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Contact アーバンライフクリニック川越駅前

住所 :

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.urbanlife-group.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3:30PM
Sunday 10AM–3:30PM
Monday 10AM–2PM
Tuesday 10AM–2PM
Wednesday 10AM–2PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan
ま。 on Google

I searched for and found a hospital that can perform pcr tests as close as possible. The fever outpatient was only reserved by phone, so when I called in the morning, I was on the phone, and after a while, I couldn't answer. Not even in the evening.
Naaarumi 914 on Google

うつ病ではないけど抗うつ剤を出しますと言われ、1週間飲んでました。不安で呼吸が浅くなる症状が取れず、「まだ飲み始めたばかりだからかな」と思ってました。しかし、行きつけの内科に行った際に「アーバンライフで抗うつ剤をもらって飲んでます」と言ったら、「アーバンライフはあまり良くない」という話を聞くと言ってました。そもそもうつ病ではないのに抗うつ剤を出すと抗うつ剤による抗うつ作用があるから良くないとも言われました。 まだ飲み始めたばかりだったのでそれを知らずにこのまま量を増やしたり何ヶ月何年も飲み続けてたらと思うとゾッとします。 内科の先生の耳にまで伝わっているくらいなのでそのくらい良くない心療内科なんだなと思いました。 再診時間が5分なんて絶対おかしいです。 症状がどんな感じか聞かれて説明すると、「薬を出しますね」と言われ、また同じ薬を飲み続けるか別の薬に変えるか程度です。 「5分でやっているので、不安との付き合い方、不安になった時の対処法といったもう少し細かいことを相談したいなら自腹でカウンセリングを受けて」とも言われました。 薬だけで良いならいいかもしれませんが、対処法や細かいことも長い時間で相談したいならおすすめしません。 初診の時は親身に話を聞いてくれて好印象でしたが、再診以降はガラリと態度が急変。再診の時に聞きたいことがいくつかあって5分以上になると、聞いたことに答えてもらえるがその直後に「お大事にしてください」と連呼されます。 受付のお年を召した女性や中年の男性は丁寧な対応ですが、中年のメガネをかけた女性は良く言えばテキパキしてるんでしょうが、精神的に不安定な人が来るところなので、少し高圧的に感じる方もいると思います。
I wasn't depressed, but I was told that I would give an antidepressant, so I took it for a week. I couldn't get rid of the symptoms of anxiety and shallow breathing, and I thought, "I think it's because I've just started taking it." However, when I went to my favorite internal medicine department and said, "I'm taking antidepressants in Urban Life," I heard that "Urban Life isn't very good." It was also said that it is not good to give an antidepressant even though it is not depression in the first place because the antidepressant has an antidepressant effect. I had just started drinking, so I was horrified to think that I would continue to increase the amount or continue to drink for months and years without knowing it. I thought that it was not so good psychosomatic medicine because it was transmitted to the ears of the internal medicine teacher. It is absolutely strange that the return visit time is 5 minutes. When asked what the symptoms are, they say, "I'll give you a medicine," and you just have to keep taking the same medicine or change to another. He also said, "I'm doing it in 5 minutes, so if you want to talk about more details such as how to deal with anxiety and what to do when you become anxious, get counseling on your own." It may be good if you only need medicine, but I do not recommend it if you want to discuss coping methods and details in a long time. At the first visit, I was impressed by the fact that he listened to me personally, but after the second visit, my attitude suddenly changed. If you have some questions to ask at the time of your return visit and it takes more than 5 minutes, you will be asked to answer what you have heard, but immediately after that, you will be repeatedly called "Please take good care of yourself". Older women and middle-aged men at the reception are polite, but women with middle-aged glasses are probably flirty, but mentally unstable people are coming. I think some people feel a little high pressure.
たまゆう on Google

私は、コロナワクチン接種 3回目として、まいりました!
ドラララアッキー on Google

電話がまったく繋がらない。何度かけても繋がらない時は一時間かけ続けてもダメ。やる気が感じられない、恐らく電話対応するはずの受付がまったく教育されていない。 医師は1人、女医さんだが診察は比較的きちんとしている。
The phone doesn't connect at all. If you can't connect even after many times, you can't continue for an hour. The receptionist, who is not motivated and is supposed to answer the phone, is not educated at all. There is one doctor, a female doctor, but the examination is relatively neat.
ksm on Google

星ひとつもつけたくはありません。 人手が足りてないのでしょうか。 陽性者がいるかもしれない待機場所で無駄に待たされます。pcr検査に来ている他の受診者が触った箇所も消毒されることなく次の受診者が触ります。病院としては失格ではないでしょうか。もう受診することは無いです。
I don't want to add a single star. Isn't there enough manpower? You will be wasted waiting in a waiting area where there may be positive people. The part touched by another examinee who is coming to the pcr test will be touched by the next examinee without being disinfected. Isn't it disqualified as a hospital? I don't have a medical examination anymore.
ヒスイ on Google

結論から言うと、川越で最低ランクの心療内科だと思います。やめた方がいいです。 とにかく医師が高圧的で全くコミュニケーションが取れませんでした。「え?何が?」「私はあなたの職場を知らないので」「あなたが安定していると言ったから、こちらはそれに対応しただけなので」と不機嫌そうに対応されることが何度もありました。 自立支援医療保険制度も該当しているにもかかわらず医師から案内してくれませんでしたし、薬の副作用に関する情報もわからぬまま、一方的に薬を処方されました。 別料金カウンセリングは非常勤のカウンセラーが対応しますが、カウンセラーと医師同士で引き継ぎがなされないので、カウンセラーが「このままのペースで治療していきましょう」と言っているのに、直後に医師が「薬の入れ替えをしましょう」と方針を変えてしまうこともしばしばありました。 しまいには、病状が安定してきたにもかかわらず、増薬か別料金カウンセリングを受けるように指示されました。増薬するにしても、副作用の説明もないまま、「次回までに治療方針を決めてきてください」などと言われても無理です。他院のセカンドオピニオンでは増薬の必要はないと判断されたので、すぐに転院しました。 通院間隔も「2週間に一度でないとダメです」の一点張りでしたが、転院先では「月1で十分ですよ」とのことでした。 こういう病院にわざわざ通い続ける意味がないです。内装が綺麗で夜遅くまで開いているので、良さそうな病院に見えますが、心療内科は医師の受け答えを重視して選ぶべきです。 「セカンドオピニオンを受けたいから紹介状を書いてください」と言えば、簡単に転院できます。
From the conclusion, I think it is the lowest rank psychosomatic medicine in Kawagoe. You had better stop. Anyway, the doctor was so overwhelmed that I couldn't communicate at all. "What?" "I don't know your workplace." "I said you're stable, so I just responded to it." did. Even though the medical insurance system for independence support was applicable, my doctor did not guide me, and I was unilaterally prescribed the drug without knowing any information about the side effects of the drug. Part-time counselors will handle extra-charge counseling, but since the counselor and the doctor will not take over, the counselor says, "Let's treat at the same pace," but the doctor immediately said, "Drugs." I often changed my policy, saying, "Let's replace it." In the end, I was instructed to increase my medication or receive extra-charge counseling, even though my condition had stabilized. Even if you increase the drug, it is impossible to say, "Please decide the treatment policy by the next time" without explaining the side effects. At the second opinion of another hospital, it was judged that there was no need to increase the drug, so I was immediately transferred to another hospital. The interval between visits was also one point, "You have to go to the hospital once every two weeks", but at the transfer destination, "1 month is enough". There is no point in continuing to go to such a hospital. The interior is beautiful and open until late at night, so it looks like a good hospital, but psychosomatic medicine should be selected with an emphasis on the answers of doctors. You can easily transfer to another hospital by saying, "Please write a letter of introduction because I want to receive a second opinion."
らら on Google

祖母が車椅子で3回目ワクチンの予約をして、母と伺ったところ、エレベーターが使用不可だったみたいです。その時点であり得ないが…階段で上げるのを誰も手伝ってくれず、結果予約してるのにワクチンを打てなかったみたいです。医者が下にきて打つとか臨機応変にできなかったのでしょうか? 母から話を聞いてとてもびっくりしました。
When my grandmother made a reservation for the third vaccine in a wheelchair and asked her, it seems that the elevator was unavailable. It couldn't be at that point, but ... no one helped me climb the stairs, and it seems that I hadn't vaccinated even though I had booked the result. Couldn't the doctor come down and hit or be flexible? I was very surprised to hear from my mother.
3 icchiy on Google

High fever was asked to the inspection of pcr out. The medical field is to had been very tight, nurse or doctor very much of you not fully understand. But, even 39 degrees high fever to the body cools down and wait about an hour to the outside in and which state that out, the heat was also thought that it would be become worse. Although we have discussed everything in detail in the doctor's friendly feeling, nurse was surly feeling. Finally, I do not go out at all phone ?

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