (^ _ ^; Ahaha ... The ingredients in the soup are pork rose meat, fried food, and onions. .. .. The dashi stock seems to be taken from dried bonito flakes, and is finished in a home-style soup with no sweetness. However, if you want to match it with this udon, I wonder if the soup should have a slightly stronger taste. Vegetable heaven has 2 eggplants and 1 renkon. Freshly fried and has a crispy and light texture. You can soak it in soy sauce and eat it, or you can sprinkle it with soy sauce. For some reason, there were two new radish incense. Is it good for rehearsing? Curry udon (900 yen) is also popular here, so I'll try curry udon next time.
Kouji Tsuna on Google

武蔵野うどんは初めての経験です。 麺はまるですいとんのようでした。 うどん独特の「のど越し」を味わう、「コシ」を味わうは皆無です。 残念ながら口には合いませんでした。
Musashino udon is my first experience. The noodles were like suitons. There is no taste of "koshi", which is unique to udon. Unfortunately I didn't like it.
ぐるぐる on Google

極太&超コシの強い武蔵野うどんのお店です。 普通のうどんではなく、「武蔵野うどん」という郷土料理と思って食べたほうが良いと思います。
It is a Musashino udon restaurant that is extremely thick and very chewy. I think it's better to think of it as a local dish called "Musashino udon" rather than ordinary udon.
koichi tachi on Google

誰にでも食べやすい武蔵野うどんのお店 武蔵野うどんと言えば極太でぼそぼその小麦粉を全面に押し出した店が多いのだが、ここの麺は極太までは行かない四角断面の太麺。1本何もつけずにすすると適度なツル感。コシは強くはないが十分な噛み応えでとても美味しい。看板メニューの肉汁うどん、肉汁は麺の風味を邪魔しないマイルドな薄味。中の豚バラ肉は若干脂身が多いものの臭みも無く美味しい。ぶつ切りの長葱はほど良く火が通り適度な大きさのアゲと相まってとても美味しい。万人に食べやすい麺とつけ汁は一度食べてみる価値はあるのではないだろうか。
Musashino udon restaurant that is easy for anyone to eat Speaking of Musashino udon, there are many shops that are very thick and extrude the flour all over, but the noodles here are thick noodles with a square cross section that do not go to very thick. If you don't attach anything, it will give you a moderate smooth feeling. It's not strong, but it's chewy and delicious. The signature menu, gravy udon, has a mild light taste that does not interfere with the flavor of the noodles. The pork ribs inside are a little fat, but they are delicious without any odor. The chopped green onions are very tasty, combined with the moderately sized age that the fire goes through. The noodles and soup that are easy for everyone to eat may be worth a try.
谷川貴紀 on Google

肉汁うどん冷大を注文 武蔵野うどんで麺はかなり好み。 量は平均より多め。 つけ汁が薄く感じた。 個人の主観になるが、田舎っぺうどんの方が好みです。
Order gravy udon cold I really like Musashino udon noodles. The amount is higher than average. I felt the soup was thin. It's a personal subjectivity, but I prefer countryside udon.
暗黒卿 on Google

I ordered the gravy udon noodles. Those who have a lot of meat. The soup is not salty, but the taste is strong and delicious. Udon is like Musashino udon, and when you chew it well, it has a sweet taste. There are 3 people in the shop, and the kitchen has a peaceful atmosphere, and it is comfortable without any squeaks or tingling.

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