
3.6/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 段の白滝

住所 :

Toyooka, 〒669-6343 Hyogo,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.tajima.or.jp/furusato/124385/
街 : Hyogo

Toyooka, 〒669-6343 Hyogo,Japan
坂田光彦 on Google

眞田英嗣 on Google

Masahiro Shimizu on Google

駐車場はありませんが、交通量の割には広い道路なので、道路脇に停められます。 滝までの川床は滑岩っぽく竹の葉が落ちていたりして滑りやすいです。滝より川床のほうが面白いかも・・
There is no parking lot, but because it is a wide road for traffic volume, it can be parked at the side of the road. The riverbed up to the waterfall is slippery with slippery bamboo leaves falling. The riverbed may be more interesting than the waterfall.
さんいんきたきんき on Google

河床と滝がきれいでした。何段かに分かれている滝でした。 河床を渡る所があったので長靴まで言わないけど、そのような靴がおすすめです。 私はプラのシューズで行きました。
The riverbed and the waterfall were beautiful. It was a waterfall divided into several steps. I didn't even mention boots because there was a place that crossed the riverbed, but such shoes are recommended. I went with plastic shoes.
bozzo mori on Google

A village in Takenochodan. It is almost an abandoned village. The damage to the weathered private house is painful. From Edo to the Meiji era, gold was harvested and it seems that it was so prosperous that there was a Yukaku. Takeno is now a "city of the sea", but the fact that it was a "mountain town" that prospered with gold, silver and copper iron can be seen from the splendid appearance of the shrine. #photobybozzo

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