Sugure - Ichinomiya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sugure

住所 :

3 Chome-5-2 Honmachi, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0859, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 491-0859
Webサイト :
Description : Straightforward ramen restaurant providing wheat noodle dishes in a compact environment.

3 Chome-5-2 Honmachi, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0859, Japan
おおきにおいでやす on Google

お昼に鶏白湯をと、検索したところ、 偶然にミシュラン、ビブグルマン掲載店?旨い確定? 名古屋コーチン泡白湯 ここまで白い鶏白湯、泡白湯は初めて実食?生クリーム入れてる⁉️ってくらい、クリーミーで和出汁とのダブルスープが優しく良いバランスー旨し❗️ほうれん草、蓮根、も合う❗️全粒粉平打ち麺ー旨し❗️ 鯛だし肉丼 鯛だしのラーメンダレをかけた肉丼。この鯛だしがめちゃ旨い? はずさんな〜旨し❗️ #麦の道すぐれ #名古屋コーチン泡白湯 #鯛だし肉丼 #鶏白湯 #ビブグルマン #ミシュラン 麦の道 すぐれ ミシュラン、ビブグルマン掲載店?再来店? 炙り真鯛らーめん 店内のオーブンで鮮魚で仕入れた真鯛を炙り、じっくりと煮出した鯛汁に、丸鷄と香味野菜の鶏白湯、昆布出汁を少量合わせる❗️?この鯛汁が炙り感と相まって、鯛感が絶妙で、鶏白湯、昆布出汁の旨味が鯛感を下から押し上げてる?鯛のほぐし身も、旨し❗️唸る、はずさんな〜旨し❗️全粒粉平打ち麺ー旨し❗️ 鯛だし肉丼 再食 鯛だしのラーメンダレをかけた肉丼。この鯛だしがめちゃ旨い?かき込んでまう? はずさんな〜旨し❗️ 肉の盛り合わせ 色々な味わいを、肉まし。旨し❗️ #麦の道すぐれ #炙り真鯛らーめん #鯛だし肉丼 #ビブグルマン #ミシュラン
When I searched for chicken plain hot water at noon, By chance Michelin, Bib Gourmand listing store ? Delicious confirmation ? Nagoya Cochin Awashiroyu So far, white chicken plain hot water and bubble hot water are the first real meal ? I put fresh cream ⁉️, creamy and double soup with Japanese soup is a gentle and good balance ❗️ spinach, lotus root, also match ❗️ whole grain flat noodles ❗️ Sea bream dashi meat bowl Meat bowl with sea bream dashi ramen sauce. This sea bream soup stock is really delicious ? It's supposed to be ❗️ #Wheat road is excellent #Nagoya Cochin Awashiroyu #Sea bream dashi meat bowl #Chicken plain hot water #Bib Gourmand #Michelin Excellent wheat road Michelin, Bib Gourmand listing store ? Return visit ? Grilled red sea bream ramen Sea bream procured with fresh fish in the store's oven is roasted and slowly boiled, and a small amount of sea bream, flavored vegetables, chicken white water, and kelp stock are combined. , Chicken white hot water, the taste of kelp stock pushes up the feeling of sea bream from below ? The loosened meat of sea bream is also delicious Sea bream dashi meat bowl re-eating Meat bowl with sea bream dashi ramen sauce. This sea bream soup stock is really delicious ? I'll squeeze it in ? It's supposed to be ❗️ Assorted meat Meat with various flavors. Good ❗️ #Wheat road is excellent #Burning red sea bream ramen #Sea bream dashi meat bowl #Bib Gourmand #Michelin
サクラサクゾウ on Google

Visit with a reputation as a popular store. It was normal for me as a tsukemen lover. Word of mouth may have raised the bar.
aysk on Google

何回行っても美味しい… 麺からほのかに麦?の香りがします、苦手な人もいるかもしれない 泡白湯がとにかく美味しいです。真鯛の肉丼が美味しいと噂なので次回は是非頂きたいです!!
It's delicious no matter how many times you go ... A hint of wheat from the noodles? It smells like, some people may not like it Awa plain hot water is delicious anyway. It is rumored that the red sea bream meat bowl is delicious, so I would like you to try it next time! !!
かねこあき on Google

ミシュラン ビブグルマン掲載の真鯛のラーメンを頂きました?? ほぐした鯛 鶏レアチャーシュー レンコン!!! 男性だとちょっと少な目? 足りない方はミニ肉丼みたいのもあって、一緒に頼むと良いかも?
I got the red sea bream ramen published by Michelin Bib Gourmand ?? Unraveled sea bream Chicken rare char siu Lotus root! !! !! Is it a little less for men? If you don't have enough, it looks like a mini meat bowl, so it might be a good idea to ask for it together ?
岐阜・台湾・タイなどのグルメ紹介Mochichi on Google

話題のお店ということで訪問しました。 高級感のある店構え。 つけ麺をオーダーしました。 美しい盛り付けに、グツグツと煮立つスープは食欲をそそられます。 麺は香り高い印象を受けました。 スープも濃厚なお味で美味しかったです。
I visited it because it was a hot topic. A luxurious storefront. I ordered tsukemen. For a beautiful presentation, the simmering soup is appetizing. I got the impression that the noodles are fragrant. The soup was also delicious with a rich taste.
くりとも(ともtomoとも) on Google

先ず最初に、厳しい事を書くが、不味かった訳ではない。 昨日マツコの番組で綺麗なラーメンを紹介してたから、「小麦を感じるラーメンを食べたい!」って思い来店。前からチェックしてたのだが、一宮に来たついでに。 いつもの行列のようだが、外に3〜4人並ぶ程度でこの店にしてはすんなり入れた方なんだろう。昼遅めなのもあったのかな? 鯛も気になったが、他の方の口コミで「生臭い」というのを見て、狙い通りノーマルのつけ麺を注文。 カウンターに座ると、なんだか生臭い匂いがして厨房を見回すと、女性スタッフ二人が手作業で鯛を仕込む姿が。自分は人より敏感だと思うが、マスクをしててもこれなので(他の人は気にならないのかな?)と思った。 着丼しマスクを取るとタイミング悪くオーブンに運ばれる鯛兜、、、スープが生臭い訳ではないだろうが、鼻いっぱいに広がる生臭さ。勿論広いお店ではないし、値段も良心的だとは思うが、店員さんは慣れてしまってるんだろうな。 味が悪い訳ではないが、スープは濃いめで小麦を感じるわけでもなく(濃い目が好きな方にはいいけど)魚粉が口に残る割に出汁が強いわけでもない。 重ねて言うが、好きな方には良いのだろうが「小麦粉を楽しむ」感じではなかったし、わざわざ遠くから来る物でもないなと思った。クオリティが低いわけではないが、ご近所さんにはオススメくらいかな?と。ここより美味しい所は何件かあると思った。
First of all, I write a tough thing, but it wasn't bad. I introduced beautiful ramen on Matsuko's program yesterday, so I came to the store thinking "I want to eat ramen that feels like wheat!". I've been checking it before, but when I came to Ichinomiya. It's like the usual line, but it's probably the one who can easily enter this shop with 3 to 4 people lined up outside. Was it late in the afternoon? I was also worried about the sea bream, but after seeing the "fishy smell" from other people's reviews, I ordered normal tsukemen as I aimed. When I sat down at the counter, I smelled something fishy and looked around the kitchen, and I saw two female staff members manually preparing sea bream. I think I'm more sensitive than people, but I thought it was this even if I wore a mask (Isn't other people interested?). The bream helmet that is brought to the oven at the wrong time when you put on the bowl and take off the mask ... The soup may not have a fishy smell, but it has a fishy smell that fills your nose. Of course, it's not a large store, and I think the price is reasonable, but the clerk is probably used to it. It's not that it tastes bad, but the soup is thick and doesn't feel like wheat (though it's good for those who like dark eyes), and the soup stock isn't strong for the fishmeal that remains in the mouth. Again, I think it's good for those who like it, but it didn't feel like "enjoying flour," and I didn't bother to come from afar. The quality is not low, but is it recommended for neighbors? When. I thought there were some places that were more delicious than here.
Urayama Toshiko on Google

息子が教えてくれて散歩がてら主人と行って来ました。 OPENと同時でしたが先客2名様 カウンター席で10席あったかな!? 普段ラーメンとはご縁がありません。 券売機でモタモタしてたら外で待たれてた男性が教えてくれました。 奥から順番に詰めて座り衝立で一人ずつ区切られてます。 初めてのお店で何が良いのか良く分からず オーダー後に席の前のラーメン説明文に目を通す。 ★小麦の香り濃厚つけ麺(900円) ★炙り真鯛らーめん(850円) ★名古屋コーチン泡白湯(800円) オーダーしたのは ●名古屋コーチン泡白湯 800円 簡単に言うとお上品なお味で美味しかったです。 主人は ●炙り真鯛らーめん 850円 一口スープを飲んでみましたが・・ 個人的に魚臭?生臭い感じがしましたので 自分は・・です。 主人がキッチンの中のスタッフ観察してたようです。 店主?さんは手袋で麺を器に入れてましたが 女性のスタッフの方の手を見ると キラキラした付け爪をされ 素手でラーメンの具材を入れてたそうです。 飲食店で付け爪で調理は如何なものかな!?と いくら美味しくても衛生面が・・と言ってました。 因みにこの日(1/8)だけだったかも知れません。 その後は知りませんが・・ 外観、ラーメン屋さんって雰囲気が無く オシャレな雰囲気のお店でした。 お味は美味しく頂き、次回はつけ麵を食べてみたいと思います。 お一人様で・・ ご馳走様でした(2022/1/8)
My son taught me and I went for a walk with my husband. It was at the same time as OPEN, but two customers I wonder if there were 10 seats at the counter! ?? I usually have nothing to do with ramen. A man who was waiting outside told me when I was flirting with a ticket vending machine. They are packed in order from the back and separated one by one by a sitting suitate. I'm not sure what's good at the first store After ordering, read the ramen description in front of the seat. ★ Wheat scented tsukemen (900 yen) ★ Grilled red sea bream ramen (850 yen) ★ Nagoya Cochin Awashiroyu (800 yen) I ordered ● Nagoya Cochin Awashiroyu 800 yen Simply put, it was delicious with an elegant taste. My husband ● Grilled red sea bream ramen 850 yen I drank a bite of soup ... Is it a fishy smell personally? I felt fishy I am ... It seems that my husband was observing the staff in the kitchen. Shopkeeper? Mr. put the noodles in a bowl with gloves Looking at the hands of the female staff Glittering artificial nails It seems that he put the ingredients of ramen with his bare hands. What is cooking with artificial nails at a restaurant? ?? When No matter how delicious it was, it was hygienic. By the way, it may have been only this day (1/8). I don't know after that ... There is no atmosphere in the appearance and ramen shop It was a fashionable shop. The taste is delicious and I would like to try Tsukemen next time. Alone ... It was a treat (2022/1/8)
Bearden Barnes on Google

Beautiful presentation and wonderful taste. Quite light. No English menu, but the menu is also small. I've had the ramen, tsukemen, and charshu don. Everything has been delicious

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