Stone Buddhas in Kannonbara - Kitaazumi District

3.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Stone Buddhas in Kannonbara

住所 :

Hokujo, Hakuba, Kitaazumi District, Nagano 399-9301, Japan

Postal code : 399-9301

Hokujo, Hakuba, Kitaazumi District, Nagano 399-9301, Japan
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村宝指定の石仏文化財群です。 江戸時代のモノらしく、 西国三十三、坂東三十三、秩父三十四の観音像のほか合わせて180体近くあるようです。
It is a group of stone Buddha cultural assets designated by the village treasure. Like things of the Edo period, It seems that there are nearly 180 other than Kannon images of 33, West 33, and 34 Chichibu.
山越建一 on Google

日本の古い街道はどれもそうですが、そのどれにも増して千国街道は「祈りの道」という印象を受けます。 とりわけ小谷村千国から白馬村にかけての地方(往時の千国庄)は、観音菩薩信仰に広く深く行きわたったところのようです。街道のいたるところに石仏群が並び、その多くは観音像です。 人びとは功徳を求めて各戸ごとに石工に頼んで観音像をつくり、街道や村の要所に奉納安置してきたそうです。 江戸時代の晩期には、四国八十八ケ霊場遍路とか伊勢参りなど、信仰と観光を兼ねた旅の大ブームが起きましたが、各地の街道旅も霊場巡礼や寺社参詣の風習を織り込んだものとなったのだとか。 その風習というか伝統文化は昭和40年代頃まで続いていたようです。その後、一時廃れていましたが、「塩の道」の保存や復元の動きにともなって最近ふたたび徐々に復活しつつあるようです。 観音原は、南北約40メートル、東西約80メートルほどの長方形の草原です。この草原の西側の縁には弘法大師像を中心に33体、南の辺には34体、東側には馬頭観音など小石造が密に70体、北辺には33体、合計187体の石仏群が配置されています。 石仏は観音様だけでなく、如来や菩薩も含まれるようで、四辺形に並んだ曼陀羅世界を表現しているのかもしれません。やはり、千国庄の観音信仰が基礎にあって、住民各戸ごとに石仏をつくって奉納安置したのでしょう。 石仏の列にはそれぞれ、北側坂東三十三か所霊場、西側には西国三十三か所霊場、南側には秩父三十四か所霊場の本尊を配してあるのだそうです。東側の列は、地元の石仏を集めたものでしょうか。 ここに石仏群が置かれるようになったのは、いつごろからなのでしょうか? 寺社参詣や霊場巡礼の旅が風習となるのは早くとも19世紀前半で、江戸時代も晩期にさしかかる頃合いですから、その頃から明治期にかけてではないかと思われます。それにしても、この草原は何だったのでしょうか。古い寺院の跡か、茅場の一部だったのか。 大事な石仏を並べるのですから、神聖さを感じる場所であり、信仰の対象となる何かがあったものと推察できます。
Like all the old roads in Japan, the Senkoku Highway gives the impression that it is a "prayer road". In particular, the region from Otari Village Chikuniko to Hakuba Village (formerly Chikuniko) seems to have spread widely and deeply to the Kannon Bodhisattva faith. Stone Buddha statues line up all over the road, many of which are Kannon statues. In search of merit, people asked masons to make Kannon statues for each house and dedicated them to the highways and key points of the village. In the latter half of the Edo period, there was a big boom in travel that combined faith and sightseeing, such as the Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage Sacred Ground Henro and Ise Visit, but the road trips in each region also incorporated the customs of sacred ground pilgrimage and temple and shrine visits. It became. It seems that the custom, or traditional culture, continued until around 1965. After that, it was temporarily abandoned, but it seems that it has been gradually revived recently with the movement of preservation and restoration of "Shio no Michi". Kannonbara is a rectangular grassland about 40 meters north-south and about 80 meters east-west. On the western edge of this grassland, there are 33 statues of Kobo Daishi, 34 on the south side, 70 pebbles such as Hayagriva on the east side, and 33 on the north side, for a total of 187 stone Buddha statues. The swarms are arranged. The stone Buddha seems to include not only Kannon but also Tathagata and Bodhisattva, and may represent the mandala world arranged in a quadrilateral. After all, based on the Kannon belief of Senkokusho, it seems that each inhabitant made a stone Buddha and dedicated it. It is said that the stone Buddha rows have the 33 sacred sites of Bando on the north side, the 33 sacred sites of the West on the west side, and the 34 sacred sites of Chichibu on the south side. Is the eastern row a collection of local stone Buddha statues? When did the stone Buddha statues begin to be placed here? Visiting temples and shrines and pilgrimages to sacred sites became a custom at the earliest in the first half of the 19th century, and the Edo period is approaching the late period, so it seems that it was from that time to the Meiji period. But what was this meadow? Was it the site of an old temple or part of Kayaba? Since the important stone Buddhas are lined up, it is a place where you can feel the sacredness, and it can be inferred that there was something that was the object of worship.
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西国三十三所・坂東三十三箇所・秩父三十四箇所の観音霊場の石体が一同に全て揃う白馬村の指定石造文化財である。白馬村における観音信仰の深さと広がりを示す代表的な聖地で、北側に坂東33体、西側には弘法大師像を中心に西国33体、南側に秩父34体を配し、東側に馬頭観音など70余体、計187体の石仏が立ち並ぶ。石造物はそれぞれの霊場の本尊をかたどって彫られたもので、広い四角な芝原の周囲に並んでいる。石仏には一体ごとに施主名が刻まれている 一説によれば、これらの石仏は高遠石工の製作だと言われている 糸魚川方面から車でくるとセブンイレブンのある十字路を右に折れて2~3分行って岩岳スキー場方面に進んで左側に位置しています 特に指定駐車場はないようですが 近くの空き地で好いようです
It is a designated stone cultural property of Hakuba Village, where all the stone bodies of the Kannon Pilgrimage Sites in 33 places in Saigoku, 33 places in Bando, and 34 places in Chichibu are gathered together. It is a typical sacred place that shows the depth and spread of Kannon worship in Hakuba village. 33 Bando bodies are arranged on the north side, 33 bodies of Saigoku centering on the statue of Kobo Daishi on the west side, 34 bodies of Chichibu on the south side, and Hayagriva Kannon on the east side. A total of 187 stone Buddhas line up, with more than 70 bodies. The stone structures are carved in the shape of the principal image of each sacred place, and are lined up around a wide square Shibahara. The owner's name is engraved on each stone Buddha According to one theory, these stone Buddha statues are said to have been made by Takato Masonry. If you come by car from Itoigawa, turn right at the crossroads with Seven-Eleven, go for 2 to 3 minutes, proceed toward Iwatake Ski Resort, and it is located on the left side. is

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