Fuji - Niiza

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuji

住所 :

第2美鈴マンション 3 Chome-13-32 Katayama, Niiza, Saitama 352-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Postal code : 352-0025
Webサイト : https://udonyafuji.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday 11AM–5PM
Tuesday 11AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–5PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

第2美鈴マンション 3 Chome-13-32 Katayama, Niiza, Saitama 352-0025, Japan
吹雪(fuviy) on Google

土曜の11時50分頃 到着。 7人並んでいたが、20分程で入店。 並んでいる途中に 注文を伺って頂き、 戸口前の めだかを 眺めて 日本の和の 風情の店内でしばし 待つ。 とにかく太い麺。 肉きのこ もり うどんのトッピング無し。と、肉 もり うどんの肉1.5増を注文。 麺の力強い食感に ぴったりの しっかりした醤油出し汁。 最後に 出し汁を飲み比べてみると きのこが 入ったのと入っていないの差を 楽しめた。 きのこが出汁となっていて+αの違いが 面白い。 次回は 別の品を楽しもう。
Arrived around 11:50 on Saturday. Seven people were lined up, but they entered the store in about 20 minutes. Ask for an order while lining up Looking at the killifish in front of the door Wait for a while in the Japanese-style restaurant. Anyway, thick noodles. No toppings of meat mushrooms and udon noodles. And ordered meat mori udon meat 1.5 increase. Perfect for the powerful texture of noodles A solid soy sauce soup stock. Finally, compare the soup stock The difference between with and without mushrooms I had fun. Mushroom is soup stock and the difference of + α is interesting. Let's enjoy another item next time.
ぼうやだからさ on Google

お気に入りのテレビ番組「孤独のグルメ」で紹介された「うどんや藤」さんに初来店です。 日曜日の12時45分に到着。 駐車場はお店の裏手に5台ありますが、最後の1台に滑り込みセーフ。 既に3名並んでいて、私達の後にも次々とお客さんが。さすが、人気店。 並んでいると、店員さんが注文を確認しに来てくれました。メニューは店舗入口の左側にかけてありました。 肉もりうどん+肉増し1.5倍(990円)と天ぷらもりうどん(770円)を注文。 「もり」がつくとつけ汁で、「もり」がつかないとかけになるそうです。 30分程で入店。 店内はテーブル席が4席、カウンターが5席程で、テーブル席は畳でした。 5分程で着丼。いただきます。 うどんはこだわりの地粉を使っていて、色がグレーでコシがあります。 つゆはしょっぱい感じがしますが、豚バラやうどんとの相性が抜群です。 まさに、元祖武蔵野うどんという感じで、妻も大満足な一杯でした。 店内に「孤独のグルメ」で放送された際の情報が掲示されていました。 五郎さんが入ったお店に外れはありませんね。 ごちそうさまでした。 また、うかがいます。
This is my first visit to "Udonya Fuji", who was introduced in my favorite TV program "Solitary Gourmet". Arrived at 12:45 on Sunday. There are 5 parking lots behind the shop, but it is safe to slip into the last one. Three people have already lined up, and there are customers one after another after us. As expected, it is a popular shop. When I was lined up, a clerk came to confirm my order. The menu was on the left side of the store entrance. I ordered meat-mori udon + 1.5 times more meat (990 yen) and tempura-mori udon (770 yen). It is said that if "Mori" is attached, it will be a soup, and if "Mori" is not attached, it will be used. Enter the store in about 30 minutes. There were 4 table seats and 5 counter seats in the store, and the table seats were tatami mats. Donburi in about 5 minutes. I'll enjoy having this. Udon is made from carefully selected ground powder, and is gray in color and chewy. The soup is salty, but it goes well with pork roses and udon noodles. It was just like the original Musashino udon noodles, and my wife was very satisfied with it. Information was posted in the store when it was broadcast on "Gourmet of Solitude". There is no difference in the shop where Goro-san entered. Thank you for the meal. Also, I will ask.
双子兎 on Google

美味すぎる肉うどん屋さん。 転勤の度に近場のうどん屋巡りをしている中でここ以上のは今のところありません☺️ 肉うどんはざるそばのように盛りにするか、画像のようにお出汁に浸かった状態にしてもらうか選べます。 麺は独特な食感で非常に美味で、標準でもやや量が多めなので少食の方は注意です。 肉の量も少し割増料金になりますが1.5倍や2倍が選べ、大食いの方でも満足できます。 豚バラっぽい肉は甘味が強く、うどんによく馴染んでおりこれも美味です。
A meat udon restaurant that is too delicious. There is nothing better than this while visiting nearby udon restaurants every time I transfer ☺️ You can choose to serve the meat udon like Zaru soba or soak it in the soup stock as shown in the image. The noodles have a unique texture and are very delicious, and the standard amount is a little large, so be careful if you have a small meal. The amount of meat will be a little extra, but you can choose 1.5 times or 2 times, and even big eaters will be satisfied. Pork rib-like meat has a strong sweetness and is familiar with udon, which is also delicious.
S Blue on Google

2年前に孤独のグルメで紹介されたお店 平日の開店時間で5人待ち 駐車場はお店の裏側に数台 頂いたのは肉(もり)うどん中盛 中盛は450g 先着7名にサービスの味付け煮玉子も頂きました うどんは、武蔵野うどんらしい肌色 太さは武蔵野うどんでは標準で長さは短い コシも普通です 肉汁はやや薄味です ランチタイムは大盛600gまで並盛と同額 帰る頃には満席でした
A shop introduced in Solitary Gourmet two years ago Waiting for 5 people at the opening time on weekdays There are several parking lots behind the shop What I got was meat (mori) udon noodles Medium weight is 450g The first 7 people also got a seasoned boiled egg for service Udon has a skin color that is typical of Musashino udon The thickness is standard for Musashino udon and the length is short. Koshi is also normal The gravy is a little light Lunch time is the same as regular serving up to 600g It was full by the time I got home
水野まみえ on Google

人気の武蔵野うどん店、と聞いていたので、12時前には到着したいと急ぎ、雨の日の土曜日、11時45分頃到着。並ばず入店出来てラッキーでした?注文したのは、山菜盛りうどん、友人のオススメの「うどんのお供」…とメニューに書かれた、揚げ玉ごまむすび。 歯応えある武蔵野うどん、もうサイコーです?⤴️⤴️それしか言えません。 揚げ玉ごまむすびもとっても美味しかったです? 歴史を感じさせる店内も、個人的には落ち着きます。
I heard that it is a popular Musashino udon restaurant, so I hurried to arrive before 12:00 and arrived at around 11:45 on a rainy Saturday. I was lucky to be able to enter the restaurant without lining up. The crunchy Musashino udon is already awesome ?⤴️⤴️ I can only say that. The fried ball sesame seeds were very delicious ? The interior of the store, which makes you feel the history, is personally calm.
さと on Google

孤独のグルメ聖地めぐり season8 第四話のうどんや藤さんに行きました 11時過ぎに到着したところ、2つだけ味玉が残っていましたのでもちろん、食べました! ゴローさんは肉盛りと、五目のダブルつけ汁だったのですが そこまで食べられないので五目のもりうどんをいただきました 麺は武蔵野うどんにしてはちょっとやわらかめかもしれませんが とても食べやすいです スルスルっとのどごしも良く、美味しい つけ汁はかなりしょっぱめですが、これがよく麺に絡むのでうまい!汁だけを飲むのはきついですが、具だくさんで具を楽しむことができます 味玉もばつぐんの美味しさ! 駐車場はお店の裏手にあります
Visiting the gourmet sanctuary of loneliness season8 I went to Udon and Fuji in the 4th episode When I arrived after 11 o'clock, there were only two taste balls left, so of course I ate them! Mr. Gorrow had a meat fillet and a fifth double soup. I couldn't eat that much so I got the 5th Mori Udon The noodles may be a little soft for Musashino udon, Very easy to eat It's smooth and smooth, and it's delicious. The soup is quite salty, but it's good because it's often entwined with the noodles! It's hard to drink only juice, but you can enjoy the ingredients with plenty of ingredients. The taste of Ajitama is so delicious! The parking lot is behind the shop
音無譲 on Google

Udon restaurant in the neighborhood. The taste is definitely home-style. Local taste. It doesn't matter, but I couldn't concentrate on the rice because I was worried about the conversation between Obachan and Ojichan. I wanted to eat a little quieter. Thank you for your improvement.
やまさん on Google

Imagine a delicious food and it wasn't a big deal. In the lonely gourmet, I tried to eat fried ball sesame rice balls, but I personally didn't think it was very delicious because the fried balls smelled oily. Tenmusu might have been better.

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