スマホSOS 保谷店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スマホSOS 保谷店

住所 :

Higashicho, Nishitokyo, 〒202-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.smartphonesos.com/
街 : Tokyo

Higashicho, Nishitokyo, 〒202-0012 Tokyo,Japan
nao hiro on Google

画面の破損とバッテリ交換をお願いし、1時間もかからず直してもらいした。 新品のように使い心地よく、安心して任せてよかったです。
I asked for the screen to be damaged and the battery to be replaced, and I had them fixed in less than an hour. It's nice to use like a new one, and I'm glad you left it up.
橋本隆志 on Google

The response is very polite and I am familiar with iPhone, the work is quick and very polite, I thought that I can use it with confidence in the future
須磨亜穂 on Google

Thank you for your immediate repair!
ヒデアキ on Google

予約を知らずにお電話してしまい、 営業時間外の夜遅い時間にも関わらず、迅速かつ丁寧な対応して頂きありがとうございました。
I called without knowing the reservation Thank you for your prompt and courteous response despite the late night hours outside business hours.
伊藤信幸 on Google

P30 lightのスマホのガラス交換の値段を尋ねました。 平均14000円ですがここでは4万円といわれました。新品より高い値段を提示する根拠がわかりません。やる気のない受けごたえに腹が立ちました。防水防塵でないiphoneは修理しやすいしブランド意識の高い顧客が多いからぼったくりやすい。huaweiの客なんか相手してらんねーよ。 取り扱えないと言っていただけたほうがいいと思います! 他のかたの高評価を見て電話しましたが自作自演ではないでしょうか! 非常に不愉快な対応でした。結局アマゾンで5000円でガラスを購入し修理してる方の投稿画像を見て自分で取り換えました。なぜ40000円なのか技能料で3万円以上取るのか、防水防塵でもない機種にです不思議です。 安い機種は在庫処分てしょ!
I asked about the price of P30 light smartphone glass replacement. The average is 14,000 yen, but it was said to be 40,000 yen here. I don't know the reason for offering a higher price than a new one. I was angry at the unresponsive response. IPhones that are not waterproof and dustproof are easy to repair and easy to rumble because there are many brand-conscious customers. Don't deal with huawei's customers. I think it would be better if you could tell me that I can't handle it! I called after seeing the high evaluations of other people, but isn't it my own performance? It was a very unpleasant response. After all, I bought a glass at Amazon for 5000 yen and saw the posted image of the person repairing it and replaced it by myself. I wonder why it costs 40,000 yen, why it costs more than 30,000 yen with a technical fee, it is a model that is not waterproof and dustproof. Dispose of cheap models in stock!
AkirA 44&mini4wd on Google

HPを見てhuaweiのp30liteのバッテリー交換が出来るかどうか尋ねて見ましたが修理不可との回答 対応機種もiphone系は細かく書いてあるのにAndroid系はざっくりしか書いていない(もう少し具体的に機種名を書いても良いのでは、p30lite自体そんなに古い機種でもないのに出来ませんと言われたら、じゃあ何なら出来るんだ、なります) 期待して電話した人はガックリするのではないでしょうか HPでの場所の説明でお花屋さんのすぐ裏、とありますが現在花屋では無くなってる所の修正もされていない(郵便局の向いの…花屋は無いですねぇ、となると思います)ようですし ちょっとどうなのか、と言う感じでしたので星1で...
I looked at the HP and asked if the battery of huawei's p30 lite could be replaced, but the answer was that it could not be repaired. As for the compatible models, the iphone system is written in detail, but the Android system is only roughly written (It is said that if you can write the model name a little more concretely, you can not do it even though the p30 lite itself is not such an old model. Then what can I do?) The person who called in anticipation may be disappointed. The explanation of the place on the HP says that it is just behind the flower shop, but it seems that the place that is no longer a flower shop has not been corrected (opposite the post office ... there is no flower shop, I think). I was wondering what it was like, so with 1 star ...
k ya on Google

Android系は初手からお断り価格を提示するようです。 Android系を受ける気がないのであれば、端からHPにその旨記載してくれれば、お互い貴重な時間を無駄にしないで済むのですが・・・
Android system seems to offer a refusal price from the beginning. If you are not willing to take the Android system, if you tell HP from the end to that effect, we will not waste valuable time on each other ...
青島守夫 on Google

It was helpful to be able to make a reservation on the day and have it fixed immediately on the spot. I had a glass film put on, and the smartphone that was broken into pieces became like a new one. I heard that you can replace the battery as well, so I'd like to ask if it gets worse. I like the model I'm using now, so I'm grateful that it can be used for a long time for repairs.

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